An ASP.NET implementation for the REST Schema Spec. This is still a work in progress and it currently implements v0.2 of the spec.
- Schema-Mapping
- Schema-Include
- Headers
- Query string parameters
- JSON schema
- Plain text schema
- Schema filters
The fastest way is to add the NuGet package to your ASP.NET project.
$ dotnet add package RestSchema --version 0.2.0-preview-1
Alternatively, you can checkout this repository as a submodule and then add a reference to the project.
$ git submodule add
$ dotnet add reference rest-schema-aspnet/src/rest-schema-aspnet.csproj
In the project's Startup
class, change the MVC Controllers configuration replacing AddControllers
with AddSchemaControllers
public void ConfigureServices( IServiceCollection services )
To handle with the Schema-Include
you can use the extensions on the HttpRequest
to verify if a property is to be included. Here's an example to retrieve a user's details and include the user's teams if included in the schema.
public class UserController : ControllerBase
public IActionResult GetUser( int id )
// retrieve the user's details
var user = ExampleUserRepository.GetUser( id );
// include the user's teams
if ( Request.SchemaIncludes( "teams" ) )
user.Teams = ExampleTeamRepository.GetUserTeams( id );
return Ok( user );