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Googler edited this page Aug 18, 2021 · 8 revisions

Linked Bindings

Linked bindings map a type to its implementation. This example maps the interface TransactionLog to the implementation DatabaseTransactionLog:

public class BillingModule extends AbstractModule {
  TransactionLog provideTransactionLog(DatabaseTransactionLog impl) {
    return impl;

Now, when you call injector.getInstance(TransactionLog.class), or when the injector encounters a dependency on TransactionLog, it will use a DatabaseTransactionLog.

Linked bindings can also be chained:

public class BillingModule extends AbstractModule {
  TransactionLog provideTransactionLog(DatabaseTransactionLog databaseTransactionLog) {
    return databaseTransactionLog;

  DatabaseTransactionLog provideDatabaseTransactionLog(MySqlDatabaseTransactionLog impl) {
    return impl;

In this case, when a TransactionLog is requested, the injector will return a MySqlDatabaseTransactionLog.

In addition to using @Provides method to created linked bindings, you can also use the bind method in Guice modules. For example, the following code links the concrete DatabaseTransactionLog class to a subclass:

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