A development environment which includes a webserver, a proxysql instance and an RDS instance for testing and experimentation with ProxySQL.
First, Terraform is used to:
- Generate a password for the RDS instance and store it in AWS secrets manager
- Create 2 EC2 instances
- Create an RDS instance including 1 read replica, using the password from secrets manager
Then, Ansible is used to:
- Configure one EC2 instance as a webserver
- Configure the other EC2 instance as a ProxySQL instance
- Set up some test data on the RDS instance
- AWS access key and secret with permission to create EC2 instances, RDS instances and read/write to AWS Secrets Manager
terraform apply
- Update webserver_aws_ec2.yml with your AWS access key and secret, so it can configure the webserver EC2 instance based on its tag of 'webserver'
- Update proxysql_aws_ec2.yml with your AWS access key and secret, so it can configure the webserver EC2 instance based on its tag of 'proxysql'
Run the Ansible playbook to configure the RDS instance, it will create a database and a user:
ansible-playbook rds.yml
Run the Ansible playbook to configure the webserver, it will install Apache, PHP and adminer:
ansible-playbook -i webserver_aws_ec2.yml webserver.yml
Run the Ansible playbook to configure the proxysql instance, it will add a hostgroup, host and user:
ansible-playbook -i proxysql_aws_ec2.yml proxysql.yml
Once the above have been run, you can connect to the database via the proxy address, using Adminer on the webserver at http://{webserver_public_ip}/adminer.php
├─ Database instance 730 hours 0.0180 0.0180 13.1400
├─ Database storage 20 GB-months 0.1380 0.0038 2.7600
└─ Database storage IOPS 0 IOPS-months 0.1100 0.0000 0.0000
Total 0.0218 15.9000
├─ Database instance 730 hours 0.0180 0.0180 13.1400
├─ Database storage 20 GB-months 0.1380 0.0038 2.7600
└─ Database storage IOPS 0 IOPS-months 0.1100 0.0000 0.0000
Total 0.0218 15.9000
├─ Linux/UNIX usage (on-demand, t3a.nano) 730 hours 0.0051 0.0051 3.7230
├─ CPU credits - vCPU-hours 0.0000 - -
└─ root_block_device
└─ General Purpose SSD storage (gp2) 8 GB-months 0.1100 0.0012 0.8800
Total 0.0063 4.6030
├─ Linux/UNIX usage (on-demand, t3a.nano) 730 hours 0.0051 0.0051 3.7230
├─ CPU credits - vCPU-hours 0.0000 - -
└─ root_block_device
└─ General Purpose SSD storage (gp2) 8 GB-months 0.1100 0.0012 0.8800
Total 0.0063 4.6030
OVERALL TOTAL (USD) 0.0562 41.0060
2 resource types weren't estimated as they're not supported yet.
Please watch/star https://github.com/infracost/infracost as new resources are added regularly.
1 x aws_secretsmanager_secret_version
1 x aws_secretsmanager_secret
If Terraform gives an error related to a secret with this name is already scheduled for deletion use the following to force deleting the secret:
aws secretsmanager delete-secret --secret-id rds --force-delete-without-recovery --region eu-west-1