This Document provides an overview of the application designed and installation steps required to view it.
The Application as requested is Named as "Interactive Trader". It's a web based application that provides following workflows.
- A Dashboard summary of Trader's Trade Count, PL and Trade Details.
- A Trading blotter which shows the orders (Last 5 by default).
- The blotter does auto refresh as the trades are created.(e.g. if trades are booked by brokers. Broker screen is not completed yet)
- An Instrument blotter that shows the pricing information of the tickers the trader is interested.
- The Instrument Blotter allows adding new tickers to monitor price change.
- The instrument blotter auto refresh when prices are published from backend. (AMZN changed below)
Technologies Used are as Below.
Type | Name | Notes |
Server Side | Spring Boot | Spring REST, spring web socket, |
Language | Java | 11 |
Persistence | Spring Data JPA | |
Database | H2 | A simple db file has been created and uploaded to repository. Test data already created |
Front End | ReactJS | React JS/Node JS based web UI. |
Build Tool | Gradle | Java Project |
Build Tool | Yarn | Front-end |
The project has been uploaded to git-hub open repository.
Clone URL:
- Go to interactive trader service
cd interactive-trader-service
- Copy test data file to home dir
cp ./data/ ~/
If gradle is already installed
- To Directly run dev build
gradle --info bootRun
- To build a production build.
gradle bootJar
- Run the Jar file created.
java -jar ./build/libs/interactive-trader-service-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
If gradle is not installed
- To Directly run dev build
./gradlew --info bootRun
- To build a production build.
./gradlew bootJar
- Run the Jar file created.
java -jar ./build/libs/interactive-trader-service-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
Clone URL:
- Go to interactive trader ui
cd interactive-trader-ui
Install Yarn (go to step 4 if already done) [Assume NodeJs is already installed)
- Install Yarn
npm install -g yarn
- Install Server.
Npm install -g serve
Build the Project
- Init the project
yarn install
- To run a dev build.
Yarn start
- To build a production build.
Yarn build
- Run the production build
Serve -s build
Thank you