Please ensure you have Telnet installed on your machine. Run the SDPSharp client and tick 'Network' option and ensure port is 3382.
You can now use the Web UI or CLI to interact with the client.
From the SDRControl.Web folder, run the following
dotnet run
It will start the web server and display the url to access via your browser
Nothing on NuGet as yet, so to install the CLI tool, run the following commands from the SDRControl.Tool folder:
dotnet pack
dotnet tool install --global --add-source ./nupkg SdrControl.Tool
If you make changes to the CLI tool, you can run the following commands to pack and re-install
dotnet pack
dotnet tool update --global --add-source ./nupkg SdrControl.Tool
Once installed you can control the client using commands as follows:
sdr start
sdp isplaying
sdr stop
To run a preset use the 'play' command
sdr play --preset radio1