- Run
- Docker Build
- How to run NineChronicles Headless on AWS EC2 instance using Docker
- Nine Chronicles GraphQL API Documentation
- Create A New Genesis Block
$ dotnet run --project ./NineChronicles.Headless.Executable/ -- --help
Usage: NineChronicles.Headless.Executable [command]
Usage: NineChronicles.Headless.Executable [--app-protocol-version <String>] [--genesis-block-path <String>] [--host <String>] [--port <UInt16>] [--swarm-private-key <String>] [--no-miner] [--miner-count <Int32>]
[--miner-private-key <String>] [--miner.block-interval <Int32>] [--store-type <String>] [--store-path <String>] [--no-reduce-store] [--ice-server <String>...] [--peer <String>...] [--trusted-app-protocol-version-signer <String>...]
[--rpc-server] [--rpc-listen-host <String>] [--rpc-listen-port <Int32>] [--rpc-remote-server] [--rpc-http-server] [--graphql-server] [--graphql-host <String>] [--graphql-port <Int32>] [--graphql-secret-token-path <String>] [--no-cor
s] [--confirmations <Int32>] [--nonblock-renderer] [--nonblock-renderer-queue <Int32>] [--strict-rendering] [--log-action-renders] [--network-type <NetworkType>] [--tx-life-time <Int32>] [--message-timeout <Int32>] [--tip-timeout <I
nt32>] [--demand-buffer <Int32>] [--static-peer <String>...] [--skip-preload] [--minimum-broadcast-target <Int32>] [--bucket-size <Int32>] [--chain-tip-stale-behavior-type <String>] [--tx-quota-per-signer <Int32>] [--maximum-poll-pe
ers <Int32>] [--config <String>] [--sentry-dsn <String>] [--sentry-trace-sample-rate <Double>] [--help] [--version]
-V, --app-protocol-version <String> App protocol version token.
-G, --genesis-block-path <String> Genesis block path of blockchain. Blockchain is recognized by its genesis block.
-H, --host <String> Hostname of this node for another nodes to access. This is not listening host like
-P, --port <UInt16> Port of this node for another nodes to access.
--swarm-private-key <String> The private key used for signing messages and to specify your node. If you leave this null, a randomly generated value will be used.
--no-miner Disable block mining.
--miner-count <Int32> The number of miner task(thread).
--miner-private-key <String> The private key used for mining blocks. Must not be null if you want to turn on mining with libplanet-node.
--miner.block-interval <Int32> The miner's break time after mining a block. The unit is millisecond.
--store-type <String> The type of storage to store blockchain data. If not provided, "LiteDB" will be used as default. Available type: ["rocksdb", "memory"]
--store-path <String> Path of storage. This value is required if you use persistent storage e.g. "rocksdb"
--no-reduce-store Do not reduce storage. Enabling this option will use enormous disk spaces.
-I, --ice-server <String>... ICE server to NAT traverse.
--peer <String>... Seed peer list to communicate to another nodes.
-T, --trusted-app-protocol-version-signer <String>... Trustworthy signers who claim new app protocol versions
--rpc-server Use this option if you want to make unity clients to communicate with this server with RPC
--rpc-listen-host <String> RPC listen host
--rpc-listen-port <Int32> RPC listen port
--rpc-remote-server Do a role as RPC remote server? If you enable this option, multiple Unity clients can connect to your RPC server.
--rpc-http-server If you enable this option with "rpcRemoteServer" option at the same time, RPC server will use HTTP/1, not gRPC.
--graphql-server Use this option if you want to enable GraphQL server to enable querying data.
--graphql-host <String> GraphQL listen host
--graphql-port <Int32> GraphQL listen port
--graphql-secret-token-path <String> The path to write GraphQL secret token. If you want to protect this headless application, you should use this option and take it into headers.
--no-cors Run without CORS policy.
--confirmations <Int32> The number of required confirmations to recognize a block.
--nonblock-renderer Uses non-blocking renderer, which prevents the blockchain & swarm from waiting slow rendering. Turned off by default.
--nonblock-renderer-queue <Int32> The size of the queue used by the non-blocking renderer. Ignored if --nonblock-renderer is turned off.
--strict-rendering Flag to turn on validating action renderer.
--log-action-renders Log action renders besides block renders. --rpc-server implies this.
--network-type <NetworkType> Network type. (Allowed values: Main, Internal, Permanent, Test, Default)
--tx-life-time <Int32> The lifetime of each transaction, which uses minute as its unit.
--message-timeout <Int32> The grace period for new messages, which uses second as its unit.
--tip-timeout <Int32> The grace period for tip update, which uses second as its unit.
--demand-buffer <Int32> A number of block size that determines how far behind the demand the tip of the chain will publish `NodeException` to GraphQL subscriptions.
--static-peer <String>... A list of peers that the node will continue to maintain.
--skip-preload Run node without preloading.
--minimum-broadcast-target <Int32> Minimum number of peers to broadcast message.
--bucket-size <Int32> Number of the peers can be stored in each bucket.
--chain-tip-stale-behavior-type <String> Determines behavior when the chain's tip is stale. "reboot" and "preload" is available and "reboot" option is selected by default.
--tx-quota-per-signer <Int32> The number of maximum transactions can be included in stage per signer.
--maximum-poll-peers <Int32> The maximum number of peers to poll blocks. int.MaxValue by default.
-C, --config <String> Absolute path of "appsettings.json" file to provide headless configurations. (Default: appsettings.json)
--sentry-dsn <String> Sentry DSN
--sentry-trace-sample-rate <Double> Trace sample rate for sentry
-h, --help Show help message
--version Show version
You can provide headless CLI options using file, appsettings.json
. You'll find the default file at here.
The path of appsettings.json
can be either local file storage or URL.
Refer full configuration fields from this file, set your options into appsettings.json
under Headless
You can also run headless server with previous way; You don't need to change anything if you don't want to.
In case that the same option is provided from both appsetting.json
and CLI option, the CLI option value is used instead from appsettings.json
The default appsettings.json
is an example for your own appsettings file.
are runnable appsettings file and you can run local node for each network using following command:
dotnet run --project NineChronicles.Headless.Executable -C appsettings.{network}.json --store-type={YOUR_OWN_STORE_PATH}
- appsettings.mainnet.json
- This makes your node to connect to the Nine Chronicles mainnet (production).
- appsettings.internal.json
- This makes your node to connect to the Nine Chronicles internal network, which is test before release new version.
- Internal network is kind of hard-fork of mainnet at some point to test new version.
- You CANNOT use mainnet storage for internal headless node.
- appsettings.previewnet.json
- This makes your node to connect to the Nine Chronicles preview network to show feature preview.
- This network is totally different network from genesis block.
- Previewnet can be restarted from genesis block without any announcement to prepare next feature.
Please make sure the store in the path you provided must save right data for the network to connect. You cannot share data from any of those networks.
If you want to run your own isolated local network, please copy appsettings.json
to appsettings.local.json
and edit the contents.
cp appsettings.json appsettings.local.json
# Edit contents of appsettings.local.json
dotnet run --project NineChronicles.Headless.Executable -C appsettings.local.json --store-type={YOUR_OWN_STORE_PATH}
APVs can be changed as Nine Chronicles deploys new version. You have to fit your APV sting to current on-chain version string. You can get APV strings at the following places:
- mainnet: Official released config.json -
- internal: Internal network config -
- previewnet: Previewnet config -
A headless image can be created by running the command below in the directory where the solution is located.
$ docker build . -t <IMAGE_TAG> --build-arg COMMIT=<VERSION_SUFFIX>
- Nine Chronicles Team uses
to build an image with the latest git commit and push to the official Docker Hub repository. However, if you want to build and push to your own Docker Hub account, the<VERSION_SUFFIX>
can be any value.
Formatting for PrivateKey
or Peer
follows the format in [Nekoyume Project README][../README.md].
- Docker environment: Docker Installation Guide
- AWS EC2 instance: AWS EC2 Guide
1. Pull planetariumhq/ninechronicles-headless
Docker image to your AWS EC2 instance from the official Docker Hub repository.
- If you would like to build your own Docker image from your local machine, refer to this section.
$ docker pull planetariumhq/ninechronicles-headless:[<TAGNAME>] (ex: v100300)
- Please refer to the
value in https://release.nine-chronicles.com/apv.json for the latest official Docker tag name. - Docker Pull Guide
$ docker volume create [<VOLUME_NAME>] (ex: 9c-volume)
$ docker run \ --detach \ --volume 9c-volume:/app/data \ planetariumhq/ninechronicles-headless:[] \ [NineChronicles Headless Options]
If you want to use the same headless options as your Nine Chronicles game client, please refer to the
values in value in https://release.nine-chronicles.com/apv.json. -
If you are using an Elastic IP on your AWS instance, you can add the IP address in the
option and not use the--ice-server
option. -
For mining, make sure to include the
option with your private key.
- Docker environment: Docker Installation Guide
- Docker Hub account: Docker Hub Guide
$ docker build . --tag [<DOCKER_HUB_ACCOUNT>/<IMAGE_NAME>]:[<TAGNAME>] --build-arg COMMIT=[<VERSION_SUFFIX>]
Check out Nine Chronicles GraphQL API Tutorial to get you started with using GraphQL API with NineChronicles Headless.
For more information on the GraphQL API, refer to the NineChronicles Headless GraphQL Documentation.
Activation key is the code for 9c account to register/activate into NineChronicles. You can create activation key whenever you want later, so you can just skip this step.
dotnet run --project NineChronicles.Headless.Executable/NineChronicles.Headless.Executable.csproj -- tx create-activation-keys 10 > ActivationKeys.csv # Change [10] to your number of new activation keys
dotnet run --project NineChronicles.Headless.Executable/NineChronicles.Headless.Executable.csproj -- tx create-pending-activations ActivationKeys.csv > PendingActivation
- Copy
- Change values inside
is required.- If you have
file, set file path toextra.pendingActivationStatePath
Key | Type | Required | Description |
data | Required | Related to the game data. This field is required. | |
data.tablePath | string | Path of game data table. Lib9c/Lib9c/TableCSV for NineChronicles. |
currency | Optional | Related to currency data. Set initial mint / deposits. | |
currency.initialMinter | PrivateKey (string) | PrivateKey of initial minter. Initial minting Tx. will be signed using this key and included in genesis block. |
currency.initialCurrencyDeposit | List | Initial deposit data. These data will be created to Tx. and goes inside of genesis block. If you leave this to null, the initialMinter will get 10000 currency as default. |
currency.initialCurrencyDeposit[i].address | Address (string) | Address of depositor. Use address string except leading 0x . |
currency.initialCurrencyDeposit[i].amount | BigInteger | Amount of currency give to depositor. This amount will be given every block from start to end. ex) 100 from 0 to 9: total 1000 currency will be given. |
currency.initialCurrencyDeposit[i].start | long | First block to give currency to depositor. genesis block is #0 | |
currency.initialCurrencyDeposit[i].end | long | Last block to give currency to depositor. If you want to give only once, set this value as same as start . |
admin | Optional | Related to admin setting. | |
admin.activate | bool | If true, give admin privilege to admin address. | |
admin.address | Address (string) | Address to be admin. If not provided, the initialMinter will be set as admin. |
admin.validUntil | long | Block number of admin lifetime. Admin address loses its privilege after this block. | |
extra | Optional | Extra setting. | |
extra.pendingActivationStatePath | string | If you want to set activation key inside genesis block to use, create PendingActivationData and save to file and provide here. |
dotnet run --project ./NineChronicles.Headless.Executable/ genesis ./config.json
After this step, you will get genesis-block
file as output and another info in addition.
dotnet run --project ./NineChronicles.Headless.Executable/ \
--store-type=memory \
--store-path= [PATH/TO/BLOCK/STORAGE] \
--host=localhost \
--port=43210 \
If you see log like this, all process is successfully done:
Start mining.
[BlockChain] 424037645/18484: Starting to mine block #1 with difficulty 5000000 and previous hash 29f53d22...
[BlockChain] Gathering transactions to mine for block #1 from 0 staged transactions...
[BlockChain] Gathered total of 0 transactions to mine for block #1 from 0 staged transactions.
Evaluating actions in the block #1 pre-evaluation hash: 10d93de7...
Evaluating policy block action for block #1 System.Collections.Immutable.ImmutableArray`1[System.Byte]
Actions in 0 transactions for block #1 pre-evaluation hash: 10d93de7... evaluated in 20ms.
[BlockChain] 424037645/18484: Mined block #1 0838b084... with difficulty 5000000 and previous hash 29f53d22...
[BlockChain] Trying to append block #1 0838b084...
[BlockChain] Unstaging 0 transactions from block #1 0838b084...
[BlockChain] Unstaged 0 transactions from block #1 0838b084...
[Swarm] Trying to broadcast blocks...
[NetMQTransport] Broadcasting message Libplanet.Net.Messages.BlockHeaderMessage as 0x7862DD9b....Unspecified/localhost:43210. to 0 peers
[Swarm] Block broadcasting complete.
[BlockChain] Appended the block #1 0838b084...
[BlockChain] Invoking renderers for #1 0838b084... (1 renderer(s), 0 action renderer(s))
[LoggedRenderer] Invoking RenderBlock() for #1 0838b084... (was #0 29f53d22...)...
[LoggedRenderer] Invoked RenderBlock() for #1 0838b084... (was #0 29f53d22...).
[BlockChain] Invoked renderers for #1 0838b084... (1 renderer(s), 0 action renderer(s))
[Swarm] Trying to broadcast blocks...
[NetMQTransport] Broadcasting message Libplanet.Net.Messages.BlockHeaderMessage as 0x7862DD9b....Unspecified/localhost:43210. to 0 peers
[Swarm] Block broadcasting complete.