Apache Beam Java examples.
Apache Beam direct runner Maven Java 11 Fasterxml for json parsing
Details: Gdp.json hve sample json data with gdp per country for specific year.
Example: { "indicator": { "id": "NY.GDP.MKTP.CD", "value": "GDP (current US$)" }, "country": { "id": "IN", "value": "India" }, "countryiso3code": "IND", "date": "2020", "value": 2660245248867.63, "unit": "", "obs_status": "", "decimal": 0 }
Create default Pipeline reads json file and writes to output folder as it is without any transformation.
This class uses custome Options, parse json data file to java country object and do filter only Country :"Ind"
More examples with runner will be added to this repository.