Extensão de Navegador, criada para melhorar a experiência do usuário em plataformas educacionais Moodle. ™ (*).
Esta extensão foi criada para melhorar a minha experiência e a de alguns colegas durante o ensino remoto (com a plataforma Moodle, versão desconhecida).
nenhum dado é coletado e nunca será;
livre e gratuito para sempre;
Project | Description |
@ava-pro/moodle-client-js | Web Scraping library for extracting data from Moodle pages. |
@ava-pro/shared | Library with shared resources for the project needs. |
@ava-pro/webextension | The Web Extension source code. |
You may be looking for the HACKING.md.
This project is a Free Software: You can use, study share and improve it at your will. Specifically you can redistribute and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* Moodle™ trade marks are owned by either Moodle Pty Ltd or one of its associated entities. Read more here: https://moodle.com/trademarks/.
Gabriel R. Antunes - https://github.com/guesant
Happy Hacking!