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Releases: guilgautier/DPPy

v0.3.3: Fix numpy.float deprecation

14 Aug 18:25
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What's Changed

Full Changelog: v0.3.2...v0.3.3

v0.3.2 addition of alpha-dpp sampler

25 Nov 08:46
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New version following #62

@danielecc contributed with an implementation of a fast exact Finite DPP sampling algorithm which does not require looking at all items and applies to both DPPs and k-DPPs.

Sampling from a k-DPP without looking at all items
Daniele Calandriello, Michal Derezinski, Michal Valko, NeurIPS, 2020.

v0.3.1 Reduce dependencies, addition of some continuous DPP samplers

26 Oct 08:21
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@danielecc simplified installation instructions to work with minimal dependencies: numpy, scipy, matplotlib.
See also README for more details.
Additional dependencies:

  • zonotope for the zonotope MCMC based sampler using cvxopt,
  • trees for uniform spanning tree samplers using networkx,
  • docs for the documentation using sphinxcontrib-bibtexand sphinx_rtd_theme,

can be installed locally after cloning the repo.

@guilgautier contributed with (see also /notebooks):

v0.3.0 Addition of vfx sampler for finite DPPs

18 Nov 14:45
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@danielecc contributed with an implementation of the vfx sampler, the associated documentation and tests.

In practice

DPP = FiniteDPP('likelihood', **{'L_eval_X_data': (eval_L, X_data)})

See the corresponding NeurIPS 2019 paper of Derezinski, Calandriello, and Valko Exact sampling of determinantal point processes with sublinear time preprocessing

v0.2.0 Resubmission to MLOSS

13 Aug 17:23
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Since the last submission, we have put efforts on:

Companion paper:

Submission to MLOSS

01 Mar 15:46
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We feel the project mature enough to be released on PyPI and to be submitted to the special MLOSS track of JMLR. The last version of the corresponding companion paper can be found at DPPy_paper.