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Flutter CRUD with Login

This is a Flutter project that demonstrates a basic CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) application with login functionality. The app interacts with a simple PHP API to perform CRUD operations on a database.


  • User authentication: Allows users to log in and access CRUD functionality.
  • Create: Users can add new data to the database.
  • Read: Displays the existing data from the database.
  • Update: Users can edit and update the data.
  • Delete: Users can delete specific data entries.

Technologies Used

  • Flutter: A popular cross-platform framework for building mobile applications.
  • PHP: Used to create a simple API for interacting with the database.


The API for this project is implemented using PHP. You can find the API code in the SIMPLE API directory. The API consists of several PHP files that handle different CRUD operations:

  • conn.php: Establishes the database connection and also get data.
  • login.php: Handles user authentication and login.
  • Register.php: user Registration
  • post.php: Handles the creation of new data entries.
  • update.php: Handles updating the data.
  • delete.php: Handles deleting specific data entries.


  1. Clone the repository: shell git clone

  2. Open the project in your preferred Flutter development environment (e.g., Android Studio, Visual Studio Code).

  3. Install the dependencies by running the following command in the project root: flutter pub get

  4. Update the API endpoint URLs: In the Flutter project, locate the files where API requests are made (e.g., login.dart, editdata.dart). Replace the API endpoint URLs (e.g., http://yourip/api/login.php) with the appropriate URLs for your PHP server.

Contributing Contributions are welcome! If you find any issues or have suggestions for improvements, please open an issue or submit a pull request.

License This project is licensed under the MIT License.

Feel free to customize the content as per your requirements and provide the appropriate API endpoint URLs in the installation instructions.