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Hack@Brown 2018 Android Workshop

Hi! Let's make an Android app!

Step 1: Project Setup

Open Android Studio and create a new project. The company domain can be whatever you like, but if you have a website or GitHub account, it's good to use that (like or

Note that Android Studio will ask you what the minimum SDK level you want to target is. This is essentially the oldest version of Android that you're saying your app will work on. Using a lower SDK level will mean that more devices can run your app, but it also limits the features you can use.

Step 2: Activities!

The core units of any Android app are Activities. An activity is a distinct screen in the app that implements the UI for a specific purpose. For example, an email app might have one activity to send an email and another that shows your inbox. Android apps can open into specific activities and transition between each other. We'll only be working with the main activity today, the one that gets launched when the app starts.

Interlude: Running the App

In the top bar, you should see a green triangle icon. Click this to run your app! It'll open up a menu where you can pick a connected Android device to run on or start up an emulator running on your computer. Next to that should be a greyed-out lightning bolt. This is part of the "Instant Run" feature of Android Studio, which lets you apply code changes to your app without restarting it! It'll be enabled once you start the app.

Run Button

Step 3: The Layout File

Now, let's make a small change to the app. Open the activity_main.xml file. This is a layout file, an XML file that describes a part of your app's UI. XML is very similar to HTML, and it's being used similarly here. Instead of creating HTML elements like paragraphs and links, the layout file creates Android UI components like buttons and maps.

The layout file editor has two tabs (look on the bottom): Design and Text. The Text tab shows the raw XML, and the Design tab has an interactive editor showing a preview of the screen. You can use either or both as you prefer. We'll stick with the Design tab for now, since not everyone has used XML before.

Try changing the text in the label in the middle of the screen and clicking the Instant Run lightning bolt. In a few moments, you should see your change appear live!

Layout Editor

If you look at the MainActivity class, you can see the code that makes this text appear. Inside the onCreate method, there will be this line of code:


The onCreate method is called by the Android system whenever an activity is initialized. It's a great place to set up your UI, which is what's happening here. The R class is generated by the Android build system and provides access to all kinds of resources, like layout files and images, by their resource id. Here, our layout file has ID activity_main, so we can access it as R.layout.activity_main.

Step 4: Images

Speaking of images, let's add some to our app. In this app, users care for a virtual plant, so we'll need some plant images. Luckily, the Hack@Brown website uses some lovely flower images that we'll borrow here. Copy them from GitHub into the app/src/main/res/drawable folder of your project. The drawable folder contains image resources like these.

For variety, I'll show the layout XML instead of using the GUI:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
< xmlns:android=""

        android:contentDescription="Our flower"
        app:layout_constraintHorizontal_bias="0.501" />


This looks intimidating, but there are only a few changes from what was there before. First, I changed the TextView to an ImageView. I also changed the android:text property to be an android:src property with the value @drawable/flower_sprout. This @ syntax is the Android XML equivalent of R, so @drawable/flower_sprout is like R.drawable.flower_sprout. The android:src property of an ImageView indicates which image it shows.

There's also an android:id property, set to @+id/flower_image. This gives the ImageView an identifier we can use in code as The other properties are for the view's layout system, and essentially say to center the image in its parent.

Update the app with Instant Run again to see your flower!

The initial Sprout UI

Step 5: Referencing Views

Now, we'll add some code to MainActivity so it can reference the flower image. We first add a new property, private ImageView flower. This will hold the ImageView so other code can use it. If Android Studio shows ImageView in red, put your cursor on it and type Alt+Enter to automatically import the ImageView class.

Next, in onCreate, add this line after the setContentView call:

this.flower = findViewById(;

findViewById is a method that looks up a view by its ID. Here, we use it to look up the flower after loading the layout file.

Your file should look something like this now:

// ...

public class MainActivity extends Activity {

    private ImageView flower;

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

        this.flower = findViewById(;

Step 6: Buttons

We'll next add a button to make our flower grow. Change activity_main to be like this (don't worry, I've marked out the changes below):

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
< xmlns:android=""

        android:contentDescription="Our flower"
        app:layout_constraintHorizontal_bias="0.0" />

        android:layout_marginBottom="80dp" />


First of all, I've changed the app:layout_constraintBottom_toBottomOf="parent" attribute of our ImageView to app:layout_constraintBottom_toTopOf="@id+/grow_button". The recommended way of creating layouts in Android is to use a ConstraintLayout, which is what we're doing here. This layout lets developers add constraints between views and their sibling and parent views to figure out the positioning. In XML, these constraints are represented as app:layout_constraint<myEdge>_to<otherEdge>. There are more complicated kinds of constraints, but we won't go over them here. Keep in mind that you can also add constraints in the GUI layout editor, but it's trickier to describe how to do that in text. If you're interested, check out the link to the ConstraintLayout documentation above.

Knowing this, we can see that the ImageView has left, right, and top constraints to match its parent view, which fills the whole screen. Before, the bottom constraint was also to the parent, but now it's to the top of the Button we're adding. A tricky thing to notice is that we used the + in the ImageView constraint and not in the Button id property. This is because @+id generates a new ID and @id uses an existing one. Since the XML file is parsed from top to bottom, the grow_button ID doesn't exist when it's used in the constraint but does exist when we add the button under it.

The Button code is completely new. The most important parts for now are the android:text and android:onClick attributes. The others position the button to be centered and underneath the image, with a margin on the bottom. The text property gives the text to show on the button label. The onClick property gives the name of a method in MainActivity to call whenever the button is clicked.

Add that method to MainActivity:

 * Called when the user touches the button to change the displayed flower.
public void changeFlower(View button) {

So, this is a great start, but all our flower can do is grow immediately to full size. Let's change that! We'll add a field to MainActivity to keep track of the flower's size, and use that to grow it. Add the following updateImage method and flowerGrowth field to MainActivity:

private int flowerGrowth = 0;

private void updateImage() {
    if (flowerGrowth == 0) {
    } else if (flowerGrowth == 1) {
    } else if (flowerGrowth == 2) {

Now, replace the body of changeFlower with this and try growing your flower step-by-step:

public void changeFlower(View button) {
    if (flowerGrowth < 2) {

Step 7: Local State

There's still a bit of a problem - every time we restart the app, all our hard work raising this plant gets lost. Luckily for us, Android has a SharedPreferences class we can use to keep track of the flower's growth. Confusingly, SharedPreferences arent' just for user preferences - they're a general-purpose key-value store for small values like strings and numbers.

We'll start by declaring a constant in MainActivity to store the name of our preferences file. This is the name of the file Android will create, and lets us refer back to the settings:

// ...
public class MainActivity  extends Activity {
   public static final String PREFS_NAME = "PlantState";
   // ...

Next, we add a couple lines to onCreate, after the code that assigns this.flower, to restore any saved state from the last time:

// ...
this.flower = findViewById(;

SharedPreferences prefs = getSharedPreferences(PREFS_NAME, 0);
this.flowerGrowth = prefs.getInt("flowerGrowth", 0);
// ...

This code looks up a SharedPreferences instance with our file name and gets the value stored at "flowerGrowth", defaulting to 0 (a sprout) if it's not set. Then it calls updateImage to apply the restored value.

The last step is to update the saved value whenever the user presses the "Grow" button. Add this to the bottom of the changeFlower method, after the call to updateImage:

SharedPreferences prefs = getSharedPreferences(PREFS_NAME, 0);
SharedPreferences.Editor editor = prefs.edit();
editor.putInt("flowerGrowth", flowerGrowth);

For concurrency reasons, updates to shared preferences are grouped using an Editor. Here, we get an Editor from our preferences and update the "flowerGrowth" value. Calling apply saves these changes, and any other we might've made on the Editor.

Step 8: Text Inputs

To give our plant a bit of personality, we'll add a name using a text input. The Android widget for editing text is called EditText, and it has a somewhat bewildering number of options. We'll go over some of the common ones you're likely to use.

First, add the EditText widget underneath the Button in activity_main.xml:

    android:layout_marginTop="24dp" />

As before, we have several layout properties constraining the text field to be at the top of the screen. Starting from the top, the new properties are ems, inputType, imeOptions, lines, text, and name.

  • ems sets the width of the text field in ems. An em is a typographic unit corresponding to the current point size, roughly equivalent to an upper-case M.
  • inputType sets the kind of text field this is. This controls the keyboard and display, so an EditText can be a number pad, email input, password field, and so on. We're just using regular text for now.
  • imeOptions sets options for the input method editor, a pluggable method of text input such as an on-screen keyboard or voice-to-text recognizer. Here, we set up support for the "done" action, which indicates that the user is done typing.
  • lines specifies how many lines tall the input should be
  • text is the initial text value of the input field
  • hint gives a hint (also called a placeholder on HTML inputs) to explain what the field is for

We also change the top constraint on the image view to app:layout_constraintTop_toBottomOf="@+id/flower_name" to make sure that it'll be underneath the text input.

Now that we have an input field, we'll add some code to use it. Put this in onCreate, after all the previous code:

EditText flowerName = findViewById(;
flowerName.setText(prefs.getString("flowerName", ""), TextView.BufferType.EDITABLE);
flowerName.setOnEditorActionListener(new TextView.OnEditorActionListener() {
    public boolean onEditorAction(TextView v, int actionId, KeyEvent event) {
        if (actionId == EditorInfo.IME_ACTION_DONE) {
            Log.i("o.h.w.MainActivity", "New name: " + v.getText());

            SharedPreferences.Editor editor = prefs.edit();
            editor.putString("flowerName", v.getText().toString());
        return false;

You'll also need to make the local prefs variable final, so it can be used in the callback. This code restores the "flowerName" value into the input field and adds a callback for editor actions. There are lots of editor actions, but we're only handling the "done" action here, and using the default for the rest. When the user presses the "done" button on the keyboard, the callback's onEditorAction method will run and save the name to preferences. It also uses Android's logging facility to print out the new name. When running from Android Studio, this will appear in the Android Monitor pane on the bottom of the screen. The first argument to Log.i is a label to help tell log messages apart.


You've made an Android app! Hopefully what you learned was interesting and helpful, and you can go on to build apps of your own. Here are a couple resources that will help:

  • The Android Developer Documentation has tons of reference information, tutorials, and best practices. A big part of mobile development is figuring out how to do a specific task like take a photo or create a checkbox, so reference material like this is invaluable. One good place to start is the Building Your First App online training course
  • Awesome Android is a list of resources, libraries, and tools that can help you build apps.
  • Lars Vogel's Android tutorials
  • Developing for Android is a series of articles on how Android development differs from other Java programming and has detailed principles to keep in mind.


  1. Give the flower different stats, like sunlight, food, and water, and have these update differently. For example, a plant's sunlight level might grow on its own while the app is open, but the user has to water the plant with a button. Colorful progress bars could be a fun way to show each stat.
  2. Have the flower's level go down periodically so the user has to keep checking in. For this, you might want to look at Alarms
  3. Save a picture of your flower to the Android Gallery. Try drawing the flower's name onto the image with a Canvas!
  4. Use a ListView to let the user have a whole garden of flowers


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