Generate image using browser canvas by data from Data URL. Just static files ( 1 index.html and .js files ).
Just visit the index.html with ?d={ DATA URL }
See Example:
The DATA URL should accept GET request properly and return a Dyposter Object to be drawed.
Dyposter use fabricjs to do canvas works, see to document:
For current version, objects only support types 'textbox' and 'image'.
// The DATA URL should response json like this:
"config": {
"width": 1125,
"height": 1800,
"backgroundColor": "#22d3ee"
// ... fabric.Canvas options
"objects": [
{ "type": "image",
"mode": "cover",
"top": 1500, "left": 825, "width": 300, "height": 300,
"crossOrigin": "anonymous",
"src": ""
// ... fabric.Image options
"type": "textbox",
"text": "No Data Url",
"top": 300, "left": 0, "width": 1125, "fontSize": 120, "fontWeight": 400,
"splitByGrapheme": true,
// ... fabric.Canvas options
"type": "textbox",
"text": "[Data Url]",
"top": 600, "left": 100, "width": 925, "fontSize": 60, "fontWeight": 400,
"splitByGrapheme": true,
// ... fabric.Textbox options
"type": "textbox",
"text": "The [Data Url] is an url accept GET request publicly and return a [Config Object], which will be drawed.",
"top": 900, "left": 100, "width": 925, "fontSize": 60, "fontWeight": 400,
// ... fabric.Textbox options