jerry-rigged license system with UUID check (preventing more than one installation) and expiration date
From jerry-rig - To put together in a way that works, but is contrary to the "norm" or specific directions (instructions)
The serial number system can be cracked easily (which one can't?), but it should be secure enough for any average user.
from jerryrigserialgen import Serialgenerator
# Generates serial numbers
# pip install jerryrigserialgen
seri = Serialgenerator(
product="myproduct", # Name of the product
savefolder=None, # just for the record - files are not needed
hardcodedpasswort_transfer="topsecret", # for - must be hard-coded in the app the client uses
hardcodedpasswort_url="5248614597016233", # 16 digits to encrypt the URL - must be hard-coded in the app the client uses
), # extra information you want to transmit to the app the client uses
# optional informations
licensedays=17, # duration of the license - from today on
subtract_from_time=0, # for debugging - to create expired licenses
oshi = True, # Use oshi as an alternative to when it is unstable
expire = 7, # Expiration time for serial key
max_activations = 1 # max ativations by every serial key
serialnumber, debuginfo = seri.upload()
print(serialnumber) # This is the serial number you are going to give to your client, like: 566978376a4b356956775955427a4779636e533856705a59534d314369387735526e59744230396f6c6771795256675a31365a756947344753616d3757536d5961704f736a362f63506871724a792f3845664d4845773d3d475ac18a6927938b4ede1613058f253e
# output
# File written to: c:files\2023_03_23_09_23_18_28484401.cfg
# 566978376a4b356956775955427a4779636e533856705a59534d314369387735526e59744230396f6c6771795256675a31365a756947344753616d3757536d5961704f736a362f63506871724a792f3845664d4845773d3d475ac18a6927938b4ede1613058f253e
# Check serial numbers - client's PC
# pip install jerryrigserialver
from jerryrigserialver import check_serial
isvalid, daysleft, duration_of_license, product, otherinfos = check_serial(
# hardcodedpasswort_transfer for - must be hard-coded
hardcodedpasswort_url="5248614597016233", # 16 digits to encrypt the url - must be hard-coded
notvalidanymore=f"The license you're using is not valid anymore. It expired %d day[s] ago",
stillvalid=f"The license you're using is valid for %d more day[s].",
serialusedanotherpc="The license has been used on another PC",
print(isvalid, daysleft, duration_of_license, product, otherinfos)
# The license you're using is valid for 17 more day[s].
# True 17 17 myproduct ['info1', 'info2']
# Compile the code of your app using PyInstaller or some other tool
# Use PyArmor or another obfuscation tool to prevent reverse engineering of the code