Set of Input Formats for Hadoop Streaming.
These classes specifically designed to allow you to pass a lot of small files into hadoop streaming.
One single map task will be able to process input size up to the amount in kb defined by the formula:
min(mapreduce.input.fileinputformat.split.maxsize, dfs.blocksize)
Reading Avro:
$ hadoop jar -libjars streaming-1.0.jar \
-inputformat com.haodemon.streaming.avro.CombinedAvroInputFormat \
-input <input> \
-output <output> \
-mapper <mapper> \
-reducer <reducer>
Reading Sequence:
$ hadoop jar -libjars streaming-1.0.jar \
-inputformat com.haodemon.streaming.sequence.CombinedSequenceInputFormat \
-input <input> \
-output <output> \
-mapper <mapper> \
-reducer <reducer>
To build the package:
$ mvn package