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             Standby Screen

   "One of the great things about the Nokia N9 is the AMOLED screen with
    its low power mode. Unfortunately, it only shows the current time,
    and not the current date. Billboard is here to fix this - and add
    some more goodies along the way!"       -- me, circa 2012

This is the open source release of my N9 application, Billboard.
A short overview of the structure of what's inside:

 - billboardd/
   The daemon source code and all the core code (including formatting,
   rendering and contextkit/gconf subscription).

 - billboard-ui/
   The QML UI for the "app", to configure the daemon. Communicates with
   the daemon via shared GConf keys.

 - css/
   Stylesheets for making the operator logo not be cropped.

 - debian/
   Packaging files and postinst/postrm files for patching the stylesheet
   and installing stuff, as well as aegis files (for organizer/calendar).

 - include/
   Common configuration key defaults used by both the UI and daemon.

 - rendertest/
   Desktop GUI utility for testing text formatting and rendering.

If you didn't use "git clone --recursive" when closing this Git repo,
you have to initialize the submodule (to get the translations; this
does not apply to the source tarball, as it already includes i18n):

    git submodule init
    git submodule update

To build for the N9 in Scratchbox use:

    make -C billboard-ui/i18n release
    dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -b

Useful scripts to be used together with Billboard may be found here:

License: GNU General Public License, version 3 or later
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