This is a tiny redux middleware which allows you to make http requests(using axios) by dispatching actions.
npm install npm i axios-promise-redux-middleware --save
Add the middleware to your store
import { axiosPromiseMiddleware } from 'axios-promise-redux-middleware';
const store = createStore(reducer, initialState, composeEnhancers(
Use it in your actions. Example:
export const login = (email, password) => ({
type: 'LOGIN',
axios: true,// You need to specify this, if you want to make a http request
options: { //
url: '/login', // can be relative or absolute
method: 'post',
data: {
username: email,
For options, refer Axios Options
If the http requests is successful then action with SUCCESS suffix is dispatched, else action with FAILED suffix is dispatched.
import { LOGIN_SUCCESS, LOGIN_FAILED } from '../actions';
const defaultState = {
export default handleActions({
next: (state, action) => {
if (action.error === false) {
if (action.payload.user) {
return Object.assign({ authenticated: true }, state, action.payload.user);
return state;
throw: (state, action) => Object.assign({}, state, defaultState),
Inspired by redux-axios-middleware