Very simple template engine for PHP5 with same interface as Savant3 and Smarty. Assign content to engine, then display a template file.
$path = 'templates/';
//create an object
$tpl = new Template($path);
//assign some content
$tpl->assign('title','PHP Template Engine');
//display the template
//create an object Template
$body = new Template($path);
//create an object Template
$a = new Template($path);
//assign some content
//this would typically came froma database or other source,
//but we'll use static value for the purpose of this example
$a->assign('result', $result);
$body->assign('label','Username: ');
//assign from
$body->assign('tweets', $a->fetch('content.tweets.tpl.php'));
//also, create an object Template
$footer = new Template($path);
//assigb static value
//assign values from another fetching template.
//display the template
It can be used with the following templates:
<!-- header.tpl.php -->
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=UTF-8" />
<title><?php echo$title;?></title>
<style type="text/css">
/* do something CSS */
<!-- content.tweets.tpl.php -->
if($result && is_array($result)) {
$out = '<ol id="timeline" class="statuses">';
$header = '<li><img src="'.$result[0]['user']['profile_image_url'].'">'.
'<div><a href="'.$result[0]['user']['url'].'">'.$result[0]['user']['url'].'</a></div>'.
$out .= $header;
foreach($result as $r) {
$out .= '<li>';
$out .= '<span class="status-body">';
$out .= '<span class="status-content">';
$out .= '<span class="status-entry">';
$out .= ($r['text']);
$out .= '</span>';
$out .= '</span>';
$out .= '<span class="meta entry-meta">';
$out .= $r['created_at'];
$out .= '</span>';
$out .= '</li>';
$out .= '</ol>';
} else {
$out = 'No found results.';
//output the result
<!-- body.tpl.php -->
<div id="logo"><a href="#">Twitter</a></div>
<form id="f" name="f">
<label for="username"><?php echo$label;?></label><input type="text" id="username" name="username" value="<?php echo$_GET['username'];?>"/><input type="submit" value="Grab">
<div id="content_tweets"><?php echo$tweets; ?></div>
<?php echo$footer;?>
<!-- footer.tpl.php -->