This project was made as part of the continuous evaluation system of APROG at ISEP. Our task was to create a program coded in Java (using the imperative paradigm) able to read a .csv file with information about some games played at a previous world cup (football). We were given some information about the teams (the name, goals for, goals against, number of victories, draws and defeats) and asked to implement some functionalities, such as the possiblity of adding other teams through the console of Netbeans/Intellij (so the program was still running), or calculating the number of points per team and ordering them inside their own groups, etc. The total number of options was 14. They were applied through a menu, so if the user wanted to select the 4th option he would have only to press the 4 key.
We developed this program using 2 java classes (one of them for the menu, the other one for the rest of the program). No need ofr unit tests, since we haven't yet learned how to do them at the time, so they weren't evaluated.
The code needs some refactoring, since there's some unneeded duplicated code. This happened because on the last tests that we made we found out there were some errors with the previous solution, so we had to rewrite about 25% of the program on a heartbeat. Thankfully, even though there was still one mistake, we were lucky enough to get a good grade! :p