Distro | Archlinux |
WM | River |
Terminal | Foot |
Shell | zsh+zap-starship |
Launcher | Rofi Wayland |
Clipboard | Cliphist |
File Manager | thunar |
1.- First clone the repository
2.- Copy config :
⚠️ WARNING: Configuration files may be overrided,please backup your config
cd riverwm-dotfiles
cp -r .config/* ~/.config/
cp -r home/* ~/
3.- Install Dependencies
Dependencies :
sudo pacman -S --needed river swaybg jq findutils waybar mpd ncmpcpp swayidle wf-recorder dmenu brightnessctl mako cliphist grim slurp pamixer polkit-gnome starship xdg-user-dirs xdg-utils gvfs gvfs-mtp gvfs-nfs wl-clipboard playerctl foot network-manager-applet grimshot
- aur-packages
yay -S --needed tela-circle-icon-theme-manjaro tokyonight-gtk-theme-git wl-clipboard-history-git ttf-jetbrains-mono-nerd mpdris2 rofi-lbonn-wayland swaylock-effects nwg-look rivercarro
- zap zsh
zsh <(curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/zap-zsh/zap/master/install.zsh) --branch release-v1
for zap zsh in this link