The Jubatus library is an online machine learning framework which runs in distributed environment.
See for details.
Jubatus officially supports Ubuntu >= 12.04 , Red Hat Enterprise Linux >= 6.2 . On other platforms, some may work if they have gcc >= 4.4 .
For minimal standalone mode, Jubatus requires libevent >= 1.4 , pficommon >= 1.3.1 , google-glog , libmsgpack, python >= 2.6 . Please install these software with headers before installation.
$ git clone git:// $ cd jubatus $ ./waf configure --disable-re2 $ ./waf build $ sudo ./waf install $ jubaclassifier
Here Jubatus classifier server has started. Enjoy!
LGPL 2.1
- Improvements
- deb package (#14)
- Jubatus loads plugin from default directory (#57)
- Add hash_max_size option to learn in fixed-size memory (#67)
- OS X Homebrew packaging (#116)
- GCC compilation version <= 4.2 when zookeeper enabled (#60)
- Experimental support for Clang compilation (#100)
- Make the timeout smaller in unittest
- libmecab_splitter works well in multi-thread environment, and now only support mecab ver. 0.99 or later
- word_splitter::split method is now constant
- global_id_generator(standalone-mode) for graph, that supports 32 bit environment (#135)
- Use (document_frequency + 1) to calculate IDF weight to avoid inifinity
- Bugfix
- #94, #104, #106, #108, #110, #111, #113, #114, #117, #118, #124, #126, #129, #133, #138, #139, #146, #148
- Improvements
- jubavisor/jubactl support jubatus server options (#75)
- jubadoc: document generator (.idl => .rst) (#88)
- jenerator: enabled -o option to specify output directory
- yum (RPM) packaging (#40)
- Bugfix
- #51, #76, #77, #79, #83, #90, #91, #96, #98, #99, #100, #101, #102, #103
- Improvements
- RPC enhances to many exceptions and provide new error handling interface (#49)
- JSON interface for set_config APIs (#44)
- jubavisor close zk connection correctly (#74)
- Bugfix
- #73, #69, #66, #65
- Improvements
- Distributed Graph Processing
- Centrality computation
- Shortest path search
- New neighbor-search algorithm for recommender: minhash
- installs pkgconfig file (#42, jubatus.pc)
- jubavisor handling signal (#53)
- Exception handling and error outputs (#55)
- Distributed Graph Processing
- Bugfix
- internal API get_storage implemented again (#21)
- Forgot ignoring signal in keeper #47
- #54, #45, #15
- Improvements
- Asynchronous call to multiple servers at once, both keeper and mix - common/mprpc
- Refactor generator
- Error message improve
- Timeout in unittest expanded
- Bugfix
- jubactl doesn't work ver 0.2 and later #13
- jubavisor doesn't work on daemon mode #5
- Asynchronous mprpc client critical bug
- #47, #50, #34, #36, #37, #31, #19, and other small bugfix
- Improvements
- Simpler interfaces at classifier, regression and recommender
- Clients are NOT COMPATIBLE with previous releases
- Now mix works concurrently in multiple threads (except tf-idf counting)
- Asynchronous RPC to multiple servers at once
- Add --version option
- Interface description language changed from C++-like to Annotated MessagePack-IDL
- Minor error handling
- A bit more tested than previous releases
- Simpler interfaces at classifier, regression and recommender
- Bugfix
- #30, #29, #22
Bugfix release: #28
- New Features
- recommender
- support fast similar item search, real-time update, distributed data management
- inverted index : exact result, fast search
- locality sensitive hash : approximate result, fast search, small working space
- regression
- online SVR using passive agressive algorithm
- as fast as current classifier
- stat
- a Key(string)-Value(queue<double>)
- O(1) cost of getting sum, standard deviation, max, min, statistic moments for each queue
- server framework
- less-tightly coupled distributed processing framework with each ML implementation
- idl & code generator - make it easy to write own jubatus system
- removed public release of client libraries (so easy to generate!)
- multiple mix - mutiple data objects can be mixed in one jubatus system
- recommender
- Bugfix
- duplicate key entry in fv_converter breaks the parameter
Bugfix release
Hello Jubatus!
First release: including classifier, and mix operation