Modules allow you to separate and organize parts of your prototype across different files. They're JavaScript or CoffeeScript files, which you can include (require) within your prototype. They help you organize your code, and choose what parts to focus on.
You can find them in the /modules folder of your prototype. Modules are based on JavaScript and Node.js standards. Everything that you've prefixed with exports in your module will be available in your prototype. The require keyword imports your module.
If you want to add modules to an older project, we advice to create a new project in the latest Framer Studio, and copy over your files.
Get Started
Create a new project in Framer Studio Navigate to the /modules folder and open the myModule.coffee file in a text-editor. To include the module within your project, add the following:
module = require "myModule"
Make sure to save your file and refresh your prototype to see changes. Modules can contain anything. For example, you can create Layers within your modules, or define specific interactions within functions.
exports.myVar = "myVariable"
exports.myFunction = -> print "I'm running!"
exports.myArray = [1, 2, 3]
exports.mylayerA = new Layer backgroundColor: "#fff"
In the example above, a new layer is automatically created and included within our prototype. To also run the function, you can write:
module = require "myModule"
Example: Interactions
Let's create a simple draggable interaction within a module. In our myModule.coffee file, we include the following function. It takes a layer, makes it draggable, and snaps it back to its original position on DragEnd.
exports.makeDraggable = (layer) -> layer.draggable.enabled = true
# Store current x and y position
startX = layer.x
startY = layer.y
# Animate back on DragEnd
layer.on Events.DragEnd, ->
x: startX
y: startY
curve: "spring(300,20,0)"
Now, within our prototype, we can call the makeDraggable function from our module to include the dragging interaction.
module = require "myModule"
bg = new BackgroundLayer backgroundColor: "#28AFFA"
layerA = new Layer backgroundColor: "#fff" borderRadius: 4
Example: NPM
Framer Studio modules work with NPM, a package manager where thousands of JavaScript packages are published. Let's import the Backbone library. Make sure you already have NPM installed.
cd ~/my-framer-project npm install backbone
Create a new module in /modules, and name it npm.coffee. Beware that if you name the file the same as the NPM module (like backbone.coffee), you could run into a recursive import problem.
exports.backbone = require "backbone"
After a refresh, you can import underscore into your project.
backbone = require("npm").backbone
{backbone } = require "npm"