A tiny non-disturbing Win10 (dynamic) wallpaper app
- Lightweight client
- Web UI
- Wallpaper upload
- Download the wallpaper with one click
- Offline access
- No pop-up ads on the client
- No VIP,free to use
- VS2019
- Win10
- The server site is not open source, the client web source code is here.
- master is the latest version of the code (currently 2.x), the new version LiveWallpaper
- 1.x current online version of WPF development, old version Live Wallpaper by Giantapp. This app will be updated when the new version is stable.
- The new version of the LiveWallpaper needs to use the local 5001 port for communication, please note whether there is a browser blocking (Brave browser, and other security plug-ins).
Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):
代码抄写狮 🚧 💻 🐛 📆 |
The_BadUser 🌍 |
Laezor 🌍 |
ADD-SP 💻 |
This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!