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First commit. Code works for one Ecospace scenario.
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holdenharris-NOAA committed Nov 10, 2023
1 parent f0f8ef9 commit 7e70645
Showing 1 changed file with 202 additions and 0 deletions.
202 changes: 202 additions & 0 deletions Comparison-objective-function.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
## Naming conventions
## 'sim' --> Related to Ecosim
## 'spa' --> Related to Ecospace
## 'obs' --> Related to observed timeseries data, i.e., that Ecosim was fitted to.
## 'B' --> Denotes biomass
## 'C' --> Denotes catch

## Setup -----------------------------------------------------------------------
source("./functions.R") ## Pull in functions

## Input set up ----------------------------------------------------------------
ewe_name = "EwE_Outputs"
sim_scenario = "sim-spa_01"
obs_TS_name = "TS_updated_IB13"
srt_year = 1980
spa_scenarios = c("spa_00", "spa_01", "spa_02_MOM6-ISIMIP3a", "spa_03_MOM6-ISIMIP3a_PP-phyc-vint")
spa_scen_names = c("01 Base", "02 MODIS-ChlA", "03 MOM6-ChlA", "04 MOM6-Vint")

## User-defined output parameters ----------------------------------------------
today_date <- format(Sys.Date(), "%Y-%m-%d")
out_file_notes = "multispa"
plot_name_xY = paste0("B_scaled_xY_", out_file_notes)
#plot_name_xM = paste0("B_scaled_xM_", out_file_notes)

## Set scaling parameters
#init_years_toscale = 5
init_years_toscale = 2016-1980 + 1 ## 36. This will scale all outputs to the global average
init_months_toscale = init_years_toscale * 12

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Read-in ANNUAL Observed, Ecosim, and Ecospace TS
dir_sim = paste0("./", ewe_name, "/ecosim_", sim_scenario, "/")

## Read-in Ecosim annual biomass
filename = paste0(dir_sim, "biomass_annual.csv")
num_skip_sim = f.find_start_line(filename, flag = srt_year)

simB_xY <- read.csv(paste0(dir_sim, "biomass_annual.csv"), skip = num_skip_sim)
years = simB_xY$ ## Get date range from Ecosim
simB_xY$ = NULL

## Read-in Ecosim annual catches
simC_xY <- read.csv(paste0(dir_sim, "catch_annual.csv"), skip = num_skip_sim)
simC_xY$ = NULL

## Read-in Ecospace annual biomass and catches ---------------------------------
ls_spaB_xY <- list()
ls_spaC_xY <- list()
for (i in 1:length(spa_scenarios)) {
dir_spa = paste0("./", ewe_name, "/", spa_scenarios[i], "/")
filename <- paste0(dir_spa, "Ecospace_Annual_Average_Biomass.csv")
num_skip_spa <- f.find_start_line(filename, flag = "Year")
spaB_xY <- read.csv(paste0(dir_spa, "Ecospace_Annual_Average_Biomass.csv"),
skip = num_skip_spa, header = TRUE)
spaB_xY$Year = NULL

## Standardize FG names ------------------------------
fg_names = f.standardize_group_names(colnames(spaB_xY))
num_fg = length(fg_names)
fg_df <- data.frame(
pool_code = 1:num_fg,
group_name = paste(sprintf("%02d", 1:num_fg),
gsub("_", " ", fg_names))

## Set row and column names
rownames(spaB_xY) = rownames(simB_xY) = years
colnames(spaB_xY) = colnames(simB_xY) = fg_df$group_name

## Add current spaB_xY reading into the list object ----
ls_spaB_xY[[i]] <- spaB_xY

## Read-in Ecospace annual catch
spaC_xY <- read.csv(paste0(dir_spa, "Ecospace_Annual_Average_Catch.csv"),
skip = num_skip_spa, header = TRUE)
spaC_xY$Year = NULL
ls_spaC_xY[[i]] <- spaC_xY

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Prepare months and date series objects
start_y <- min(years)
end_y <- max(years)
date_series <- seq(as.Date(paste0(start_y, "-01-01")), as.Date(paste0(end_y, "-12-01")), by = "1 month")
year_series <- seq(as.Date(paste0(start_y, "-01-01")), as.Date(paste0(end_y, "-12-01")), by = "1 year")
ym_series <- format(date_series, "%Y-%m")

## Read in MONTHLY biomasses
simB_xM <- read.csv(paste0(dir_sim, "biomass_monthly.csv"), skip = num_skip_sim); simB_xM$ = NULL
simC_xM <- read.csv(paste0(dir_sim, "catch_monthly.csv"), skip = num_skip_sim); simC_xM$ = NULL
spaB_xM <- read.csv(paste0(dir_spa, "Ecospace_Average_Biomass.csv"), skip = num_skip_spa, header = TRUE); spaB_xM$TimeStep = NULL
rownames(spaB_xM) = rownames(simB_xM) = ym_series

## Read in "observed" timeseries -----------------------------------------------
dir_obs = paste0("./", ewe_name, "/", obs_TS_name, ".csv")
obs.list = f.read_ecosim_timeseries(dir_obs, num_row_header = 4)
for(i in 1:length(obs.list)){assign(names(obs.list)[i],obs.list[[i]])} #make separate dataframe for each list element

obsB.head <- merge(obsB.head, fg_df, by = "pool_code", all.x = TRUE)
obsC.head <- merge(obsC.head, fg_df, by = "pool_code", all.x = TRUE)

colnames(obsB) = obsB.head$group_name
colnames(obsC) = obsC.head$group_name

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

init_years_toscale = 5

fit_metrics <- data.frame(
nll_spa_obs = NA, nll_sim_obs = NA, nll_spa_sim = NA,
pb_spa_obs = NA, pb_sim_obs = NA, pb_spa_sim = NA,
mae_spa_obs = NA, mae_sim_obs = NA, mae_spa_sim = NA)

for(i in 1:num_fg){
# i = 6
## Get biomass for individual FG: Observed, Ecosim, and Ecospace
(grp = fg_df$group_name[i])
simB = simB_xY[,i]
spaB_ls <- lapply(ls_spaB_xY, function(df) df[, i]) ## Extract the i column from each data frame in the list

## Check to see if observed data is available
if(i %in% obsB.head$pool_code){
obs.idx = which(obsB.head$pool_code==i)
obs_df = suppressWarnings( ## Suppress warnings thrown when obs not available
data.frame(year_series, obsB = as.numeric(obsB[ ,obs.idx]))
non_na_obsB = obs_df$obsB[!$obsB)] # Extract non-NA values from obs_df$obsB
if_else (length(non_na_obsB) < init_years_toscale,
years_to_scale <- length(non_na_obsB),
years_to_scale <- init_years_toscale)
mean_init_years = mean(non_na_obsB[1:years_to_scale]) # Calculate the mean of the first 'init_years_toscale' non-NA values
obsB_scaled = obs_df$obsB / mean_init_years # Scale the entire obs_df$obsB by this mean
} else obsB_scaled=rep(NA, length(simB))

## Scale to the average of a given timeframe
simB_scaled = simB / mean(simB[1:init_years_toscale], na.rm = TRUE) ## Ecosim scaled
spaB_scaled_ls = list() ## List of Ecospace scaled
for(j in 1:length(spa_scenarios)){
spaB <- spaB_ls[[j]]
spaB_scaled <- spaB / mean(spaB[1:init_years_toscale], na.rm = TRUE)
spaB_scaled_ls[[j]] <- spaB_scaled

## Create data frame to compare observed, Ecosim, and Ecospace
comp_df <- data.frame(obs = obsB_scaled, sim = simB_scaled, spa = spaB_scaled)

## Calculate log-liklihood ---------------------------------------------------
# Calculate log-likelihood for spa vs obs
resids <- comp_df$obs - comp_df$spa
nll_spa_obs <- -(-length(comp_df$obs)/2 * log(2*pi*var(resids, na.rm=TRUE)) - 1/(2*var(resids, na.rm=TRUE)) * sum(resids^2, na.rm=TRUE))

# Calculate log-likelihood for sim vs obs
resids <- comp_df$obs - comp_df$sim
nll_sim_obs <- -(-length(comp_df$obs)/2 * log(2*pi*var(resids, na.rm=TRUE)) - 1/(2*var(resids, na.rm=TRUE)) * sum(resids^2, na.rm=TRUE))

# Calculate log-likelihood for spa vs sim
resids <- comp_df$sim - comp_df$spa
nll_spa_sim <- -(-length(comp_df$sim)/2 * log(2*pi*var(resids, na.rm=TRUE)) - 1/(2*var(resids, na.rm=TRUE)) * sum(resids^2, na.rm=TRUE))

## Calculate percent bias
## Note: This measure of percent bias aggregates all prediction errors,
## both positive and negative, into a single number. This can mask the
## variability of the errors across different observations.
pbi_spa_obs <- 100 * (sum(comp_df$spa - comp_df$obs, na.rm=TRUE) / sum(comp_df$obs,na.rm=TRUE))
pbi_sim_obs <- 100 * (sum(comp_df$sim - comp_df$obs, na.rm=TRUE) / sum(comp_df$obs,na.rm=TRUE))
pbi_spa_sim <- 100 * (sum(comp_df$spa - comp_df$sim, na.rm=TRUE) / sum(comp_df$sim,na.rm=TRUE))

## Calculate mean absolute error (MAE) ---------------------------------------
## Average magnitude of errors between the predictions and observations,
## treating all errors with equal weight regardless of their size.
mae_spa_obs = mean(abs(comp_df$spa - comp_df$obs), na.rm = TRUE)
mae_sim_obs = mean(abs(comp_df$sim - comp_df$obs), na.rm = TRUE)
mae_spa_sim = mean(abs(comp_df$spa - comp_df$sim), na.rm = TRUE)

## Calculate root mean absolute error (RMSE) ---------------------------------
rmse_spa_obs <- sqrt(mean((comp_df$spa - comp_df$obs)^2, na.rm = TRUE))
rmse_sim_obs <- sqrt(mean((comp_df$sim - comp_df$obs)^2, na.rm = TRUE))
rmse_spa_sim <- sqrt(mean((comp_df$spa - comp_df$sim)^2, na.rm = TRUE))

## Store calculations
fit <- c(nll_spa_obs, nll_sim_obs, nll_spa_sim,
pbi_spa_obs, pbi_sim_obs, pbi_spa_sim,
mae_spa_obs, mae_sim_obs, mae_spa_sim); fit

fit_metrics[i,] <- fit
rownames(fit_metrics) = fg_df$group_name
fit_metrics = round(fit_metrics, 2)
(fit_sums <- colSums(fit_metrics, na.rm = TRUE))


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