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DHT Operations

Eric Harris-Braun edited this page Apr 15, 2017 · 2 revisions

Holochain DHT Design Doc

TODO: this page is out of date...

App Exposed Functions:


[ There is no data in this call, because hash is a content hash of the data that will be fetched later by the receiving node when it does validation]


Validate(sourceNode, hash)

[ Returns source chain data required for validation functions. It could be that the whole source chain is required, or smaller subset. ]



[ Also functions as list returning multiple elements ? ]

Network/Overlay Functions

Address overlay system which translates between internal node identifiers and cached network addresses.


Peer to Peer Functions:


[ Idea: As every new source chain generates their new chain, they also do a PutMeta(HolochainID,"type=Agent",SourceChainID) joins the Holoc is automatically to register themselves as a new Agent in the holochain. Then this is data that gets synchronized to everyone who holds the Holochain data entry. ]


ValidateNode(node hash)


Are roles a Holochain level function? Or application? From a Holochain perspective are all peers equal?

GetNodesByRole(role hash)

NodeRoles(node hash)

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