Build Status | Code Coverage |
Packages of CategoricalTowers:
Name | Description | Documentation |
Algebroids | Algebroids and bialgebroids as preadditive categories generated by enhanced quivers | |
CategoriesWithAmbientObjects | Categories with objects having ambient objects | |
CatReps | Representations and cohomology of finite categories | |
ExteriorPowersCategories | The graded category of exterior powers of objects of a given Ab-category | |
FiniteCocompletions | Finite (co)product/(co)limit (co)completions | |
FpCategories | Finitely presented categories by generating quivers and relations | |
FunctorCategories | Categories of functors | |
GradedCategories | Graded closures of categories | |
InternalModules | Modules over internal algebras | |
IntrinsicCategories | Intrinsic categories for CAP | |
IntrinsicGradedModules | Finitely presented graded modules over computable graded rings allowing multiple presentations and the notion of elements | |
IntrinsicModules | Finitely presented modules over computable rings allowing multiple presentations and the notion of elements | |
LazyCategories | Construct an equivalent lazy category out of a CAP category | |
Locales | Locales, frames, coframes, meet semi-lattices of locally closed subsets, and Boolean algebras of constructible sets | |
PreSheaves | Categories of (co)presheaves | |
QuotientCategories | Quotient categories | |
SubcategoriesForCAP | Subcategory and other related constructors for CAP categories | |
ToolsForCategoricalTowers | Tools for CategoricalTowers | |
Toposes | Elementary toposes | |
ZariskiFrames | (Co)frames/Locales of Zariski closed/open subsets of affine, projective, or toric varieties |