MeeM is a Mooc (massive open online courses) management web application.
- Courses Management (Videos, chapters, documents, quizzes and Tasks)
- Students (Tasks and peer reviews) management
- Teachers collaboration and tasks management
- Students statistics and evaluations
The origin of meem was to provide a mooc plateform for tunsian and arabic teachers to collaborate for providing ideas and new tools for education.
MeeM uses a number of open source projects to work properly:
- Python
- Django 1.7 - a nice a high-level Python Web framework that encourages rapid development and clean, pragmatic design.
- MySQL - db
- Backbonejs - Backbone.js is nice Javascript framework for MVC(Model, View, Controller) code structure and more.
- Marionettejs - composite application library for Backbone.js
- Twitter Bootstrap - great UI boilerplate for modern web apps.
- FullCalendar - A JavaScript event calendar. Customizable and open source.
- momentjs - Date & Time Javascript manipulation.
- underscore - is a JavaScript library that provides a whole mess of useful functional programming helpers without extending any built-in objects.
- bootstrap3-wysihtml5 - Simple wysiwyg editor.
- Djrill - integrates the Mandrill transactional email service into Django.
- jQuery
- install python (2.7)
- install pip
- pip install django
git clone (meem folder)
cd (meemfolder)
git pull dev
- Define the path to CommonJS and CommonCss folder , see WWW
- Define the media path
- Configure database parametres
- Configure smtp or Mandrillapp parametres in file
in root folder
python syncdb
python runserver