A Maximum-A-Posteriori (MAP) Bayesian approach for image denoising that uses Markov Random Fields (MRFs) as the prior model
See code/main.mlx
and run it cell by cell.
: The main script/driver program- General Functions:
: Returns the RRMSE (Relative Root Mean Squared Error) between two imagescode/objectiveAndGrads.m
: Returns the objective function value and the corresponding gradientscode/adaptiveGradientDescent.m
: Gradient Descent with a dynamic learning rate/step size
- MRF Prior:
: The standard four-neighbor system for each pixelcode/quadraticPrior.m
: The quadratic loss functioncode/huberPrior.m
: The Huber loss functioncode/dafPrior.m
: A discontinuity adaptive function
- Noise Model:
: Contains implementations of the Gaussian and the Rician noise models
(This was done as a course assignment for CS736: Medical Image Computing, Spring 2021, IIT Bombay)