A WhatsApp Desktop client for linux systems. This is an unofficial client. Use https://web.whatsapp.com for official web client as official desktop client for linux does not exist.
You may not get support for your issues but if you are able to fix any issue, feel free to send a PR and I will merge it after review.
To download an AppImage, please goto Latest Release Page
sudo snap install walc
- Download the latest AppImage in ~/.local/bin which is a recommended location for AppImages
- Make it executable using
chmod +x ~/.local/bin/WALC.AppImage
- When you open it first time, you will be asked for integration, click 'Yes' to add it to Applications menu.
If you want to get the version which is not yet released, follow the following steps
# You must have git, npm and node installed
# clone the repo
git clone https://github.com/cstayyab/WALC.git
#Move to WALC directory
# install dependencies
npm install
# build assets
npm run dev
# or alternatively to watch for changes
npm run watch
# start the app
npm start
To suggest any new feature please start a new discussion in the Feature Requests section of WALC Discussions
You can see the list of old Feature Requests from FeatHub account here and it will be closed as soon as we make sure that all the requests have been migrated to WALC Discussions.
If you are having any problem related to usage, building or deplying of WALC please reach out to commmunity in Troubleshooting section of WALC Discussions. Before starting a new discussion please check already created posts as other people might be having same problem as yours or someone might already have addressed and answered the problem you are having.
This content of this repository is lisensed under GPL-3.0 or later.
- You may check the issues section to solve an issue and submit a PR.
- Although it isn't necessary to follow priority order for bugs and number of votes for feature request but it would be really good if you follow that.
- You can find a list of "Good First Issues" here