ESPHome Custom Component Modbus sniffer for Delta Solvia Inverter 3.0 EU G4 TR installed with Solivia Gateway M1 D2.
📝 This config doesn't send any package request commands to the inverter !!
Config instead relies on the Solivia Gateway constant data package requests (appx. 1,5 packages pr. second).
A Solivia Gateway is not mandatory to utilize this ESPHome Modbus configuration.
The package request command can instead easily be send from ESPHome using uart.write
and e.g. triggered via the ESPHome Time component.
- platform: homeassistant
id: esptime
- platform: sntp
// Request package every 10 seconds from inverter at slave address: 0x01
- seconds: /10
- uart.write: [0x02, 0x05, 0x01, 0x02, 0x60, 0x01, 0x85, 0xFC, 0x03]
📝 Unlike most examples found on the net, my inverter returns a 255 bytes response. Most common inverter response length is 150 bytes (0x96) or 157 (0x9D). So almost no commands/registers match other examples published on the net. Package structure is also somewhat different.
💡 A list of all Delta Solivia inverters registers and the communication protocol is now finally publicly available and can be found here.
Using above list, it will be easy to tweak my configuration to fit your inverter variant.
it-koncept has tweaked this config and revised the registers to get a working solution for his 3 x Delta Solivia 3.0 EU G3 & Delta Solivia 3.3 EU G3 inverters.
I've tested on both ESP8266 with software & hardware UART and ESP32 with hardware UART only. I experience minor ESPHome <--> Home Assistant connection issues using the ESP8266 software UART. So I've revised my production config to use the hardware UART pins instead. This is rock solid. But remember to turn off debug communication on the UART pins.
Inverter part no.: EOE46010287
Single string input PV1: 3500W
Single phase output: L1
Slave address: 0x01
Baud rate: 19200
Install country: Denmark
Gateway request: 02:05:01:02:60:01:85:FC:03
Inverter response: 02:06:01:FF:60:01 + 255 data bytes (incl. CRC bytes) + ETX byte
The response actually doesn't match the protocol, as the CRC bytes and trailing ETX byte should be excluded from data length identifier (0xFF) Here, strangely enough, the CRC is included, but not the ETX ?
A few of the 'public known' commands have been tested. Most unfortunately did fail. Haven't really spend much time on testing further commands, as all the data i need is in gateway package. But commmand for e.g. inverters serial no. is working ok on my inverter.
- uart.write: [0x02, 0x05, 0x01, 0x02, 0x00, 0x01, 0xAD, 0xFC, 0x03]
Above command will response correctly with serial no.
Request: 02:05:01:02:60:01:85:FC:03
Response: 02:06:01:FF:60:01
Package data:
0x00 45:4F:45:34:36:30:31:30:32:38:37:31:31:33:32:38
0x10 37:30:38:31:33:30:31:30:30:33:33:39:38:31:33:30
0x20 31:30:38:01:02:1A:00:00:00:00:23:34:00:00:00:00
0x30 23:34:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:23:34:00:00
0x40 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01:00:03:96:01:9A:00:16
0x50 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:23:00:EC
0x60 13:88:03:64:FF:4E:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00
0x70 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:08:98:07:D0:00:33
0x80 00:33:00:00:00:00:02:14:3E:3E:00:26:48:A6:00:00
0x90 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00
0xA0 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00
0xB0 00:00:00:00:08:F7:00:00:01:16:00:00:00:00:00:00
0xC0 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00
0xD0 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00
0xE0 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00
0xF0 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:34:A4:03
Register address:
0x00 - 0x0A: SAP part no. EOE46010287 45:4F:45:34:36:30:31:30:32:38:37
0x0B - 0x1C: SAP serial no. 113287081301003398 31:31:33:32:38:37:30:38:31:33:30:31:30:30:33:33:39:38
0x1D - 0x20: SAP date code 1301 31:33:30:31
0x21 - 0x22: SAP revision 08 30:38
0x23 - 0x25: SW rev. System controller 1.02.26 01:02:1A
0x29 - 0x2B: SW rev. ENS controller 0.35.52 00:23:34
0x2F - 0x31: SW Rev. DC controller 0.35.52 00:23:34
0x3B - 0x3D: SW Rev. AC controller 0.35.52 00:23:34
0x47 - 0x49: SW revision reserved 0.1.0 00:01:00
0x4A - 0x4B: DC Power PV1 W 918 03:96
0x4C - 0x4D: DC voltage PV1 V 410 01:9A
0x4E - 0x4F: DC current PV1 (2,2 A) 22 00:16
0x5C - 0x5D: AC current L1 (3,5 A) 35 00:23
0x5E - 0x5F: AC voltage L1 V 236 00:EC
0x60 - 0x61: AC frequency (50,00 Hz) 5000 13:88
0x62 - 0x63: AC Power L1 W 868 03:64
0x64 - 0x65: AC Reactive Power L1 VAR -178 FF:4E
0x7A - 0x7B: ISO+ resistance kΩ 2200 08:98
0x7C - 0x7D: ISO- resistance kΩ 2000 07:D0
0x7E - 0x7F: Temperature ambient °C 50 00:33
0x80 - 0x81: Temperature heatsink °C 50 00:33
0x86 - 0x89: Total yield (34881,086 kWh) 34881086 02:14:3E:3E
0x8A - 0x8D: Uptime total in minutes 2508966 00:26:48:A6
0x91 - 0x91: Status 1 - bit 0 to 7 0 00
0x94 - 0x94: Status 2 - bit 8 to 15 0 00
0xB4 - 0xB5: Daily power yield Wh 2295 08:F7
0xB8 - 0xB9: Uptime today in minutes 278 01:16
bit 00 = 1 -> Self test ongoing
bit 01 = 1 -> Firmware update
bit 02 = 1 -> Night mode Check for Night mode
bit 03 = 1 -> L1 Voltage failure Check for L1 Voltage failure
bit 04 = 1 -> L2 Voltage failure
bit 05 = 1 -> L3 Voltage failure
bit 06 = 1 -> L1 Frequency failure
bit 07 = 1 -> L2 Frequency failure
When inverter is active bit#02 is cleared. When inactive bit#02 is set.
bit 08 = 1 -> PV3 Iso startup failure
bit 09 = 1 -> PV3 Iso running failure
bit 10 = 1 -> PV3+ grounding failure
bit 11 = 1 -> PV3- grounding failure
bit 12 = 1 -> PV1 voltage too low failure Check for PV1 voltage too low failure
bit 13 = 1 -> PV2 voltage too low failure
bit 14 = 1 -> PV3 voltage too low failure
bit 15 = 1 -> Internal failure