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Datavoids Web Simulator

This web simulator explores the dynamics of data voids and the effectiveness of different mitigation strategies. A data void occurs when there is a lack of relevant information online for certain search keywords, which can be exploited to spread disinformation. The entire English Wikipedia is used as dataset to simulate a web of hyperlinked Web pages.

Our simulator models an adversarial game between disinformers and mitigators, each attempting to influence search engine rankings by adding content to fill these voids:

  • Simulation of Data Voids: the simulator constructs data voids by removing relevant pages from the Wikipedia dataset, creating an environment where search queries return few or no relevant results, mimicking real-world scenarios where data voids can be exploited.

  • Adversarial Game Model: disinformers and mitigators take turns adding content to the dataset. Disinformers aim to promote misleading information, while mitigators attempt to counteract this by adding accurate information.

  • Evaluation of Strategies: the simulator evaluates various strategies for both disinformers and mitigators. Strategies include Random, Greedy, and Multiobjective approaches, each with different resource allocations and impact levels.

  • Tracking and Analysis: the simulator tracks the changes in search result rankings over time, providing insights into the effectiveness of different mitigation efforts.

Some of the results can be illustrated from our main research paper. The following figure shows the difference in effects between the mitigator and disinformer at every turn of the web search simulation across four data void scenarios:


This figure illustrates the costs associated with different mitigator strategies at each turn of the web search simulation across the same four data void scenarios as the previous figure.


Running the simulator

Python environment

pipenv install
pipenv shell
pipenv --venv # To know where is the virtual environment path

Specify that environment path as path in anytime a Jupyter Notebook in VSCode need to be run.

Project configuration

The project is configured by a file config.json. This file is not included in this repository, but a template of this file is available as config.template.json.

An example here:

  "database": {
    "host": "localhost",
    "user": "postgres",
    "password": "postgres",
    "database": "wikidump"
  "stored_functions_dir": "./database/functions/",
  "target_groups": [
  "groups_colors": {
    "mit": "#16a085",
    "dis": "#f39c12",
    "None": "#000000"
  "mitigator_keyword": "mit",
  "disinformer_keyword": "dis",
  "mit_keywords": [],
  "dis_keywords": [],
  "target_node": {
    "bay": 404412,
    "fre": 15537745
  "page_rank_at_each_step": false,
  "compute_initial_rage_rank": false,
  "top_k": 1000,
  "steps_config": {
    "max_steps": -1,
    "max_atomic_steps": -1,
    "on_each_node": true,
    "on_each_edge": false
  "costs": {
    "budget": -1 
  "labeling_hops": 1,
  "datavoids": [],
  "output_filename": null,
  "gzip": true

Create the database

Install Postgres and create a database to contain the whole Wikipedia dataset.

create database wikidump;

After connecting to the database create the necessary tables:

drop table if exists nodes, nodes_info, edges, redirects, rank;

create table nodes(
  id serial primary key, 
  grp varchar,
  active boolean default true

create table nodes_info (
    id integer primary key,
    url character varying,
    content text,
    content_vector tsvector,
    date_added timestamp without time zone
create index index_name on nodes_info (url);

create table edges(
  src int references nodes,
  des int references nodes,
  active boolean default true,
  primary key (src, des)

create table rank(
  id int primary key
  -- rank algorithm can add columns to it

create table info(
  id varchar primary key,
  prop varchar

create table redirects(
  from_title varchar primary key, 
  to_title varchar

Data can then be imported through the official Wikipedia dump files with:

PYTHONPATH=.:loaders/wikiextractor python loaders/ config.json  ~/path/to/enwiki-multistream 

alternatively, an existing DB dump is already available of an already imported Wikipedia dump.

psql -U postgres -d wikidump -f ~/path/to/wikidump.sql

Load stopwords

Execute the following:

pipenv run python ./loaders/

The stopwords are contained in data/stopwords and are coming from these databases:

file size source description
CoreNLP (Hardcoded) 28 Hardcoded in src/edu/stanford/nlp/coref/data/ and the same in src/edu/stanford/nlp/dcoref/
Ranks NL (Google) 32 The short stopwords list below is based on what we believed to be Google stopwords a decade ago, based on words that were ignored if you would search for them in combination with another word. (ie. as in the phrase "a keyword").
Lucene, Solr, Elastisearch 33 (NOTE: Some config files have extra 's' and 't' as stopwords.) An unmodifiable set containing some common English words that are not usually useful for searching.
MySQL (InnoDB) 36 A word that is used by default as a stopword for FULLTEXT indexes on InnoDB tables. Not used if you override the default stopword processing with either the innodb_ft_server_stopword_table or the innodb_ft_user_stopword_table option.
Ovid (Medical information services) 39 Words of little intrinsic meaning that occur too frequently to be useful in searching text are known as "stopwords." You cannot search for the following stopwords by themselves, but you can include them within phrases.
Bow (libbow, rainbow, arrow, crossbow) 48 Bow: A Toolkit for Statistical Language Modeling, Text Retrieval, Classification and Clustering. Short list hardcoded. Also includes 524 SMART derived list, same as MALLET. See
LingPipe 76 An EnglishStopTokenizerFactory applies an English stop list to a contained base tokenizer factory
Vowpal Wabbit (doc2lda) 83 Stopwords used in LDA example
Text Analytics 101 85 Minimal list compiled by Kavita Ganesan consisting of determiners, coordinating conjunctions and prepositions
LexisNexis® 100 “The following are 'noise words' and are never searchable: EVER HARDLY HENCE INTO NOR WERE VIZ. Others are 'noisy keywords' and are searchable by enclosing them in quotes.”
Okapi (gsl.cacm) 108 Cacm specific stoplist from Okapi
TextFixer 119 From Linked from Wiki page on Stop words.
DKPro 127 Postgresql (Snowball derived)
Postgres 127 “Stop words are words that are very common, appear in almost every document, and have no discrimination value.”
PubMed Help 133 Listed in PubMed Help pages.
CoreNLP (Acronym) 150 A set of words that should be considered stopwords for the acronym matcher
NLTK 153 According to email Van Rij. Sbergen (1979) "Information retrieval" (Butterworths, London). It's slightly expanded from postgres postgresql.txt which was borrowed from snowball presumably.
Spark ML lib 153 (Note: Same as NLTK) They were obtained from postgres The English list has been augmented
MongoDB 174 Commit says 'Changed stop words files to the snowball stop lists'
Quanteda 174 Has SMART and Snowball Default Lists. Source
Ranks NL (Default) 174 (Note: Same as Default Snowball Stoplist, but RanksNL frequently cited as source) “This list is used in [Ranks NL] Page Analyzer and Article Analyzer for English text, when you let it use the default stopwords list.”
Snowball (Original) 174 Default Snowball Stoplist.
Xapian 174 (Note: uses Snowball Stopwords) “It has been traditional in setting up IR systems to discard the very commonest words of a language - the stopwords - during indexing.”
R tm 174 R tm package uses snowball list and also has SMART.
99webTools 183 “Stop Words are words which do not contain important significance to be used in Search Queries. Most search engine filters these words from search query before performing search, this improves performance.”
Deeplearning4J 194 DL4J Stopwords are in 2 places - stopwords and stopwords.txt. Probably derived from snowball. Some unusual entires eg: ----s.
Reuters Web of Science™ 211 “Stopwords are common, frequently used words such as articles (a, an, the), prepositions (of, in, for, through), and pronouns (it, their, his) that cannot be searched as individual words in the Topic and Title fields. If you include a stopword in a phrase, the stopword is interpreted as a word placeholder.”
Function Words (Cook 1988) 221 “This list of 225 items was compiled for practical purposes some time ago as data for a computer parser for student English. Paper
Okapi (gsl.sample) 222 This Okapi is the BM25 Okapi. (Note: Included stopword text file is from all “F” “H” terms, as defined by defs.h) The GSL file contains terms that are to be dealt with in a special way by the indexing process. Each type is defined by a class code.
Snowball (Expanded) 227 NOTE: This Includes the extra words mentioned in comments “An English stop word list. Many of the forms below are quite rare (e.g. 'yourselves') but included for completeness.”
DataScienceDojo 250 Used in a real-time sentiment AzureML demo for a meetup
CoreNLP (stopwords.txt) 257 Note: "a", "an", "the", "and", "or", "but", "nor" hardcoded in also includes punctuation (!!, -lrb- …)
OkapiFramework 262 THIS IS NOT Okapi of BM25! (At least I don't think so) This list used in Okapi FRAMEWORK this Okapi is the Localization and Translation Okapi.
Azure Gallery 310 Slightly modified glasgow list.
ATIRE (NCBI Medline) 313 NCBI wrd_stop stop word list of 313 terms extracted from Medline. Its use is unrestricted. The list can be downloaded from here
Go 317 Go stopwords library. This is the glasgow list without 'computer' 'i' 'thick' - has 'thickv'
scikit-learn 318 Uses Glasgow list, but without the word “computer”
Glasgow IR 319 Linguistic resources from Glasgow Information Retrieval group. Lots of copies and edits of this one. Eg: xpo6 has mistakes – has quote instead of 'lf' eg: herse" instead of herself - comes up as one of the top results in google search.
xpo6 319 Used in Humboldt Diglital Library and Network and documented in blogpost. Likely derived from Glasgow list.
spaCy 326 Improved list from Stone, Denis, Kwantes (2010) Paper
Gensim 337 Same as spaCy (Improved list from Stone, Denis, Kwantes (2010))
Okapi (Expanded gsl.cacm) 339 Expanded cacm list from Okapi
C99 and TextTiling 371 UIMA wrapper for the java implementations of the segmentation algorithms C99 and TextTiling, written by Freddy Choi
Galago (inquery) 418 The core/src/main/resources/stopwords/inquery list is same as Indri default.
Indri 418 Part of Lemur Project
Onix & Lextek 429 This stopword list is probably the most widely used stopword list. It covers a wide number of stopwords without getting too aggressive and including too many words which a user might search upon. This wordlist contains 429 words.
GATE (Keyphrase Extraction) 452 Stopwords used in GATE Keyphrase Extraction Algorithm
Zettair 469 Zettair is a compact and fast text search engine designed and written by the Search Engine Group at RMIT University. It was once known as Lucy.
Okapi (Expanded gsl.sample) 474 Same as okapi_sample.txt but with “I” terms (not default Okapi behaviour! but may be useful)
Taporware 485 TAPoRware Project, McMaster University - modified Glasgow list – includes numbers 0 to 100, and 1990 to 2020 (for dates presumably) also punctuation
Voyant (Taporware) 488 Voyant uses taporware list by default, includes extra thou, thee, thy – presumably for Shakespeare corpus. Trombone repo also has Glasgow and SMART in resources.
MALLET 524 Default MALLET stopword list. (Based on SMART I think) See Docs
Weka 526 Like Bow (Rainbow, which is SMART) but with extra ll ve added to avoid words like you'll,I've etc. Almost exactly the same as mallet.txt
MySQL (MyISAM) 543 MyISAM and InnoDB use different stoplists. Taken from SMART but modified
Galago (rmstop) 565 Includes some punctuation, utf8 characters, www, http, org, net, youtube, wikipedia
Kevin Bougé 571 Multilang lists compiled by Kevin Bougé. English is SMART.
SMART 571 SMART (System for the Mechanical Analysis and Retrieval of Text) Information Retrieval System is an information retrieval system developed at Cornell University in the 1960s.
ROUGE 598 Extended SMART list used in ROUGE 1.5.5 Summary Evaluation Toolkit – includes extra words: reuters, ap, news, tech, index, 3 letter days of the week and months.
tonybsk_1.txt 635 Unknown origin - I lost the reference.
Sphinx Search Ultimate 665 An extension for Sphinx has this list.
Ranks NL (Large) 667 A very long list from
tonybsk_6.txt 671 Unknown origin - I lost the reference.
Terrier 733 Terrier Retrieval Engine “Stopword list to load can be loaded from the stopwords.filename property.”
ATIRE (Puurula) 988 Included in ATIRE See Paper
Alir3z4 1298 List of common stop words in various languages. The English list looks like merged from several sources.


Compute TF-IDF following the notebook tf_idf.ipynb. The reason is not a straighforward python file to execute is to give enough configurability in this part. For example IDF is only computed on the topics you are interested about, but a command to calculate for all pages in wikipedia is commented out and available, but it might take several weeks to run on a laptop.

Remember in this notebook the stored procedure compute_idf_seeds_nodes will take a long time to execute. On a M1 Pro Macbook Pro it finished in 7 hours.

Alternatively a computed TF-IDF is stored in wikidump_tf_idf.sql and you can import with:

psql -U postgres -d wikidump -f ~/path/to/wikidump_tf_idf.sql

Performances (optional)


Increase shared_buffers to 1/4 of your RAM

sudo nvim /usr/local/var/postgres@14/postgresql.conf

Edit shared_buffers, for example for 16GB of ram calculated with

max_connections = 40
shared_buffers = 4GB
effective_cache_size = 12GB
maintenance_work_mem = 2GB
checkpoint_completion_target = 0.9
wal_buffers = 16MB
default_statistics_target = 500
random_page_cost = 1.1
work_mem = 26214kB
min_wal_size = 4GB
max_wal_size = 16GB

Restart postgres

brew services restart postgresql@14

Test with wikilite (optional)

In order to run faster simulation in development phase is possible to run in a smaller copy of the wikipedia pages network containing only nodes that are labeled, its neighgboors, and a random sample of the unlabeled ones.

In order to do this, first import wikipedia dump as well in another database.

create database wikilite;

Import dumps like the above steps done for wikidump.

Then everytime you run a simulation have wikilite as database instead of another database. This database name is reserved for this kind of execution where tables like nodes is copied in a smaller one to improve simulation performances.

Important Folders and files

  • docs folder contains some more details about the simulator with the description of strategies, how costs were modeled and various documents explaing the decision making behind.

  • database folder contains SQL files which the code uses. For example, functions/searchrank.sql contains the algorithm for the search rank which performs pagerank and text search rank, which are respectively in functions/pagerank.sql and functions/tsrank.sql

  • data folder contains various data needed for the simulator to work. Most importantly data/datavoids_per_topic_filtered.json contains the topics used for the paper, while data/datavoids_per_topic.json contains more topics that were considered and found to be not compelling.

  • hcp folder contains files useful to run the simulator in the HPC

  • results folder is where results are saved when simulations are running

  • tests is where tests are. Important tests are:

    • strategy-evaluation-all-topics.ipynb which takes several days to finish, and runs all simulations for all topics. This produces files in the results folder. For example "pro_dec-eval-all-rnd-greedy.csv" is saved for the simuation of the topic Procedural Languages vs. Declarative Languages, running random vs greedy respectively. ('eval-all' indicates just a label in the simulation about the evaluation of all topics)
    • To plots the results of those run strategy-evaluation-all-topics-results-single-plots.ipynb and this will crate files in results folder, for example in results/images_against_disinformer images such as opt-pes-eval-all-base-rnd-rnd-eval-all-greedy-rnd.pdf are created.
  • PubVisualizations also contains scripts and data to produce some paper visualizations.


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