Usage: generate.rb [options] <format>
<format>: Specify the format of the generated passphrase (default: "(/w )*6")
Available tokens are:
/w => a word from the wordlist
/d => a digit [0-9]
/s => a symbol from the string SYMBOLS
/S => a symbol or a digit
/a => a random character (letter digit or symbol)
Example: "pass/d/d/d_/w" yields "pass107_recopy"
Tokens or groups of tokens can be repeated using the syntax ()*N
where N is the amount of repetitions.
Example: "(/w/d)*3" yields "faster4employer0rectified3"
-w path/to/wordlist Pick words from the specified wordlist
(default: /home/hugo/Workspace/passphrase-format/eff_large_wordlist.txt)
-s symbols Specify a string of symbols to pick from
(default: !@#$%^&*-_=+;:'",./<>?~)
-c N Number of passphrases to generate
-h, --help Show this message
This tool generates passphrases based on a format string, similar to the printf syntax.
./generate.rb "/w /w /w /w /w /w"
pancake salute ducky corral uncloak graded
./generate.rb "(/w/s )*4"
creasing% emoticon& humped" overrun&
./generate.rb "/d*10"