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JavaScript training
In this project, I learned how to divide the functionality into separate modules(ES6) and build the project using webpack. Also on this project I got acquainted with such technologies as: JSON, AJAX, Promise(ES6), Fetch API, geting data from the server, async/await (ES8), npm, webpack, Babel, Core.js, polyfills, regular expressions and others. I worked with the ready layout.
The site has such functionalities:
- tabs
- modal windows (including pop up after time. setTimeout and setInterval)
- timer
- cards (for dynamically creating cards, I got acquainted with functions-constructor, execution context this, classes and created a small training database db.json)
- slider
- calculator (you can calculate your calorie requirement for the day, you need to fill in your data)
The project is validated without errors and warnings, all images are optimized. The site is adaptive only for desktop.