An iOS app that gives directions from point to point using augmented reality and chat support using the Chatbots using NLP.
Video link -
- DIY support for Installer and Maintenance Technicians
- Real time report of the current state of the equipment
- Minimizing the error rate of misconfigurations
- Minimizing the dependency on the OEM help.
- Verification of the installed component with reference data of the OEM
- Verification process report the status of the configured attributes (qualified/not qualified)
- For “not qualified” the CHATBOT option is provided as DIY support.
- CHATBOT will assist with suggested solutions
- CHATBOT will provide the options of installation video links and the installation guides.
- AR will provide the direction to the installer to reach to the not qualified equipment from his current location.
- Google Functions and API
- Firebase
- Kafka
- iOS application. [iOS 11.0+]
- ApiAI - For Google Dialogflow.
- IQKeyboardManagerSwift - For Managing Keyboard.
- JSQMessagesViewController - For building Chat.
- ARCL & CocoaLumberjack/Swift - For Augmented Reality.
P.S. -
- As it's a 48 hours hackathon, Code quality and structure isn't maintained properly. :)
- Lat, Long's are hardcoded in the ARViewController, add your current lat long's to see the Augmented Reality view.