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It brings Javascript runtime capability to Unity3D by integrating QuickJS.


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It brings Javascript runtime capability to Unity3D by integrating QuickJS.

Typescript is the scripting language used in unity-jsb, the definition files (d.ts) of exported C# types could be generated with one-click simplicity.

v8 is experimentally supported as an alternative backend (only on Windows x64 for now) Debugger is supported when using v8 backend.

QuickJS is a small and embeddable Javascript engine. It supports the ES2020 specification including modules, asynchronous generators, proxies and BigInt.


  • Unity3D coroutines and C# tasks support in JS async function
  • Operator overloading for Vector2/Vector3 etc. (only supported with QuickJS)
  • Javascript hotload (development stage only)
  • Highly integrated with Unity3D
    • JS implemented MonoBehaviour (also available on Prefab)
    • JS implemented EditorWindow
    • JS implemented CustomEditor (Inspector)
    • JS implemented ScriptableObject
    • JS implemented AssetPostProcessor
  • JS/C# interaction without glue code (development stage only)
  • Generates glue code for better performance
    • [PLANNED] Generates glue code with Roslyn source generator (for Unity2021.3+ only)
  • [UNFINISHED] JS Worker
  • [UNFINISHED] Hotfix on C#
  • [UNFINISHED] UIElement support

Supports .NET4.0/dotnetcore3.1/Unity2020.3+ (Windows/macOS/iOS/Android) x86/x64/arm64 Only tested on macOS with Unity2020.3(INTEL)


Extends MonoBehaviour

// the namespace will be mapped into module in javascript
// it's not always necessary to write type-imports manually, intellisense could finish it automatically and properly in VSCode
import { MonoBehaviour, WaitForSeconds, Object, GameObject } from "UnityEngine";

class MyClass extends MonoBehaviour {
    protected _tick = 0;

    Awake() {
        console.log("MyClass.Awake", this._tick++);

    async OnEnable() {
        console.log("MyClass.OnEnable", this._tick++);
        await jsb.Yield(new WaitForSeconds(1));
        console.log("MyClass.OnEnable (delayed)", this._tick++);

    OnDisable() {
        console.log("MyClass.OnDisable", this._tick++);

    OnDestroy() {
        console.log("MyClass.OnDestroy", this._tick++);

    async test() {
        console.log("MyClass.test (will be destroied after 5 secs.", this.transform);
        await jsb.Yield(new WaitForSeconds(5));

// with @ScriptType decorator, this class will be recognized by Unity Editor
export class MySubClass extends MyClass {

    // make this field be serialized automatically
    year = 2021;

    month = 5;

    theName = "Bob";

    Awake() {
        console.log("MySubClass.Awake", this._tick++);

    play() {

let gameObject = new GameObject();
let comp = gameObject.AddComponent(MySubClass);;

let comp_bySuperClass = gameObject.GetComponent(MyClass);

Extends EditorWindow

import { EditorWindow } from "UnityEditor";
import { GUILayout, GUIContent } from "UnityEngine";

// with @ScriptEditorWindow decorator, the type will be listed in script launchpad window (Menu: JS Bridge -> Script Editor Window Launcher)
export class MyEditorWindow extends EditorWindow {
    Awake() {

    OnEnable() {
        this.titleContent = new GUIContent("Blablabla");

    OnGUI() {
        if (GUILayout.Button("I am Javascript")) {


Script hot-load is supported, you can run the game, edit scripts without stopping playing to see the change affects immediately. The class instance including member variables in scripts (MonoBehaviour/EditorWindow) will be retained, only the type of class itself will be replaced on the fly to the new version.

Code Hotload

Editor Scripting

Supports editor scripting:

  • Editor
  • EditorWindow
  • ScriptableObject
  • AssetPostProcessor

Here is an example of EditorWindow totally implemented in typescript. Only imgui is supported for now.

JS Module Viewer

Async Functions

  • await Unity3D coroutines
  • await C# Tasks

NOTE: In current version, a C# task returning nothing should use System.Threading.Tasks.Task as return type explicitly instead of void, then jsb.Yield can understand that it's a async task.

import { WaitForSeconds } from "UnityEngine";
import { IPHostEntry } from "System.Net";
import { AsyncTaskTest } from "Example";
import * as jsb from "jsb";

async function testAsyncFunc () {
    console.log("you can await any Unity YieldInstructions");
    await jsb.Yield(new WaitForSeconds(1.2));
    await jsb.Yield(null);

    console.log("setTimeout support")
    await new Promise(resolve => {
        setTimeout(() => resolve(), 1000);    

    // System.Threading.Tasks.Task<System.Net.IPHostEntry>
    let result = <IPHostEntry> await jsb.Yield(Example.AsyncTaskTest.GetHostEntryAsync(""));
    console.log("host entry:", result.HostName);


Operator overloading

Vector3 * Vector3 or Vector3 * float is all right, but be caution that there is no value type in Javascript, Vector3 is by-ref in Javascript.

NOTE: Operator overloading is only supported by quickjs.

    let vec1 = new Vector3(1, 2, 3);
    let vec2 = new Vector3(9, 8, 7);
    // @ts-ignore
    let vec3 = vec1 + vec2; 
    let vec4 = vec1 + vec2;
    console.log(vec3 / 3);
    console.log(vec3 == vec4);
    let vec1 = new Vector2(1, 2);
    let vec2 = new Vector2(9, 8);
    let vec3 = vec1 + vec2;


// Supports commonjs modules (require)


// commonjs modules cache access
Object.keys(require.cache).forEach(key => console.log(key));


let ws = new WebSocket("ws://", "default");

console.log("websocket connecting:", ws.url);

ws.onopen = function () {
    console.log("[ws.onopen]", ws.readyState);
    let count = 0;
    setInterval(function () {
        ws.send("websocket message test" + count++);
    }, 1000);
ws.onclose = function () {
    console.log("[ws.onclose]", ws.readyState);
ws.onerror = function (err) {
    console.log("[ws.onerror]", err);
ws.onmessage = function (msg) {
    console.log("[ws.recv]", msg);


let xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();"GET", "");
xhr.timeout = 1000;
xhr.onreadystatechange = function () {
    console.log("readyState:", xhr.readyState);
    if (xhr.readyState !== 4) {
    console.log("status:", xhr.status);
    if (xhr.status == 200) {
        console.log("responseText:", xhr.responseText);


This feature is UNFINISHED, all C# types are not exported into Worker runtime at present.

/// master.js

let worker = new Worker("worker");

worker.onmessage = function (data) { 
    console.log("master receive message from worker", data);

// setTimeout(function () { worker.terminate(); }, 5000);

/// worker.js 

setInterval(function () {
    postMessage("message form worker");
}, 3000)

onmessage = function (data) {
    console.log("worker get message from master:", data);


You can replace a tagged C# member method by a script function at runtime. This feature is UNFINISHED.

// replace method in C# class
jsb.hotfix.replace_single("HotfixTest", "Foo", function (x: number) {
    // CAUTION: private memebers will be accessible in scripts after hotfix
    // if the replaced method is instance method, 'this' refers to C# object instance
    // otherwise, 'this' refers to the type itself (JS Constructor)
    console.log("replace C# method body by js function", this.value); 
    return x;

// insert code snippet before method in C# class
jsb.hotfix.before_single("HotfixTest", "AnotherCall", function () {
    print("this will be executed before C# code");

Unity API Docs included in d.ts




How to get the minimalistic jsb package

You could add jsb as a UPM package with this URL:

! Samples are not included in UPM package.

How to get the sample project

You could clone this repository as a complete sample project.


git clone --depth=1

Restore node_modules

npm install

Re-compile ts source files (only if modified)

# or compile and watch
# tsc --watch 

Generate d.ts

Open project with Unity3D, run menu command JS Bridge/Generate Type Definition

NOTE: The split size of the generated d.ts file is configurable in PrefsEditor (or directly edit js-bridge.json).


Examples for Unity

Open Assets/Examples/Scenes/SampleScene.unity and select specific example you want to check.

If you use node_modules in your scripts, you need to package them via webpack/gulp when the game actually runs on target platform.

Example for dotnetcore

Open this project directory in VSCode, select dotnetcore example in Run And Debug panel, then just run it.


Some experimental works

Extra Features (Optional)

  • Websocket
  • XMLHttpRequest


export interface TestData {
    name: string,
    tick: number;

export class MyWidgetTest extends JSXWidgetBridge {
    private _data: TestData;
    private _timer: any;

    get data() { return this._data; }

    Awake() {
        this._data = ViewModel.create({ name: "Unity", tick: 0 });
        this._widget =
            <widget class={this}>
                <text name="label" text="Hello {{}} {{this.tick}}" />

        this._timer = setInterval(() => {
        }, 1000);

    OnDestroy() {


Multi-threading is not supported in a single runtime. You need to use worker.


Remote debugging is now available with Chrome DevTools.

NOTE: It's still in experimental stage.


Referenced libraries