This repository serves as a blueprint to start fast and easy with OTC GitOps
First setup the infrastructure according to the README within this Github Template
then create a fork from this repository.
This helm chart infrastructure-charts is automatically installed by terraform. It then creates multiple other applications in the format of app-of-apps pattern
Within infrastructure-charts/values.yaml
you can add new services and customize them. Helm tpl is supported within the values.yaml file
If you didn't source the
in the project please do so by running:
Now you are able to execute the argo
command. Run the argo
command. This will do the following:
- Print out the Username and the Password on the first line
- The browser should open automatically and open a tab to the ArgoCD UI. If it does not open a browser, you can do it yourself by opening this url: http://localhost:8080/argocd
- You should see that ArgoCD automatically already installed multiple charts
If all services are up and running you should also be able to access your admin domain like this: https://admin.YOUR-DOMAIN-NAME
You have 3 options to deploy some services.
Chart from a global helm chart registry which is configured in line number 12 (in this example we use Charts deployed like this: argocd-config, basic-auth-gateway, kafka, admin-dashboard
Chart from a non global helm chart registry. Charts deployed like this: bitnami-kafka
Chart which resides inside this git repository. Charts deployed like this: akhq
Let's deploy some additional chart. Now it is time for you deploy some charts/services by yourself. In this example we will install an elastic stack (kibana/elasticsearch/filebeat)
- Open infrastructure-charts/values.yaml
- Add a new service like this:
elasticsearch: namespace: monitoring targetRevision: 8.7.0 parameters: "admin.{{.Values.projectValues.rootDomain}}" backup.enabled: "false"
You need to commit and push this change now. Argo detects the changes and applies them after around 2-3 minutes.
After deployment please update the admin dashboard (infrastructure-charts/values-files/admin-dashboard/values.yaml) with the new links.
- /kibana
- /elasticsearch
If you don't want to search for icons you can see the solution here:
You have 3 ways of changing the values of a chart
- You change the values inside the remote/local helm chart itself
- You set parameters inside the "infrastructure-charts/values.yaml" like shown here:
We would recommend this approach if you need to template values or if you have just a few values which needs to be set.
kafka: namespace: kafka targetRevision: 22.1.6 parameters: "kafka.replicaCount": "1"
- You specify the location of a values.yaml file like shown here:
We would recommend this approach only if you have a lot of static values which are not stage dependent.
iits-admin-dashboard: namespace: admin targetRevision: 1.5.0 # values files needs to be inside this chart valueFile: "value-files/admin-dashboard/values.yaml"
Now let's change some values:
- Please change inside
the number of replicaCount for iits-admin-dashboard from 1 to 2 - Commit and push your changes
- Check the service in the ArgoCD UI and verify that it scaled up
Since this setup is build on top of the otc-terraform-template you can hand over information from terraform to argo like this:
resource "helm_release" "argocd" {
values = [
projects = {
infrastructure-charts = {
projectValues = {
# Set this to enable stage $STAGE-values.yaml
stage = var.stage
rootDomain = var.domain_name
All projectValues variables are given over to argo, and we can reuse them here.
In this example the stage or rootDomain variables are handed over to argo.
- First copy the whole content of this project to some other git repository
- Change then the folder infrastructure-charts to something you like for example app-charts
- Change also all the other occurrences from infrastructure-charts to app-charts
- Register the app-charts as a App of Apps project inside terraform like this:
resource "helm_release" "argocd" {
values = [
projects = {
infrastructure-charts = {
app-charts = {
projectValues = {
# Set this to enable stage $STAGE-values.yaml
stage = var.stage
appDomain = "${var.domain_name}"
git = {
password = var.git_token
repoUrl = "https://my-git-repo-for-apps.git"
- Argo will now do the same with the app-charts as with the infrastructure-charts
For each team we recommend to create a own git repo and AppProject. Then you will be able to fully make use of RBAC.
Now we go a little bit freestyle. Pick one of the topics below or choose one which you are interested in. Talk with your teammates and/or your tutor about it. Try to find the best way to implement it.
Setup a RDS database
- How would you create a RDS? Is there maybe a repository/website which can help you with that?
- How would you initialize the database with users,tables... ?
- How can you avoid to work with IPs? Think about the thing that you need to set inside the microservice the private ip everytime.
Try to deploy a third party helm chart like keycloak
- You need to everytime think about topics like this:
- Do i need forward-auth?
- Do i need persistence? If yes where do i store my data ? file-storage or databases?
- How can configure Keycloak? No we will not do it manually !
- You need to everytime think about topics like this:
Try to deploy a prometheus-stack
- You need to everytime think about topics like this:
- Do i need forward-auth?
- Do i need persistence? If yes where do i store my data ? file-storage or databases?
- How can configure Keycloak? No we will not do it manually !
- You need to everytime think about topics like this:
Try to deploy a third party helm chart like elastic-stack
- You need to everytime think about topics like this:
- Do i need forward-auth?
- Do i need persistence? If yes where do i store my data ? file-storage or databases?
- How can configure Keycloak? No we will not do it manually !
- You need to everytime think about topics like this:
- Take a look at kyverno and think about how to add more security to your cluster
- Which steps need to be done to make thirdparty helm images secure? (hint take a look at iits charts)