cd ./postgres
docker compose up -d
flowchart TD
subgraph above["Data Loading and indexing"]
subgraph subGraph0["Create Text Nodes For each File"]
E["Concatenate Transcript"]
F["Extract Recipe Title"]
G["Create list of File Nodes"]
FF["Title Question Extractor (Metadata)"]
subgraph subGraph1["Create Text Nodes For each Paragraph"]
I["Get Paragraph text (5 consequtive sentences)"]
J["Extract Food Entity"]
H["Create Paragraph Nodes: pnodes with metadata <br> start_time, end_time, filehash"]
II["ffmpeg commands for extracting pic_type frame corresponding to <br> each node, save extracted frames inside dir file_hash/node_hash <br> with filename as relative frame_number"]
B["File Transcript List"]
B --> C{"For Each File Transcript"}
C --> I & D["Extract File Metadata"]
I --> J
HI["Create Vectore Store Index: pindex"]
G --> HI["Create Vectore Store Index: file_index"]
D --> E
E --> F
F --> FF
FF --> G
J --> H
H --> II
II --> IJ["Create Image nodes with extracted frames"]
IJ --> JK['create Multi-Modal index with PGStore']
style subGraph0 stroke:#000000,fill:none
style subGraph1 stroke:#000000,fill:none
flowchart TB
Start(["User submit query"]) --> GenerateRecipe{"OpenAI Agent for function selection\n(User Query)"}
GenerateRecipe -->|Custom Dish Recipe| CDS["Sample 100 Paragraph Nodes"]
GenerateRecipe -->|Known Dish Recipe| DOC["Fetch relavant File containing Recipe"]
GenerateRecipe -->|Recipe| KOK["Fetch doc_node corresponding to Recipe"]
GenerateRecipe -->|Modification request| PPK[Modification Request]
subgraph subGraph0["Generate Modified Recipe "]
KOK --> MN["Retrive nodes relevant to recipe in query"]
MN --> NUN
subgraph subGraph2["Unknown Recipe generate"]
CDS --> HUH["Create Retriever corresponding to nodes"]
subgraph subGraph1["Summarize known recipe in markdown format"]
DOC --> PP{"Similarity > thres"}
PP -->|yes| KDR["pindex -> query-engine -> get-recipe summary"]
PP -->|no| KDP["return 'could not find user query'"]
KDR --> JJ["Retrive relavant source node for each step in recipe"]
GIS --> RI["Among Retrive images, Retrieve images for recipe steps"]
RI & KDR --> RMMLM[Refine each step with Multi-Modal LM]
RMMLM -->|response| MK("Create/Show Markdown (Fetch frame timestamp)")
JJ --> GIS["For each relevant node -> Get Images all images corresponding to node"]
HUH --> OJ["For each step of recipe generate image <br> and get its url using DALLE"]
NUN[Response synthesizer] -->|response|OJ
OJ -->|response| MKK("Create/Show Markdown")
style subGraph0 stroke:#000000,fill:none
style subGraph1 stroke:#000000,fill:none
style subGraph2 stroke:#000000,fill:none