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Public developer API documentation for Gods Unchained.

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Gods Unchained API

Public developer API documentation for Gods Unchained, a trading card game on the Ethereum blockchain.

This version of the API (v0) is in a limited public beta: if you discover a bug, or the api returns results contrary to the specification, report it here. Error specifications will be added soon.


Here are some third-party tools built using these APIs, make sure to ask in our Discord server if you're looking for help or you're wondering what to build.


Base URL

The base url for all requests is:

This URL must be suffixed with the version being requested (current version: v0).

Duplicate Arguments

We support queries of the following form:

Duplicate argument keys will be interpreted disjunctively: this query will return cards where the god is either nature OR death.


All requests which can return multiple objects can be shaped by the page and perPage parameters.

All paginated endpoints return data in the following format:

    total: number
    page: number
    perPage: number
    records: Array<any>

Where total is the number of records discovered by this query.


Sorts are applied to paginated endpoints using the sort and order query parameters:

Range and number types can be ordered by order=asc and order=desc, defaulting to asc.

Multiple sort parameters can be applied in one query, and will be applied in order:

For queries without exact pairings of sort and order parameters (where multiple parameters are applied), it is necessary to mark the order as null:

Rate Limits

Currently, there is a rate limit of 5 per second (5/s) on all endpoints. This may change in the future.


General types:

Type Description
string A url encoded string.
number A decimal number.
boolean true or false

Custom API types:

Type Description
address A hexadecimal Ethereum address, case insensitive.
range A specific number 1000, a range 1000-2000, a minimum 1000- or a maximum -2000.

The valid options for the enumeration types in various apis are set out below:

Type Options
God light, death, nature, war, magic, deception
PackType rare, epic, legendary, shiny
Rarity common, rare, epic, legendary, mythic
Type creature, spell, weapon
Tribe nether, aether, atlantean, viking, olympian, anubian, amazon
Quality plain, shadow, gold, diamond
Format full, card


There are several 'types' of card in Gods Unchained:

  • Token: A full ERC721 token card which has been 'activated'.
  • Model: The most common type of card: locked in, shown on frontend, but not yet converted to an ERC721 token to save gas.
  • Centralized: Cards which cannot be traded on the blockchain (part of the core set or an untradeable promotion card).

Some of these endpoints return a combination of the above, while some do not: this is documented by the individual endpoints. In general, the default is to return only cards which can become ERC721 tokens (i.e. Token and Model cards).

Prototype cards, or protos, contain the underlying stats for a class of card.


Method Description Status
/card/{id} Get card Live
/card List cards Live
/proto/{id} Get a proto Live
/proto List protos Live
/factory/{address} Get factory Live
/factory Get a list of factories Live
/factory/{address}/purchase/{id} Get purchase Live
/purchase List factories Live
/factory/{address}/purchase/{id}/pack/{index} Get pack Live
/pack List packs Live
/referral Get a list of referrals Live
/image/{id} Get image Live
/user/{address} Get user Live
/ranking List users ranked by cards owned Live
/rarity Get rarity statistics Live
/user/{address}/inventory Get a user's inventory Live
/deck Encode a deck into a deck string Live
/deck/{string} Decode a deck from a deck string Live

Core API

GET /card/{id}


Name Type Description
id number ERC721 id of the card

Returns the token card with id id and appropriate metadata. Currently conforms to both the generic and Apollo metadata specifications.

GET /card paginated

Returns a list of token and model cards.


Name Type Description
user address get cards owned by a specific address
rarity Rarity get cards with a specific rarity
quality Quality get cards with a specific quality
god God get cards with a specific god
type Type get cards with a specific type
tribe Tribe get cards with a specific tribe
purity range get cards with a particular purity
mana range get cards with a specific mana
health range get cards with a specific health
attack range get cards with a specific attack
proto number get cards with a specific prototype id

Response Format

    "total": 1000,
    "page": 1,
    "perPage": 1,
    "records": [
            "id": {
                "Int64": 0,
                "Valid": false,
            "proto": 319,
            "purity": 59,
            "user": "0xCb3562Dd15807e2BCF35092B1e873971AF0a51da"

GET /proto/{id}

Returns the prototype card with id id.


Name Type Description
id number id of the prototype card

Response Format

    "name":"Guerilla Sabotage",
    "effect":"Deal 4 damage to a random enemy creature. Draw a card.",

GET /proto paginated

Returns a list of prototype cards.


Name Type Description
god God get protos with a specific god
rarity Rarity get protos with a specific rarity
type Type get protos with a specific type
tribe Tribe get protos with a specific tribe
set Set get protos with a specific set
collectable Collectable get protos that are collectable or not
mana range get protos with a specific mana
health range get protos with a specific health
attack range get protos with a specific attack

Response Format

    "total": 380,
    "page": 1,
    "perPage: 1,
    "records": [
            "name":"Guerilla Sabotage",
            "effect":"Deal 4 damage to a random enemy creature. Draw a card.",

GET /factory/{address}

Returns the pack factory at address address.


Name Type Description
address address address of factory

Response Format


GET /factory paginated

Returns a list of pack factories.


Name Type Description
type PackType type of pack

Response Format

    "total": 4,
    "page": 1,
    "perPage: 1,
    "records": [

GET /factory/{address}/purchase/{id}

Returns purchase id from the pack factory at address.


Name Type Description
address address address of factory
id number id of purchase within factory

Response Format


GET /purchase paginated

Returns a list of purchases.


Name Type Description
type PackType get purchases from a specific pack type
user address get purchases made by a specific user
factory address get purchases made in a specific factory
remaining range number of packs remaining to be activated from this purchase
count range number of packs purchased in this purchase

Response Format

    "total": 1000,
    "page": 1,
    "perPage: 1,
    "records": [

GET /factory/{address}/purchase/{id}/pack/{index}

Returns the pack with index index from purchase id from the pack factory with address address.


Name Type Description
address address address of the pack factory
id number id of the purchase
index number index of the pack within the purchase

Response Format


GET /pack paginated

Returns a list of packs.


Name Type Description
type PackType get packs of a specific type
user address get packs purchased by a specific user
factory address get packs created by a specific factory
purchase range get packs created in a specific purchase
opened boolean whether these packs have been opened
fill boolean whether to fill these packs with their cards

Response Format

    "total": 1000,
    "page": 1,
    "perPage: 1,
    "records": [

GET /referral paginated

Returns a list of referrals.


Name Type Description
type PackType get referrals with a specific rarity
referrer address get referrals made by a specific user
purchaser address get referrals made for a specific user
factory address get referrals made in a particular factory

Response Format

    "total": 1000,
    "page": 1,
    "perPage: 1,
    "records": [

GET /image/{id}

Returns an image based on the card prototype with id id. To get an image in its card form, use the format and quality parameters.


Name Type Description
format format the format in which the image should be presented
h number the height to which the image will be resized
w number the width to which the image will be resized
quality Quality the quality of the card

GET /user/{address}

Get a user.


Name Type Description
address string the Ethereum address of the user

Response Format

    "username": "ender",
    "address": "0xC257274276a4E539741Ca11b590B9447B26A8051",
    "nonce": 0

Helper APIs

To help build more effective applications for our ecosystem, we're also providing a couple of helpful API endpoints. These endpoints may be deprecated in future releases, as they are composable from existing endpoints, but provide a convenient interface during the development of nascent GU-focused applications.

GET /ranking paginated

Returns an ordered list of users with the most cards which meet particular conditions.


Name Type Description
rarity Rarity get rank of cards with a specific rarity
quality Quality get rank of cards with a specific quality
god God get rank of cards with a specific god
type Type get rank of cards with a specific type
tribe Tribe get rank of cards with a specific tribe
purity range get rank of cards with a minimum purity bound
mana range get rank of cards with a specific mana
health range get rank of cards with a specific health
attack range get rank of cards with a specific attack
proto number get rank of cards with a specific prototype id

Response Format

    "total": 10000,
    "page": 1,
    "perPage": 1,
    "records": [
            "user": "0xa012623C2d4EB0cfe921Bd283bb1823370Ae2737",
            "count": 1585

GET /rarity paginated

Returns rarity information about protos.


Name Type Description
user address get rarity info about cards owned by a specific address
rarity rarity get rarity info about cards with a specific rarity
quality quality get rarity info about cards with a specific quality
god god get rarity info about cards with a specific god
type type get rarity info about cards with a specific type
tribe tribe get rarity info about cards with a specific tribe
purity range get rarity info about cards within a purity range
mana range get rarity info about cards within a mana range
health range get rarity info about cards within a health range
attack range get rarity info about cards with an attack range
proto `number get rarity info about cards with a specific prototype id

Sort Options

proto, plain, shadow, gold, diamond

Response Format

    "total": 380,
    "page": 1,
    "perPage": 1,
    "records": [
            "proto": 1,
            "plain": 1325,
            "shadow": 72,
            "gold": 20,
            "diamond": 3

GET /user/{address}/inventory paginated

Returns the inventory of the user with address address, including token, shadow and centralized cards.


Name Type Description
rarity rarity get cards with a specific rarity
quality quality get cards with a specific quality
god god get cards with a specific god
type type get cards with a specific type
tribe tribe get cards with a specific tribe
purity range get cards within a purity range
mana range get cards within a mana range
health range get cards within a health range
attack range get cards with an attack range
proto number get cards with a specific prototype id

Response Format

    "total": 380,
    "page": 1,
    "perPage": 1,
    "records": [
            "proto": 1,
            "purities": [
                "100", "200", "300", "2999"

DeckString APIs

DeckStrings are a convenient standard for allowing applications to import and export decks. The following APIs provide a convenient interface for basic deck string operations.

POST /deck

Encodes a deck into a deck string.

Request Body

    "version": 1,
    "god": "deception",
    "protos": [
        290, 17, 201, 201, 80, 80, 93, 93, 64, 64, 185, 185, 55, 55, 97, 331, 281, 281, 252, 252, 330,
		330, 280, 202, 202, 265, 265, 37, 94, 94

Response Format


GET /deck/{string}

Decodes a deck from a deck string.


Response Format

    "version": 1,
    "god": "deception",
    "protos": [
        290, 17, 201, 201, 80, 80, 93, 93, 64, 64, 185, 185, 55, 55, 97, 331, 281, 281, 252, 252, 330,
		330, 280, 202, 202, 265, 265, 37, 94, 94

GET /mode

Lists the game modes with some properties.

Response Format

  "id": 2,
  "name": "Constructed",
  "description": "Classic Contructed",
  "live": true,
  "required_level": 0,
  "properties": {
   "type": 4,
   "image_url": ""

GET /match paginated

Show the match results


Name Type Description
start_time range start time of the match (UNIX epoch format)
end_time range end time of the match (UNIX epoch format)
player_won number user_id of a player
player_lost number user_id of a player
game_mode number game_mode identifier

Important: total_turns field will be renamed to total_rounds on a later update, we will continue to support it while we ensure our community is using the new field name.

Response Format

 "total": 1447,
 "page": 1,
 "perPage": 20,
 "records": [
   "player_won": 9127,
   "player_lost": 6008,
   "game_mode": 2,
   "game_id": "b64865e2-682b-4a23-af11-20aad0cfd47c",
   "start_time": 1560734177,
   "end_time": 1560734355,
   "player_info": [{"god":"nature","cards":[301,121,68,237,976,1000,973,523,910,385,494,467,905,519,907,507,919,916,906,442,386,537,471,928,475,906,454,909,945,920],"global":false,"health":30,"status":"connected","user_id":9127},{"god":"Magic","cards":[401,401,404,404,908,908,455,455,535,535,467,467,926,926,981,981,402,402,504,504,396,396,406,406,983,983,407,407,1002,1002],"global":true,"health":0,"status":"connected","user_id":6008}],
   "total_turns": 6, 
   "total_rounds": 6

GET /rank paginated

Show the rank of a player per game mode.


Name Type Description
user_id number Apollo ID of the user
game_mode number Game mode of the rank

Response Format

 "total": 543,
 "page": 1,
 "perPage": 20,
 "records": [
   "user_id": 9115,
   "game_mode": 1,
   "rating": 952,
   "rank_level": 1,
   "win_points": 82.849302,
   "loss_points": 86.586029
   "user_id": 2317,
   "game_mode": 2,
   "rating": 875.627936,
   "rank_level": 1,
   "win_points": 48.249483,
   "loss_points": 89.55682

GET /properties paginated

Show the properties of the players.


Name Type Description
user_id number Apollo ID of the user

Response Format

 "total": 8298,
 "page": 1,
 "perPage": 20,
 "records": [
   "user_id": 612,
   "xp_level": 0,
   "total_xp": 0,
   "xp_to_next": 25,
   "won_matches": 0,
   "lost_matches": 0,
   "username": "bestplayer"
   "user_id": 706,
   "xp_level": 36,
   "total_xp": 25850,
   "xp_to_next": 350,
   "won_matches": 51,
   "lost_matches": 40,
   "username": "broken_player"

GET /predict

Calculates the probability of a match based on the rating of the players (using Elo rating algorithm)


Name Type Description
user_id number Apollo ID of the user
opponent_id number Apollo ID of the opponent
game_mode number the game mode of the match

Response Format


Quality APIs

The Quality APIs provide data about the qualities and their visual compsition used by public systems.

GET /quality

Shows all the active quality class definitions and related information. Primarily used by supporting systems such as name and id relationships or metadata overrides.

Response Format

        "class_key": "quality",
        "class_value": "2",
        "class_properties": {
            "name": "gold"
        "class_type": "card",
        "game_id": 1

GET /quality/{quality}

Shows the specified quality class definition and related information. Primarily used by supporting systems such as name and id relationships or metadata overrides.


Name Type Description
quality number Quality ID

Response Format

 "class_key": "quality",
 "class_value": "2",
 "class_properties": {
  "name": "gold"
 "class_type": "card",
 "game_id": 1

GET /composition

Shows all the graphical composition data required to generate visuals for the specified proto and quality combinations for NFT art used in Gods Unchained. Currently only supports Card art.


Name Type Description Example
pairs pair Proto and Quality defined with an @ separator 1234@5

Response Format

  "id": 1234,
  "name": "Born Again",
  "effect": "Pull a creature from your void to your hand. Give it +5/+5 and ward.",
  "god": "light",
  "rarity": "epic",
  "tribe": { "String": "", "Valid": false },
  "mana": 6,
  "attack": { "Int64": 0, "Valid": false },
  "health": { "Int64": 0, "Valid": false },
  "type": "spell",
  "set": "core",
  "collectable": true,
  "live": "true",
  "art_id": "C448",
  "lib_id": "L2-235",
  "composition": {
   "illustration": [
   "frame": [
   "rosette": [
   "gems": [
   "wreath": [],
   "lock": [
   "tribe_bar": [],
   "set": [


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