A Full-stack chat application from Frontend to Backend with React, Redux, Firebase, and custom SCSS Framework.
- State management with Redux, with simple, straightforward patterns
- Essential features of React Router 4 (Switch component, withRouter HOC, History object)
- User authentication with Firebase (Register & Login)
- Form validations for our Register & Login forms
- Create Public Channels
- Send and receive messages instantly with the real-time Firebase Database
- Upload and Display image in messages using Firebase Storage
- Starred / un-starred public channels
- Show Channel Information with top active users
- Create and Upload user avatars
- Allow user to change their status: Active, Away, Busy, Offline
- Change App theme using React Color picker
- Authentication with Firebase
- Sign-up with Form Validation
- Login with Form Validation
- Implement Public Channels
- Implement Message System
- Add Message to a Channel
- Show a List of Messages in a Channel
- Layout Design
- Implement Infinite Scrolling
- Add Image with/without Message to a Channel
- Add User Status
- Add Colors
- Starred/Un-starred Public Channels
- Show Channel Information
- Show Top Posters
- Channel Description
- Support Internationalization (i18n)
- Create React App
- Redux
- Redux Devtools Extension
- Translation
- Firebase
- Material-UI
- Lodash
- Moment
- Classnames
- React Scroll
- React Color
node version 10
Check React-Seed to understand how to build and serve this project as well as how to use SCSS and JS linting.