English | 简体中文
A collection of pure JavaScript runtime utility functions that is highly tree-shaking.
import { clone } from 'aidly';
console.log(clone(/a/ig)); // `/a/gi`
<script src="https://unpkg.com/aidly/dist/aidly.umd.js"></script>
const { clone } = window.Aidly;
console.log(clone(/a/ig)); // `/a/gi`
Here are all the functions. If you need any other functions, please open a discussion in the Issues section.
Api | Description |
throttle |
Throttle function, the first time it triggers the function call immediately. |
debounce |
Debounce function, the first time it is called, it will trigger the function call immediately. |
loopSlice |
Slice the specified number of loops, the default slicing time is 17ms . |
colors |
Some default color values. |
uuid |
Generate a uuid . |
noop |
Empty arrow function. |
qsParse |
Query string parsing. |
qsStringify |
Query string formatted as a string. |
rgbToHsl |
RGB to Hsl . |
rgbToHex |
RGB to Hexadecimal . |
rgbToAnsi256 |
RGB to Ansi256 . |
hslToRgb |
Hsl to RGB . |
hexToRgb |
Hexadecimal to RGB . |
ansi256ToRgb |
Ansi256 to RGB . |
randomColor |
Generate a random color value, the default format is RGB . |
assert |
Assert a condition. |
raf |
Compatibility handling for requestAnimationFrame . |
now |
Compatibility handling for Date.now and performance.now . |
idleCallback |
Compatibility handling for requestIdleCallback . |
isAbsolute |
Determines whether a path is an absolute path in the browser. |
last |
Returns the nth to last element in an array (default is the last element). |
uniq |
Array deduplication. |
hasOwn |
Object.hasOwnProperty.call alias. |
slash |
Replace \ with / . |
makeMap |
Convert an Array<string> to a Record<string, (key) => boolean> . |
decimalPlaces |
Return the number of decimal places in a number. |
random |
Return a random number in a specified range. If only one parameter T is specified, the range defaults to 0 ~ T . |
once |
Generates a higher-order function that will be executed only once. |
sleep |
Pause for n ms, return a promise. |
remove |
Remove the specified element from a Array or Set . |
map |
Perform a map operation on Object , Array , Set and return a brand new copy. |
toCamelCase |
Convert a string to camelCase or pascalCase naming, processing _ and - by default. |
capitalize |
Converts the first letter of a string to uppercase. |
getExtname |
Get the extname of a url. |
getIteratorFn |
Get an object's iterator function. |
sortKeys |
Sort the keys of an Object and return a new copy. |
clearUndef |
Clearing undefined values from an object. |
pick |
Select the required attribute values from an object and return a new copy. |
omit |
Filters attributes entered from an object and returns a new copy. |
unindent |
Formatting template strings (unindet( string)) . |
deferred |
Returns a deferred object. |
supportWasm |
Check if the current environment supports WebAssembly . |
isBrowser |
Check if you are in the browser environment. |
isNil |
Check if a value is null or undefined . |
isNumber |
Check if a value is a Number . |
isString |
Check if a value is a String . |
isFunction |
Check if a value is a Function . |
isObject |
Check if a value is an Object . |
isPlainObject |
Check if a value is a plainObject . |
isDate |
Check if a value is a Date . |
isRegExp |
Check if a value is a RegExp . |
isSet |
Check if a value is a Set . |
isWeakSet |
Check if a value is a WeakSet . |
isMap |
Check if a value is a Map . |
isWeakMap |
Check if a value is a WeakMap . |
isPromise |
Check if a value is a PromiseLike . |
isPrimitiveValue |
Check if a value is a primitive value. |
isEmptyObject |
Check if an object is empty object. |
isWhitespace |
Checks if a character is the whitespace character. |
isWindow |
Check if an object is a window object. |
isBase64 |
Check if a string is a valid base64 string. |
isInBounds |
Check if a number is within a specified range (isInBounds([1, 5], 2)) . |
isIP |
Check if it is a valid IP address. |
isDomain |
Check if it is a valid domain name. |
isPort |
Check if it is a valid port . |
isEmail |
Check if it is a valid email . |
isPhone |
Check if it is a valid mobile number . |
isCNPhone |
Check if it is a valid mobile phone number in mainland China . |
root |
Alias for global objects, compatible with different environments. |
inlineString |
Quantify the string constant. |
exec |
Execute JavaScript code, which can be run in cjs , esm , or normal mode, with normal mode being the default. |
mathExprEvaluate |
Execute mathematical expressions. |
batchProcess |
Used for transactional batch processing, for example: const set = batchProcess({ ms: 50, processor(ls) { ... } }); |
createCacheObject |
Creating an in-memory cache system. |
jsonParse |
Parse the json string into an object, able to handle reference relationships (including circular references). |
jsonStringify |
Format objects as json strings, able to handle reference relationships (including circular references). |
merge |
Merges two objects or arrays and returns a new object, without worrying about circular references. |
clone |
Clone an object that allows circular references, types include Object , Array , TypeArray , Set , Map , RegExp , Date , Promise , Buffer , Response , setter/getter , Non-enumerable properties (not cloned by default) . |