This lambda should be deployed once per account, and then triggered by multiple CloudWatch Event Rules. Each Rule will pass in the config of the service to check.
i.e. to check 20 hosts we have 1 x Lambda + 20 x Rules
To build an AWS Lambda compatible ZIP file for NodeJS:
npm install
zip -r config index.js lambda node_modules
Configure as NodeJS Lambda
Handler: index.monitoringHandler
Memory: 128MB
Timeout: 1 minute
Environment Variables:
DEBUG = true
SNS_ARN = "<insert full SNS topic ARN>"
The Cloudwatch Event Rule should be configured with static JSON as the input to the Lambda Event it's triggering:
"url" : "https://ENTERURL.COM/status/", # Modify URL
"ipStatusAuthCode" : "XXXXX", # If needed otherwise comment out
"subject" : "ALERT SUBJECT" # Modify Subject