This was meant to reboot nodes in lab environments, but was modified to just send an email at one point.
This script uses kubectl to switch between contexts listed in lab_cluster.txt and records NotReady nodes.
If a node stays down for more then 5 minutes then a email is sent to the team members listed in the script.
An alert email has the following text.
Nodes in NotReady State
install using kubectl site instructions.
You can find more information about configuring kubectl HERE
You will now need to use the secure copy command to transfer the file into your hosting VM
scp kubectl root@
Now SSH into your box home directory and make the kubectl binary executable.
chmod +x ./kubectl
Move the binary in to your PATH.
sudo mv ./kubectl /usr/local/bin/kubectl
You can find more information about configuring kubectl HERE
- sudo yum install python-pip
- sudo pip install jinja2
Inside the repo on your local machine move app over to /usr/local/bin/app and add this to the remotes path
scp -r app root@
echo 'export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/bin/app' >> ~/.profile
source ~/.profile
ln -sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/America/Denver /etc/localtime
Edit the crontab by using the following command
crontab -e
The following top line starts the script at 9am Monday-Friday and the bottom goes and kills the script at 5pm Moday-Friday
0 9 * * 1-5 nohup /usr/bin/python /opt/app/ >> /tmp/kube_monitor.log 2>&1
0 17 * * 1-5 pkill -f
This file contains a cluster on each line and must be in the same folder as the kube_monitor script. These are the clusters you have setup for use with your kubectl.
Congrats, You did the thing.