- Chess Engine
make clean
make build
make run
make run_ubuntu
make debug_ubuntu
make run_wsl
make debug_wsl
The Piece Namespace contains the constants used for encoding each existing chess piece. A piece is represented on 5 bits and the type of the piece can be found by checking the last 3 bits of the encoding. A piece is white if the 4th bit is set to 1 or black if the 5th bit is set to 1. The 4th and the 5th bits CANNOT be set to 1 simultaneously.
Encoding | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |
Examples (the color of the piece = green | the type of the piece = red):
White Pawn → 01001
Black Knight → 10011
Name | Color | Type |
White Pawn | 01 | 001 |
Black Knight | 10 | 011 |
Board Namespace is used to represent the chess table. It is formed from 63 squares. For their representation, we use a static int pointer named “squares”. “colorOnMove” variable is used to represent the color of the player that has to move next. “botColor” variable represents the color of the bot (black/white). "kingPos", "blackKingPos", "whiteKingPos" are variables used to store each king's position.
The “initBoard()” function initializes the pieces on board, putting every piece on its corresponding square (for example, the white queen is on the 5th square and the black queen on 60th square). We use “getOpositeBotColor” to make a bitwise xor with a mask of 11000, to change the current color to the oposite one. The function “encodeMove” takes a pair of integers that represent a square’s location and returns a string that represents a move on the table (example”a3a4”). As an opposite to it, the function "decodeMove" recieves a move as a string that will be decoded as an index to the corresponding square in the squares array. The "makeMove" method takes a string as an argument (it represents a move) and makes that move on the table. The "colorOnMove" variable will get the color of the player that has to move. The move from parameter is decoded as a result and it directly "moves" the piece.
This function is used to make a move and update the en passat move or the castle move. First, the opposite bot color is set and the move is decoded. Then, the conditions for the en passant move are verified, in which case that move is applied. After that, the conditions for castling are verified(the king and the rook haven't been moved, the king is not in check). If these conditions are met, the castle is applied(either on the right side, or the left side). To prioritize the castle, the "moves" array is emptied, and the only move left is the one that tells the bot to do the castling.
Move Namespace represents a move on the table. It has an unoredered map that represents directions a piece can make. It increments/decrements the number of squares for a specified direction (example: to move one square up on the board, you would have to add 8 to the current position).
Function "initDistancesAndDirections" does exactly that: it initializes the available directions for a piece and a distance for each one of them.
This function generates the attack moves of a pawn.
Function "generateKnightMoves" checks where a knight piece can move and if it is a valid position, it is added to the "result" vector using the "addMove" function.
Function "generateKingMoves" generates moves for a king piece. It also checks if a castle can be made (the king and rook pieces haven't been moved and the there are no pieces between them -> "emptyPath" function is used for the last part), in which case the castle move is added to the result.
Function "generateBishopMoves" checks where a bishop can be moved, or the longest distance and adds the moves to the "result" vector.
This function has the same logic as "generateBishopMoves". It generates moves for a rook, but the longest distance is calculated on a horizontal or vertical path.
Function "checkForCastling" returns 1 if the move is actually a castling(it fulfills all conditions for a castling) or 0 otherwise. First, it verifies if the king is in check on his position. Then it checks if the king has moved from its initial position. Then the function verifies if the king is in check after moving 2 positions. If all these conditions are fulfilled, the bot can make a castle.
Function "removePositionWithCheck" simulates making the move on the board, checks if it generates a situation where the king is in check. In that case, it removes the move from the list of possible moves.
Function "generate" generates random moves for a piece on the table. Depending on that piece, it calls one of the above function(i.e. generateKinghtMoves).
This namespace does what its name says: it acts as a generator for random moves.
Function "CheckForPromotionAndRandom" returns the padding for a promotion or an empty string for a non-promotion. (a promotion means that if a pawn gets on the final row on the table/ the first row of the opposite color, it is changed into a better piece, randomly chosen).
Function "generateMove" iterates through pieces and for the first piece that has a valid move, it picks a random future position and makes that move. All the moves are generated randomly.
Ignore that.
As for the algorithm used for the first stage, the program iterates through all pawns and, with each pawn, it tries to reach the end of the board so it can transform it into a queen. It priorities getting enemy pieces over moving forward.
In this stage, the moves are randomly generated. However, the bot eliminates the moves that may put the king in check and tries to prevent the king from reaching that stage. It also makes the castling a priority, which means that as soon as a castling move is available, it will be chosen. Also, the pawns can make the en passant move (which is also prioritized). A pawn that reached the final row, can be promoted to a better piece, randomly chosen.
--- FiNAL STAGE ---
For the final stage we have implemented a negamax algorithm with alpha-beta pruning. The negamax algorithm starts with the current board state and generates all the possible moves from this state. Next up, we iterate through all the possible moves, adn for each of them we artificially make that move and make another call to the negamax algorithm with the specific parameters (adding +1 to the depth in the tree). On each call of negamax we check if we have reached a leaf node in our tree, and in that case we make a call to the evaluation function (which we will get back to in just a second). The difference between negamax and a normal minimax is just an implementation difference, since we have used the formula max(a,b) = -min(-a,-b) to reduce from 2 calls to the recursive (which would have been the case in the minimax algorithm) to just 1 in negamax. We have implemented one more rule though, on each node in the tree that we reach (on every call of the recursive function) we add a bonus to the evaluation if that specific state in the tree generates a check (if the opponent generates a check will make it less likely for us to go down that path in the tree, and if we give a check we add a considerable bonus on going down that path), this is the meaning of the variable "check_bonus" that we have used.
For the evaluation function we made use of 2 heuristics: one is based on the material score and the other one on the mobility score. The material score gives bonus points for the difference of pieces on the chess board (a move where we take the opponent's queen is highly favorable for us, but a move where we lose a queen is highly unfavorable for us). The other heuristic is the mobility score and forces pieces to certain position on the chess board, based on how valuable it is for that piece to be on that square (it is highly unfavorable for the king to be pushed up to the board, so we will force it into our "home base" where he is more protected, same for pieces such as queens, rooks, bishops, which are favored to be highly pushed onto the board so they can be more aggressive towards the enemy's side of the board). The difference in our evaluation function from one made specifically for normal chess (we made one for 3 check chess obviously) is that the pieces are much more aggressive and on every on every opportunity they have to give a check to the opponent, they take it (A good offense if a strong defense :D). On the same note, our bot tries its hardest to avoid checks and if it sees that in the further depths of the tree the opponent has the chance to give a check, it tries its best to avoid that path and not let the opponent give a check to us.
For the first stage, we all worked together on developing the structure of the project and the logic behind it.
For the second stage, Mihai worked on the attack simulation part and the pawn promotions. Stefan worked on the generated moves for every piece and en-passant. Vlad worked on the castling and the random-generated move.
For the final stage, Mihai has worked on the evaluation function and the heuristics it implies. Stefan worked on the negamax algorithm, it's implementation and optimizations. Vlad put together our algorithms and made it work with the previous code from the past stages.
https://youtu.be/U4ogK0MIzqk?t=59 → Chess piece encoding
https://youtu.be/U4ogK0MIzqk?t=202 → Board representation
https://www.chessprogramming.org/Evaluation → Evaluation function heuristics
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l-hh51ncgDI → Minimax with alpha-beta pruning
- For proving that the bot resigns once there is no pawn it can move we present the following scenario :
The board is in the following state and the knight is about to capture the last black pawn | After the capture we can see that the xboard received the resign command (black resigned) |
- Showing that a pawn advancing in the final row can promote to a queen
The board is in the following state and the pawn is about to promote to a queen on b1 | After the promotion we can see that the xboard promoted the pawn to a queen |
The following code block will check if the pawn is in a correct position to be promoted to a Queen and replaces the pawn on the table with the actual value of the queen.
if ((move >= 0 && move < 8 && (Board::botColor & Piece::BLACK)) || (move >= 56 && move < 64 && (Board::botColor & Piece::WHITE)))
Board::squares[move] == Piece::QUEEN | Board::botColor;