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Pull Request Guidelines

jakimfett edited this page Jan 23, 2015 · 2 revisions

Pull Requests (PRs) are awesome. To me, it means you think my project is cool enough that you're willing to spend time and energy making it better.

That said, not all PRs are created equal. Here's a couple of suggestions to consider before submitting that PR for merging.

Explain the purpose of your PR

If you just shove a bunch of commits together and call it a PR, I can probably read through your changes and figure out what you're doing. But if you explain what you're trying to do (and only include commits that match the stated intention), I'm much more likely to accept the PR.

Comments can be short and sweet, but if it's a major change, something a bit longer is appreciated.

Be concise with your commits

I'd rather not see you doing something, then reverting it. If you have commits un-related to the overall goal of the PR, or things that got reverted, you might want to git squash your commits before making the PR.

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