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GGreg20_V3 with generic ESP32 under Home Assistant with ESPHome setup example

IoT-devices GGreg20_V3 Ionizing Radiation Geiger counter module under Home Assistant server with ESPHome plugin yaml-script setup example for generic ESP32.

⚠️ This repo adds an important setting: anti-jitter for the ESP32 pulse counter port. This allows you to filter out events whose duration is shorter than the deadtime of the SBM20 tube. Also, the yaml code shows how to properly configure the ESP32 port, which is used to connect the GGreg20_V3 pulse output.

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ESPHome and Home Assistant Compatibility

This hardware device is designed to be compatible with as many common software platforms and hardware systems as possible. GGreg20_V3 is compatible with any of the following systems: Arduino, ESP8266, ESP32, STM32, Raspberry Pi, ESPHome, Home Assistant, Tasmota, MicroPython, NodeMCU, Node-RED and many others. All you need to connect the GGreg20_V3 is a system with a pulse counter on the GPIO and a timer to measure time.



The Server

Step 1. Install (or start) the Home Assistant server

If you already have a server installed, just start it. If you need to deploy the server, we recommend that you review the instructions we developed for deploying Home Assistant in a virtual machine running Windows 10.

ESPHome plugin for Home Assistant

Step 2. Connect the ESPHome extension for the Home Assistant server via the Supervisor -> Add-on Store menu

The procedure for installing an official Add-on, such as ESPHome, in Home Assistant is quite simple. We recommend that you review Step 8. Installing the ESPHome Plugin (Option) the instructions mentioned earlier.

YAML-config of the new ESP32 device with GGreg20_V3

Step 3. Download an example yaml-file for the GGreg20_V3 from this repository

The YAML file is a common text script file in Home Assistant (in this case dedicated to ESPHome) which is used as config when building the firmware. We have developed such a file for ESP32 with GGreg20_V3 and posted it here for free download and use by anyone who needs to connect GGreg20 to Home Assistant via ESPHome.

Let's look on the main parts of the esp32-ggreg20-v3.yaml file prepared by us:

To calculate the value of the ionizing radiation power in CPM and in microsieverts per hour, we used Pulse Counter Sensor - an API-component of the ESPHome plug-in:

This part of the yaml code is responsible for that:

- platform: pulse_counter
    number: 23
    inverted: True
      input: True 
      # No pullup or pulldown on ESP32 side because of internal pullup set in hardware at GGreg20_V3 pulse output side
      pullup: False
      pulldown: False
  unit_of_measurement: 'CPM'
  name: 'Ionizing Radiation Power CPM'
    rising_edge: DISABLE
    falling_edge: INCREMENT # GGreg20_V3 uses Active-Low logic
  use_pcnt: False
  internal_filter: 190us # for SBM20 tube, for J305 tube use 180us
  update_interval: 60s
  accuracy_decimals: 0
  id: my_cpm_meter
- platform: copy
  source_id: my_cpm_meter
  unit_of_measurement: 'uSv/Hour'
  name: 'Ionizing Radiation Power'
  accuracy_decimals: 3
  id: my_dose_meter
    - sliding_window_moving_average: # 5-minutes moving average (MA5) here
        window_size: 5
        send_every: 1      
    - multiply: 0.0057 # for SBM20 or 0.00332 for J305 by IoT-devices tube conversion factor of pulses into uSv/Hour 

To calculate the total radiation dose received in microsieverts, the Integration Sensor, also a component of the ESPHome API, is used:

This part of the yaml code is responsible for that:

- platform: integration
  name: "Total Ionizing Radiation Dose"
  unit_of_measurement: "uSv"
  sensor: my_dose_meter # link entity id to the pulse_counter values above
  icon: "mdi:radioactive"
  accuracy_decimals: 5
  time_unit: min # integrate values every next minute
    # obtained dose. Converting from uSv/hour into uSv/minute: [uSv/h / 60] OR [uSv/h * 0.0166666667]. 
    # if my_dose_meter in CPM, then
    #   for SBM20 [0.0057 / 60 minutes] = 0.000095; so CPM * 0.000095 = dose every next minute, uSv.
    #   for J305 [0.00332 / 60 minutes] = 0.00005533; so CPM * 0.00005533 = dose every next minute, uSv.
    - multiply: 0.0166666667

Step 4. Create (based on the example) in ESPHome the appropriate yaml configuration file

After downloading the file, we suggest you open it with any text editor and become familiar with its contents. Next, in the interface of the ESPHome plugin on the Home Assistant web page with administrator access rights, you need to create your own yaml file by clicking "+" and answering a few initial questions of the wizard. After completing the "wizard", a standard file with the basic parameters appears in the ESPHome interface. Now you need to add to this file the parts that you will find in our yaml example file.

Hardware connection GGreg20_V3 and controller

Step 5. Select the GPIO pin on the controller that will register the pulses from GGreg20

Step 6. Connect the GGreg20_V3 radiation detector to the ESP32 controller via the Out connector to the selected GPIO of the controller

As you can see, the connection is quite simple - you only need to supply power from the ESP32 board for the GGreg20 module, and connect the output (Out) of the sensor to the input (GPIOxx) of the controller and supply 5V to the micro USB connector of the ESP32 board:

There are two ways to connect the GGreg20_V3 to the ESP32 board power supply:

  • supply the GGreg20_V3 with 3.3V
  • supply GGreg20_V3 with 5V voltage.

You can also choose the third option, when both modules are powered by independent power supplies. In this case, note that both modules must be connected to a common ground.

The three options are shown in the following figures. GGreg20_V3 and ESP32 WROOM devboard wiring diagram_5v

GGreg20_V3 and ESP32 WROOM devboard wiring diagram_3v3

GGreg20_V3 and ESP32 WROOM devboard wiring diagram_indepPS

Flashing the ESP32 device

Step 7. Build and write firmware for the controller

Before building the firmware, you need to validate the yaml file you created. This will protect you from file errors that may have accidentally made.

Note. If the controller is new - you need to compile and download to the PC a binary firmware bin-file in the ESPHome interface - click DOWNLOAD BINARY after successful compilation.

Next you need to write the firmware to the ESP32 controller. This can be done by means of the ESPHome-Flasher utility. It can be freely found and downloaded via the Internet.

After flashing the firmware and restarting the new device, it is recommended to restart the Home Assistant server too.

Important! After starting the server you need to go to the menu Configuration -> Integration. Find there a new device that you flashed and connect it to the server configuration, if it is not connected automatically. GGreg20_V3 esphome esp32 page

Entities and values of the device on the server

Step 8. Check the ESPHome log of the ESP32 (optional)

GGreg20_V3 esphome esp32 log

Step 9. Check for new entities on the server side

There are two ways to verify that the corresponding GGreg20 entities are registered in the Home Assistant server:

  • go to the Developer Tools menu on the sidebar of the Home Assistant interface and search for the relevant data; GGreg20_V3 entities dev tools
  • or go to the menu Configuration -> Integration and search there. GGreg20_V3 esphome entities


Step 10. Add GGreg20 radiation sensor widgets to the Dashboard

Basic widget example:

GGreg20_V3 Dashboard simple widgets example

Complex widget example:

Here is an example of a demo tab from an active server for two devices GGreg20_V1 and GGreg20_V3 located in different coordinate axes. Each device uses the same yaml file as we created above. GGreg20_V3 Dashboard widgets example

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