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Releases: ipld/go-ipld-prime


10 Aug 02:32
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go-ipld-prime's release policy says that:

even numbers should be easy upgrades; odd numbers may change things

This release is an odd number, and it does change some minor things.

🛠 Breaking

  • Build: The minimum version of Go has been bumped from 1.18 to 1.19.
  • Dependencies: The go-cid dependency was upgraded from v0.3.2 to v0.4.1. This is a relatively minor change but the introduction of ErrInvalidCid wrapping may be breaking for some users.
  • Selectors: Remove hard error when a traversal encounters a slice matcher with a node that is not a string or bytes, by @rvagg #529

🔦 Features

  • Traversal: Preloader functionality, by @hannahhoward and @rvagg #452
    • See the traversal package documentation for more information on how a Preloader can be used to introduce parallelism into a traversal. The Lassie project is currently using this functionality to speed up Bitswap block fetching; future releases of go-ipld-prime may include additional functionality being prototyped in Lassie to manage parallelism and caching.
  • Schemas: Support listpairs struct representation in DSL parsing, by @rvagg #514
  • Schemas: Support inline union representation in DSL parsing, by @rvagg #527
  • Bindnode: Support listpairs struct representation, by @rvagg #514
  • Selectors: Support negative values for slice matcher's From and To, by @rvagg #530
    • The slice matcher is currently being used to support byte-range fetching for the IPFS Trustless Gateway specification. Work is ongoing and can be seen in both the Lassie and Frisbii projects.
    • Please note that this feature is currently considered experimental and shoule be used with care and with the expectation that it may change in the near future. Expect a release or two before this feature is considered stable.

🩹 Fixes

  • Traversal: StartAtPath work properly for matching walks, by @rvagg #500
  • Traversal: WalkTransforming() work properly, by @EdSchouten #516
  • Basicnode: basic.NewInt() returns a pointer like other constructors, by @hacdias #525
  • Selectors: Cache offsets for sequential reads in slice matcher, by @rvagg #529

🌟 Thanks!

Thanks to @hacdias and @EdSchouten for their first contributions to go-ipld-prime!


13 Feb 03:11
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go-ipld-prime's release policy says that:

even numbers should be easy upgrades; odd numbers may change things

As such, v0.20.0 is a relatively minor release with a grab-bag of small improvements and fixes.

2023 February 11

What's Changed

Schema errors can now errors.Is:

  • [61c9ab10d4] - feat: support errors.Is for schema errors (Ian Davis) #476

Schema DMT (schema/dmt) is now more usable from the outside and has a new ConcatenateSchemas function that can be used to combine two schemas into one:

  • [db9d8a7512] - Export schema/dmt.TypeSystem. (Eric Myhre) #483
  • [39818c169a] - Add a SchemaConcatenate operation. (Eric Myhre) #483
  • [c68ba53c67] - More accurate name for structure that contains easy access to prototypes. (Eric Myhre) #483
  • [2ecabf1217] - Add several pieces of docs to schema/dmt. (Eric Myhre)
  • [33475f0448] - Fix mispatched package declaration. (Eric Myhre)

The DAG-CBOR codec now has an DontParseBeyondEnd option (default false) that allows it to parse undelimited streamed objects. This matches the same functionality already in DAG-JSON and should only be used for specialised cases:

  • [7b00b1490f] - feat(dagcbor): mode to allow parsing undelimited streamed objects (Rod Vagg) #490

datamodel.Copy got some direct test coverage and will now complain if you try to copy a nil node:

  • [f4bb2daa27] - fix(datamodel): add tests to Copy, make it complain on nil (Rod Vagg) #491

The LinkSystem data loading check will compare links (CIDs) to ensure it loaded what you wanted; this now properly supports the case where your link is a pointer:

  • [1fc56b8e7a] - Fix hash mismatch error on matching link pointer (Masih H. Derkani) #480

New Contributors

  • @iand made their first contribution in #476

Full Changelog: v0.19.0...v0.20.0


14 Oct 03:00
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go-ipld-prime's release policy says that:

even numbers should be easy upgrades; odd numbers may change things

The only major, potentially disruptive change in this release is a bump to Go 1.18.

🛠 Breaking Changes

Update go.mod to Go 1.18.

🔦 Highlights


01 Aug 21:18
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go-ipld-prime's release policy says that:

even numbers should be easy upgrades; odd numbers may change things

So, as an even number, this v0.18.0 release should be a smooth ride for upgraders from v0.17.0. We have 3 major feature additions, all focused on Bindnode.

🔦 Highlights

  • Bindnode: Custom Go type converters - Bindnode performs bidirectional mapping of Go types to the IPLD Data Model, and in doing so, it assumes a straightforward mapping of values to their encoded forms. But there are common cases where a Go type doesn't have a straightforward path to serialization, either because the encoded form needs a custom layout, or because bindnode doesn't have enough information to infer a serialization pattern. Custom Go type converters for bindnode allow a user to supply a pair of converter functions for a Go type that dictate how to map that type to an IPLD Data Model kind. See the bindnode documentation for more information.
  • Bindnode: Type registry - Setting up Go type mappings with Bindnode involves some boilerplate. A basic type registry is now available that takes some of this boilerplate away; giving you a single place to register, and perform conversions to and from Go types, Data Model (Node) forms or directly through serialization. See the bindnode/registry documentation for more information.
  • Bindnode: Full uint64 support - the uint64 support introduced in go-ipld-prime@v0.17.0 has been wired into Bindnode. The Data Model (Node) forms expose integers as int64 values, which is lossy for unsigned 64-bit integers. Bindnode Go types using uint64 values are now lossless in round-trips through serialization to codecs that support the full range (DAG-CBOR most notably).

You can see all of these new features in action using Filecoin Go types, allowing a mapping between Go types, Data Model (Node) forms, and their DAG-CBOR serialized forms with data-transfer vouchers. These features also allow us to interact with the original Go types, without modification, including big.Int serialization to Bytes, Filecoin Signature serialization to a byte-prefix discriminated Bytes and more. Since the Go types are unchanged, they can also simultaneously support cbor-gen serialization, allowing an easier migration path.


17 Jun 07:11
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go-ipld-prime's release policy says that:

even numbers should be easy upgrades; odd numbers may change things

In that spirit, this v0.17.0 release includes some potentially breaking changes. Although minor, they are marked below and they may lead to behavioral changes in your use of this library.

🛠 Breaking Changes

🔦 Highlights

Special thanks to Daniel Martí for many bindnode improvements and hardening, fuzzing across the library and improvements to the Schema DMT and DSL.


09 Mar 01:40
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This release is a smooth-sailing release. (The even number represents the intention of even-keel smooth sailing.) It's mostly improvements to features that are already familiar, and a few new features. (Some of which are really neat!)

There haven't been any major API departures or changes in quite a while now. This should be an easy upgrade to make. And you probably want it! Especially, if you use the bindnode system, the quality of life has gone up drastically in the last few points releases, and jumps again in this release too.

See the complete list and further details below:

  • New: traversal.WalkTransforming is finally implemented! (It's been a stub for quite a while.) This works similarly to the other transform features, but can do more than change to the structure during a single walk.
  • New: Selectors support partial/ranged match on bytes or strings nodes. (This is also a new feature for Selectors, recently specified.)
    [#375; seealso specs in ipld#184]
  • New: there's a datamodel.LargeBytesNode interface, which makes it possible to handle "large" blobs of bytes as a Node, without necessarily forcing them all into memory at once. (This is optional; you add the methods to match the interface if your Node implementation supports the feature.)
    • Slightly more specifically: this interface is Node plus a method that returns an io.ReadSeeker. (Pretty standard golang I/O and byte slice management concepts should carry you from there in the usual ways.)
    • This is a really big deal -- for example, this means that an ADL can support reading of arbitrarily large bytes without an issue. (Hello, transparently readable large sharded blobs!)
  • New: there's a "resume" (or, skipahead) mechanism for traversals and selectors. Engage it by simply setting the traversal.Config.StartAtPath field.
  • New: dagcbor now has a EncodedLength(Node) int function, which can calculate the expected serial message length without actually encoding. (The usefulness of this may be situational, but it's there if you want it.)
  • Improved: bindnode, yet again, in more ways that can easily be summarized.
    • Better support for pointers in more places in your golang types.
    • Many panics either fixed or routed into calmer errors.
    • Unsigned intergers are now supported in your golang types.
    • Some fixes for AssignNode working correctly (e.g. at the type or representation level, as appropriate; sometimes previously it would use the type level incorrectly).
    • Various fixes to handling absent fields correctly.
    • A datamodel.Node can now be used for an any field.
  • Fixed: selectors now behave correctly for a recursion clause that just contains a recursion edge immedately. (It's still not a sensible selector, really, but it's valid.) Previously this would panic, which was nasty.
  • Fixed: bindnode now correctly doesn't include absent fields in the count of length when looking at the representation-level view of structs.
  • Improved: all our batteries-included codecs double check while encoding that the number iterator steps over a map matches its self-reported length. (This doesn't matter in many cases, but does defend you a little better against a Node implementation with a bug, if you happen to be so unlucky.)
  • Improved: miscellaneous performance work in the schema/* area.

In addition, several point releases have transpired since v0.14.0: v0.14.1, v0.14.2, v0.14.3, and v0.14.4 -- all flew by were in rapid succession. Their changes are compressed into one heap here for brevity:

  • New: Selectors can include clauses for signalling the use of ADLs!
    [#301; seealso specs in ipld#149+ipld#170]
  • Improved: bindnode, in ways more various than can easily be summarized.
    • The cidlink.Link type can be bound to links in the data.
    • Enums are now supported.
    • The any typekind is now supported.
  • Improved: both the schema/dmt and schema/dsl packages (and in some cases, the schema package itself) continue to be improved and become more complete.
    • Structs with tuple representation are now supported.
    • Enums with int representation are now supported.
    • The any typekind is now supported.
  • Changed: the dag-json codec will tolerate padded base64 in bytes content upon read. It does so silently. (It is not still possible to emit this kind of serial data with this library; it is noncanonical.)
  • Changed: the cbor and dag-cbor codec will now tolerate CBOR's "undef" token. It will coerce it to a null token when reading. Previously, encountering the undef token would result in a parse error. (It is still not possible to emit this token with this library.)
  • New: the traversal package gained a WalkLocal function. This simply does a walk that does not cross any links.

Thank you to @mvdan, @warpfork, @hannahhoward, @rvagg, @willscott, @arajasek and others
for all their work that went into making this release (as well as all the point releases in v0.14.x leading up to it) happen.

Finally, please note that we're starting to try out some new (and slightly more formal) governance and review and merge processes.
Check out #370 for more information.
The aim is to make things generally more inclusive and involve more contributors!
This is still experimental and may be subject to change, but if you'd like to have better expectations about who can review and what the process should be like, we hope this will be a step in a helpful direction.
(Feedback about this experiment welcome!)


11 Nov 22:58
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2021 November 11

This release is a smooth-sailing release, and mostly contains new features, quality-of-life improvements,
and some significant improvements to the completeness and usability of features that have been in development across previous releases.
There shouldn't be a lot of surprises, and upgrading should be easy.

Some of the biggest improvements include: bindnode now supports most IPLD features and is increasingly stable;
the schema system now has functioning schema/dmt and schema/dsl packages, and can parse schema documents smoothly(!);
if you haven't seen the printer package that first quietly appeared in v0.12.2, you should definitely check it out now;
and we have some new storage APIs that might be worth checking out, too.
There are also many, many other smaller improvements.

See the complete list and further deatils below
(and don't forget to check out the notes under the other v0.12.* headings, if you haven't absorbed those updates already, too!):

  • New: datamodel.Copy: a helper function to do a shallow copy from one node to another.
    • You don't often need this, because nodes are supposed to be immutable!
      But it still sometimes comes in handy, for example, if you want to change the memory layout you're using by moving data into a different node implementation.
  • Improved: documentation of APIs. (Especially, for subtler bits like NodeAssembler.AssignNode.)
  • New: datamodel.Link now requires a Binary() function. In contrast to Link.String() (which is supposed to return something printable), Link.Binary() should give you the rawest thing possible. (It's equivalent to go-cid.CID.KeyString.)
  • New: a new storage API, including one batteries-included filesystem storage implementation, and adapters to several other different storage APIs. [#265, #279]
    • The primary goal of this is the "batteries included" part: using the new storage/fsstore package, you should now be able to make simple applications with IPLD and use a simple sharded disk storage system (it'll look vaguely like a .git/objects directory), and do it in about five minutes and without pulling in any additional complex dependencies.
    • If you want to develop new storage systems or make adapters to them: the APIs in storage package are designed to be implemented easily.
      • The storage APIs are designed entirely around types found in the golang standard library. You do not need to import anything in the storage package in order to implement its interfaces!
      • The minimal APIs that a storage system has to implement are very small. Two functions. Every additional feature, or optimization that you can offer: those all have their own interfaces, and we use feature-detection on them. You can implement as much or as little as you like.
    • As a user of the storage APIs: use the functions in the storage package. Those functions take a storage system as a parameter, and will do feature detection for you.
      • This means you can always write your code to call the APIs you want, and the storage functions will figure out how to map it onto the storage system that you have (whatever it supports) in the most efficient way it can.
    • As a user of the LinkSystem API: you can ignore most of this! If you want to use the new storage APIs, there are setup methods on LinkSystem that will take them as a parameter. If you have existing code wired up with the previous APIs, it still works too.
    • As someone who already has code and wonders how to migrate:
      • If you're using the linking.Storage*Opener API: you don't have to do anything. Those still work too.
      • If you were using code from other repos like ipfs/go-ipfs-blockstore or ipfs/go-datastore or so on: those have adapters now in the storage/*adapter packages! You should now be able to use those more easily, with less custom glue code. (There's also now a migration readme in the repo root: check that out.)
    • If you would like to ask: "is it fast?" -- yes. You'll find that the new storage/fsstore, our batteries-included filesystem storage system, is comparable (or beating) the go-ds-flatfs package that you may have been using in the past. (More benchmarks and any performance improvement patches will of course be welcome -- but at the very least, there's no reason to hold back on using the new system.)
  • New: LinkSystem has some new methods: LoadRaw and LoadPlusRaw give you the ability to get data model nodes loaded, and also receive the raw binary blobs.
    • This can be useful if you're building an application that's piping data around to other serial APIs without necessarily transforming it. (No need to reserialize if that's your journey.)
  • New: a CLI tool has begun development!
  • Improved: many more things about bindnode.
    • bindnode now understands go-cid.CID fields.
    • Kinded unions are much more completely supported.
    • Many TODO panics have gone away, replaced by finished features.
    • bindnode will increasingly check that the golang types you give it can be structurally matched to the schema if you provide one, which gives better errors earlier, and increases the ease and safety of use drastically.
  • Improved: the schema/dmt and schema/dsl packages are increasingly complete.
    • There are also now helper functions in the root package which will do the whole journey of "load a file, parse the Schema DSL, compile and typecheck the DMT, and give you the type info in handy golang interfaces", all at once! Check out ipld.LoadSchema!
  • New: there is a codegen feature for bindnode which will produce very terse golang structs matching a schema and ready to be bound back to bindnode!
    • This competes with the older gengo code generator -- by comparison, the bindnode code generator produces much, much less code. (However, be advised that the performance characteristics are probably also markedly different; and we do not have sufficient benchmarks to comment on this at this time.)
  • Internal: many tests are being ported to quicktest. There should be no external impact to this, but we look forward to removing some of the other test libraries from our dependency tree in the near future.
  • Improved: printer now supports links and bytes!
  • Improved: printer is now more resilient and works even on relatively misbehaved Node implementations, such as those which implement schema.TypedNode but then rudely and nonsensically return nil type info. (We don't expect all code to be resilient against misbehaved Node implementations... but for a debug tool in particular? It's good to have it handle as much as it can.)

This, and the last few releases tagged in the v0.12.* series, include invaluable contributions from
@mvdan, @warpfork, @rvagg, @willscott, @masih, @hannahhoward, @aschmahmann, @ribasushi,
and probably yet more others who have contributed through code and design reviews,
or by using these libraries and demanding they continue to become better.
Thanks to each and every one of the people who carry this project forward!

In addition, the following minor releases have transpired since v0.12.0:


2021 September 30

  • Fixed: using SkipMe in a traversal now skips only that subtree of nodes, not the remainder of the block!
  • New: traversal features now have budgets! You can set a "budget" value, and watch it monotonically decrement as your operations procede. This makes it easy to put limits on the amount of work you'll do.
  • New: traversal features can be configured to visit links they encounter only once (and ignore them if seen again).
    • Note that this is not without caveats: this is not merely an optimization; enabling it may produce logically different outcomes, depending on what your selector is.
      This is because links are ignored when seen again, even if they're seen for a different reason, via a different path, etc.
  • Fixed: a very nasty off-by-one in unions produced by the "gogen" codegen.
  • Improved: the test suites for typed nodes now provide much better coverage (to prevent something like the above from happening again, even in other implementations).
  • New: schema/dsl! This package contains parsers for the IPLD Schema DSL, and produces data structures in schema/dmt form.
  • Removed: other misc partially-complete packages. (This will surely bother no one; it's just cleanup.)
  • Removed: codec/jst. If you were using that, jst has its own repo now.
  • Improved: traversal now uses the error wrapping ("%w") feature in more places.
  • Changed: printer keeps empty maps and lists and strings on a single line.
  • Changed: schema.TypeName is now just an alias of string. This may result in somewhat less casting; or, you might not notice it.
  • Improved: the schema/dmt package continues to be improved and become more complete.
    • Some changes also track fixes in the schema spec, upstream. (Or caused those fixes!)
  • New/Improved: the schema package describes several more things which it always should have. Enums, for example.


2021 September 8

  • New: the printer package has appeared, and aims to provide an information-rich, debug-readable, human-friendly output of data from an IPLD node tree. [#238]
    • This works for both plain data model data, and for typed d...
Read more


11 Nov 22:39
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(Well, hi. I guess I didn't do a github release fanfare back when we tagged v0.12.0 -- if you didn't see it yet, here's your notification email, belatedly.)

2021 August 19

This release is a momentous one. It contains a sizable refactor:
we've extracted some of the most key interfaces to a new package, called datamodel!

It's also an even numbered release tag, which we generally use to indicate "upgrading should be smooth sailing".
Surprisingly, despite the magnitude of the refactor, we mean that, too.
Golang's "alias" feature has been used heavily for this change process,
and downstream code that worked on the previous release should continue to work on this release too, without syntactic changes.

Why did we do this?

The root package, ipld, is now going to be a place where we can put helpful functions.
Synthesis functions that put all the pieces of IPLD together for you.
The functions you're probably looking for; the high-level stuff that gets work done.

Previously, the root package was guts: the lowest level interfaces, the more core stuff...
which was cool to see (arguably), but tended not to be the things you'd want to see first as a new user.
And because everything else in the world depended on those interface,
we could never put interesting high-level functions in the same package
(or if we tried, compilation would fail, because of import cycles)...
which meant any time we wanted to add helper functions for getting useful work done,
we'd be stuck cramming them off into subpackages somewhere.
While this worked, the discoverability for a new user was terribly arduous.

We hope this pivot to how we organize the code helps you find your way through IPLD!

We haven't yet added many of the new helper features to the updated root package.
Those will come in the very near future.
(Follow along with commits on the master branch if you want to try the new APIs early!)
This release is being made just to cover the refactor, before we steam along any further.

Your existing code should continue working without changes because the root ipld package
still contains all the same types -- just as aliases.
You can choose to update your code to use the types where they've moved to
(which is mostly the datamodel package), or, if you prefer... just leave it as-is.
Some aliases may be removed over time; if so, they'll be marked with a comment to that effect,
and there should be plenty of warning and time to change.

In some cases, continuing to use the ipld package directly will remain acceptable indefinitely.
The new intention is that common work should often be possible to do only by
importing the ipld package, and users should only need to dive into
the more specific subpackages if they been to need direct access to more detailed APIs
for performance or other reasons.

That's it for the big refactor news.

There's also some sweet new features in bindnode,
and a few other important fixes to recently introduced features.

In detail:

  • Changed: that massive refactor, described above. Gosh it's big.
  • New: the selectors system is tested against the language-agnostic selector specs, from the IPLD specs+docs repo!
    • This uses a new fixture format, called testmark, which is managed by a library called go-testmark.
    • The fixtures are drawn in by a git submodule. The actual fixture content remains in the ipld/ipld repo.
    • These new tests will be run if you have cloned the git submodule (and of course, by CI). If you do not clone the submodule that contains the fixtures, the tests will quietly skip.
    • We hope this will be a template for how to do more testing in the future, while keeping it closely coordinated with specs, and in sync with other implementations of IPLD in other languages!
  • Improved: bindnode: in a variety of ways.
    • Several error messages are improved.
    • Kinded unions support complex recipients even for string kinds. (E.g., putting a struct with stringjoin representation inside a kinded union now works correctly.)
    • Stringprefix unions now work even with no explicit delimiter.
    • Please note that bindnode is, and remains, considered experimental. While we're improving it, it's still something to use at your own risk.
  • Changed/Improved: bindnode: unions are now handled completely differently (and much better).
    • In short: now they expect a golang struct which has a field for each of the possible members, and each of them should be a pointer. This is type safe and works reasonably idiomatically in golang.
    • This is a fairly huge improvement, because it fixes the "bindnode unions force downshift into anonymous types" problem, which was tracked as issue#210.
  • Fixed: the selector ExploreRecursive.stopAt feature now actually... works. It was completely broken when it was introduced in the last release. (Tests. They're important.)
    • Notice how we've also now got selector tests driven by fixtures appearing in this release. Hopefully that decreases the odds of something like this happening again.


12 Aug 15:09
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2021 August 12

This release is an odd numbered release, which means it may contain breaking changes.

Unfortunately, the changes here may be particularly, tricky, as well -- for the most part, they're not compile-time detectable. They're behavioral changes. Much more subtle. Run tests on your systems before accepting these changes. Specifically: several codecs now enforce sorting when emitting serial data.

There's also some details of what's changing that makes it milder than it first sounds: most of the changes are around codecs becoming more spec-compliant. So, for example, if you were using another IPLD library that always enforced sorting on e.g. DAG-CBOR, you won't be surprised or experience it much like a "change" when using this version of go-ipld-prime, which now also enforces such sorting in that codec.

Also! At least one huge and awesome new feature: bindnode. This is a new implementation of ipld.Node which can bind to native golang structures using reflection, which provides a new and easy-to-use way to move data in and out of golang structures (or traverse them, etc!) with IPLD interfaces and codecs.

See the full change list for details:

  • New: some new helpful constructors for making Selectors out of serial forms can now be found in the traversal/selector/parse package.[#199]
    • Some constants are also included which show some examples of creating common selectors from JSON.
  • Fixed: cbor, dag-cbor, json, and dag-json codecs now all accept parsing a block that contains just a null token alone. (Previously, this returned an "unexpected EOF" error, which was silly.) [#217]
  • Fixed (upstream): json floats are actually supported. (You might've had this already, if anything dragged in a newer version of the refmt library. We just make sure to require this ourselves in our go.mod file now.) [#215]
  • New: Selectors now support some kinds of conditions. Specifically, ExploreRecursive clauses can contain a stopAt condition, and the condition system now supports Condition_IsLink, which can be used to do an equality check for CIDs. [#214]
  • Fixed: in codegen'd types, the LinkTargetNodePrototype on links was returning the wrong prototype; now it returns the right one. [#211]
  • New: schema.TypedPrototype interface, which is like ipld.NodePrototype but also has methods for asking Type() schema.Type and Representation() ipld.NodePrototype, both of which should probably instantly make sense to you. [#195]
  • Changed: the dag-json and dag-cbor codecs now apply sorting. [#203, #204]
    • This means all serial data created with these codecs is sorted as advised by their respective specifications. Previously, the implementations of these codecs was order-preserving, and emitted data in whatever order the ipld.Node yielded it.
    • There may be new performance costs originating from this sorting.
    • The codecs do not reject other orderings when parsing serial data. The ipld.Node trees resulting from deserialization will still preserve the serialized order. However, it has now become impossible to re-encode data in that same preserved order.
    • If doing your own encoding, there are customization options in dagcbor.EncodeOptions.MapSortMode and dagjson.EncodeOptions.MapSortMode. (However, note that these options are not available to you while using any systems that only operate in terms of multicodec codes.)
    • Be cautious of this change. It is now extremely easy to write code which puts data into an ipld.Node in memory in one order, then save and load that data using these codecs, and end up with different data as a result because the sorting changes the order of data. For some applications, this may not be a problem; for others, it may be surprising. In particular, mind this carefully in the presense of other order-sensitive logic -- for example, such as when using Selectors, whose behaviors also depend on ordering of data returned when iterating over an ipld.Node.
  • Fixed/Changed: the dag-json codec no longer emits whitespace (!). It is now spec-compliant. [#202]
    • This means hashes of content produced by dag-json codec will change. This is unfortunate, but the previous implementation was woefully and wildly out of sync with the spec, and addressing that is a predominating concern.
  • Removed: fluent/quip has been dropped. fluent/qp is superior. fluent/quip was too easy to use incorrectly, so we no longer offer it. [#197]
    • This was an experimental package introduced a few releases ago, together with caveats that we may choose to drop it. The warning was purposeful! We don't believe that this will be too painful of a change; not many things depended on the fluent/quip variant, and those that did should not be difficult to rewrite to fluent/qp.
  • New: node/basic.Chooser is a function that implements traversal.LinkTargetNodePrototypeChooser. It's a small handy quality-of-life increase if you need to supply such a function, which is common. [#198]
  • New: bindnode! This is a huge feature. The beginnings of it may have been visible in v0.10.0, but it's grown into a usable thing we're ready to talk about.
    • Bindnode lets you write golang types and structures, and "bind" them into being IPLD Nodes and supporting Data Model operations by using golang reflection.
    • The result of working with bindnode is somewhere between using basicnode and using codegen: it's going to provide some structural constraints (like codegen) and provide moderate performance (it lets you use structs rather than memory-expensive maps; but reflection is still going to be slower than codegen).
    • However, most importantly, bindnode is nice to use. It doesn't have a huge barrier to entry like codegen does.
    • bindnode can be used with or without IPLD Schemas. For basic golang types, a schema can be inferred automatically. For more advanced features (e.g. any representation customization), you can provide a Schema.
    • Please note that though it is now usable, bindnode remains in development. There is not yet any promise that it will be frozen against changes.
      • In fact, several changes are expected; in particular, be advised there is some sizable change expected around the shape of golang types expected for unions.
  • Improved: tests for behavior of schema typed nodes are now extracted to a package, where they are reusable.
    • The same tests now cover the bindnode implementation, as well as being used in tests of our codegen outputs.
    • Previously, these tests were already mostly agnostic of implementation, but had been thrown into packages in a way that made them hard to reuse.
  • Improved (or Fixed, depending on your point of view): dag-json codec now supports bytes as per the spec. [#166,#216]
    • Bytes are encoded in roughly this form: {"/":{"bytes":"base64data"}}.
    • Note: the json codec does not include this behavior; this is behavior specific to dag-json.


02 Jun 18:59
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2021 June 02

v0.10.0 is a mild release, containing no breaking changes, but lots of cool new stuff. Update at your earliest convenience.

There's a bunch of cool new features in here, some of which are significant power-ups for the ecosystem (e.g. the NodeReifier API), so we recommend updating as soon as possible.

There's also some sizable performance improvements available for generated code, so go forth and update your generated code too!

Check out the full feature list:

  • New: an ipld.DeepEqual method lets you easily compare two ipld.Node for equality. (This is useful in case you have nodes with two different internal implementations, different memory layouts, etc, such that native golang equality would not be semantically correct.) [#174]
  • New: the multicodec package exposes a multicodec.Registry type, and also some multicodec.List* methods. [#172, #176]
    • Please be cautious of using these List* methods. It's very possible to create race conditions with these, especially if using them on the global default registry instance. If we detect that these access methods seem to produce a source of bugs and design errors in downstream usage, they will be removed. Consider doing whatever you're doing by building your own registry systems, and attaching whatever semantics your system desires to those systems, rather than shoehorning this intentionally limited system into doing things it isn't made to do.
  • Improved: the dag-json codec now actually supports bytes! (Perhaps surprisingly, this was a relatively recent addition to the dag-json spec. We've now caught up with it.) [#166]
  • Improved: the codegen system now gofmt's the generated code immediately. You no longer need to do this manually in a separate step. [#163]
  • Improved: the codegen system is slightly faster at emitting code (due to use of more buffering during writes). [#161]
  • Improved: the codegen system will now avoid pointers in the generated "Maybe" types, if they're known to be small in memory (and thus, reasonable to inline). [#160]
    • This is quite likely to result in performance improvements for most programs, as it decreases the number of small memory allocations done, and amount of time spent on dereferencing, cache misses, etc. Some workloads demonstrated over 10% speed increases, and 40% decreases in allocation counts. (Of course, run your own benchmarks; not all workloads are equal.)
  • New: ipld.LinkSystem now contains a "reification" hook system. This is really cool.
    • The center of this is the ipld.LinkSystem.NodeReifier field, and the ipld.NodeReifier function type.
    • The ipld.NodeReifier function type is simply func(LinkContext, Node, *LinkSystem) (Node, error).
    • The purpose and intention of this is: you can use this hooking point in order to decide where to engage advanced IPLD features like ADLs. One can use a NodeReifier to decide what ADLs to use and when... even when in the middle of a traversal.
    • For example: one could write a NodeReifier that says "when I'm in a path that ends with 'foosys/*/hamt', i'm going to try to load that as if it's a HAMT ADL". With that hook in place, you'd then be able to walks over whole forests of data with traversal.* functions, and they would automatically load the relevant ADL for you transparently every time that pattern is encountered, without disrupting or complicating the walk.
    • In the future, we might begin to offer more structural and declaratively configurable approaches to this, and eventually, attempt to standardize them. For now: you can build any solution you like using this hook system. (And we'll probably plug in any future declarative systems via these same hooks, too.)
    • All this appeared in [#158].
  • New: ipld.LinkSystem now contains a boolean flag for TrustedStorage. If set to true, it will cause methods like Load to skip hashing when loading content. Do not do this unless you know what you're doing. [#149]
  • New: a json (as opposed to dag-json) codec is now available from this repo. It does roughly what you'd expect. (It's like dag-json, but explicitly rejects encoding links and bytes, and correspondingly does not have dag-json's special decoding behaviors that produce those kinds.) [#152]
  • New: a cbor (as opposed to dag-cbor) codec is now available from this repo. Same story as the json codec: it just explicitly doesn't support links (because you should use dag-cbor if you want that). [#153]

This contained a ton of contributions from lots of people: especially thanks to @mvdan, @hannahhoward, and @willscott for invaluable contributions.