The Ultimate PHP Form Generator Class is developed with the following goals in mind...
- promotes rapid development of HTML forms through an object-oriented PHP framework.
- Eliminate the grunt/repetitive work of writing the html when building forms.
- Reduce human error by using a consistent/tested utility.
The Iriven Php FormGenerator adhere to W3C standards. Give it a try and let me know what you like, hate, and think needs to be fixed.
- Open($attributes = [])
- addAudio($label,$attributes=[])
- addButton($label,$attributes=[])
- addCaptcha($label,$attributes=[])
- addCheckbox($label,$options = [],$attributes=[])
- addColor($label,$attributes=[])
- addCountries($label,$attributes=[])
- addDatalist($label, $options=[], $attributes = [])
- addDate($label,$attributes=[])
- addDatetime($label,$attributes=[])
- addDatetimeLocal($label,$attributes=[])
- addEditor($label,$attributes=[])
- addEmail($label,$attributes=[])
- addFieldset($attributes=[])
- addFile($label,$attributes=[])
- addHidden($label,$attributes=[])
- addHtml($html)
- addImage($label,$attributes=[])
- addMonth($label,$attributes=[])
- addNumber($label,$attributes=[])
- addPassword($label,$attributes=[])
- addPhone($label,$attributes=[])
- addRadio($label,$options=[],$attributes=[])
- addRange($label,$attributes=[])
- addReset($label,$attributes=[])
- addSearch($label,$attributes=[])
- addSelect($label,array $options = [],$attributes=[])
- addSubmit($label,$attributes=[])
- addText($label,$attributes=[])
- addTextarea($label,$attributes=[])
- addTime($label,$attributes=[])
- addUrl($label,$attributes=[])
- addVideo($label,$attributes=[])
- addWeek($label,$attributes=[])
- addYesNo($label,$attributes=[])
- Close($print=true)
require_once 'FormGenerator.php';
$form = new Iriven\FormGenerator()
PhpFormGenerator provides a fluent method of form creation, allowing you to do:
->addYesNo('es-tu content?')
->addCheckbox('votre sexe',['M','F'])
->addCountry('votre pays')
->addFieldset(['legend'=>'Informations Générales'])
->addSelect('OptGroupSelect',['collaborateurs'=>['0'=>'aucun','1'=>'1 personne','6'=>'6 personnes'],'auteur'=>['2'=>'alfred','3'=>'iriven','4'=>'iriventeam']],['name'=>'selection2','value'=>'3'])
->addSelect('OptGroupMultiSelect',['collaborateurs'=>['0'=>'aucun','1'=>'1 personne','6'=>'6 personnes'],'auteur'=>['2'=>'alfred','3'=>'iriven','4'=>'iriventeam']],['name'=>'selection3','multiple'=>'multiple'])
->addPassword('mot de passe')
->addCaptcha('Quel est le Resultat de')
- Alfred TCHONDJO - Project Initiator - iriven France
This project is licensed under the GNU General Public License V3 - see the LICENSE file for details
If this project help you reduce time to develop, you can give me a cup of coffee :)
If you use this library in your project please add a backlink to this page by this code.
<a href="" target="_blank">This Project Uses Alfred's TCHONDJO PhpFormGenerator Library.</a>