libPasC-Algorithms is delphi and object pascal library of common data structures and algorithms. The library is based on the c-algorithms repository and it is a set of containers adapted for the Pascal language and the template system available on it.
Library is tested for
- Embarcadero (R) Delphi 10.3 on Windows 7 Service Pack 1 (Version 6.1, Build 7601, 64-bit Edition)
- Embarcadero (R) Delphi 11.0 Version 28.0.42600.6491 on Windows 10 (Version 10.0, Build 19042, 64-bit Edition)
- FreePascal Compiler (3.2.0) and Lazarus IDE (2.0.12) on Ubuntu Linux 5.8.0-33-generic x86_64
Get the sources and add the source directory to the project search path. For FPC add the source directory to the fpc.cfg file.
Clone the repository git clone
Add the unit you want to use to the uses
A testing framework consists of the following ingredients:
- Test runner project located in
directory. - Test cases (DUnit for Delphi and FPCUnit for FPC based) for all containers classes.
TArrayList are generic arrays of T which automatically increase in size.
container.arraylist, utils.functor;
generic TArrayList<T, BinaryCompareFunctor> = class
BinaryCompareFunctor is based on utils.functor.TBinaryFunctor interface and used to compare two array items. Needed for sort and search functions.
More details read on wiki page.
TMultiArray is a generic array of array of T which automatically increase in size.
container.multiarray, utils.functor;
generic TMultiArray<T, BinaryCompareFunctor> = class
BinaryCompareFunctor is based on utils.functor.TBinaryFunctor interface and used to compare two array items. Needed for sort and search functions.
More details read on wiki page.
The TSortedArray is an automatically resizing array which stores its elements in sorted order. User defined functor determine the sorting order. All operations on a TSortedArray maintain the sorted property. Most operations are done in O(n) time, but searching can be done in O(log n) worst case.
container.sortedarray, utils.functor;
generic TSortedArray<T, BinaryCompareFunctor> = class
BinaryCompareFunctor is based on utils.functor.TBinaryFunctor interface and used to compare two array items. Needed for search function.
More details read on wiki page.
A doubly-linked list stores a collection of values. Each entry in the list contains a link to the next entry and the previous entry. It is therefore possible to iterate over entries in the list in either direction.
container.list, utils.functor;
generic TList<T, BinaryCompareFunctor> = class
BinaryCompareFunctor is based on utils.functor.TBinaryFunctor interface and used to compare two list items. Needed for sort and search functions.
More details read on wiki page.
The AVL tree structure is a balanced binary tree which stores a collection of nodes. Each node has a key and a value associated with it. The nodes are sorted within the tree based on the order of their keys. Modifications to the tree are constructed such that the tree remains balanced at all times (there are always roughly equal numbers of nodes on either side of the tree).
Balanced binary trees have several uses. They can be used as a mapping (searching for a value based on its key), or as a set of keys which is always ordered.
generic TAvlTree<K, V, KeyBinaryCompareFunctor> = class
KeyBinaryCompareFunctor is based on utils.functor.TBinaryFunctor interface and used to compare two keys.
More details read on wiki page.
A hash table stores a set of values which can be addressed by a key. Given the key, the corresponding value can be looked up quickly.
container.hashtable, utils.functor;
generic THashTable<K, V, KeyBinaryCompareFunctor> = class
KeyBinaryCompareFunctor is based on utils.functor.TBinaryFunctor interface and used to compare two keys.
More details read on wiki page.
A multi hash table stores a set of values which can be addressed by a key. Given the key, the corresponding value can be looked up quickly.
container.hashtable, container.multihash, utils.functor;
generic TMultiHash<K, V, KeyBinaryCompareFunctor, ValueBinaryCompareFunctor> = class
KeyBinaryCompareFunctor and ValueBinaryCompareFunctor is based on utils.functor.TBinaryFunctor interface and used to compare two keys.
More details read on wiki page.
A set stores a collection of values. Each value can only exist once in the set.
container.orderedset, utils.functor;
generic TOrderedSet<V, BinaryCompareFunctor> = class
BinaryCompareFunctor is based on utils.functor.TBinaryFunctor interface and used to compare two items.
More details read on wiki page.
Heap type. The values with the lowest priority are stored at the top of the heap and will be the first returned.
container.binaryheap, utils.functor;
generic TMinBinaryHeap<V, BinaryCompareFunctor> = class
BinaryCompareFunctor is based on utils.functor.TBinaryFunctor interface and used to compare two items.
More details read on wiki page.
Heap type. The values with the greatest priority are stored at the top of the heap and will be the first returned.
container.binaryheap, utils.functor;
generic TMaxBinaryHeap<V, BinaryCompareFunctor> = class
BinaryCompareFunctor is based on utils.functor.TBinaryFunctor interface and used to compare two items.
More details read on wiki page.
A trie is a data structure which provides fast mappings from strings to values.
generic TTrie<V> = class
More details read on wiki page.
A double ended queue stores a list of values in order. New values can be added and removed from either end of the queue.
generic TQueue<T> = class
More details read on wiki page.
TMemoryBuffer is a useful data structure for storing arbitrary sized blocks of memory. It is guarantees deletion of the memory block when the object is destroyed. This class based on wxWidgets wxMemoryBuffer api interface
TMemoryBuffer = class
More details read on wiki page.