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Service for distributed systems deployment; part of Asperitas


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Michman is an orchestration self-hosted service intended to simplify process of creating distributed clusters and management of services in cloud environments. It provides capabilities for automatic deployment of distributed tools used in datascience, big data, HPC and business tasks:

  • Apache Spark
  • Apache Hadoop
  • Apache Ignite
  • Apache Cassandra
  • ClickHouse
  • CouchDB
  • СVAT
  • ElasticSearch with OpenDistro tools
  • Greenplum
  • Jupyter
  • Jupyterhub
  • Kubernetes
  • MariaDB
  • Nextcloud
  • NFS-Server
  • OpenPAI
  • PostgreSQL
  • Redis
  • Slurm
  • Distributed Tensorflow

More detailed description of supported services can be found at docs/

Full documentation is available here.

Clusters are created and managed via REST API (see swagger docs) with collaborative group-based access to computational resources.

This project follows up spark-openstack project (ISP RAS).


If you're familiar with Michman and already have access to Openstack and running Vault with required secrets and database (Couchbase or MySQL), there is the shortest way to run Michman tested on Ubuntu 20.04:

  1. Clone Michman:
    git clone
    cd michman
    For deploying Kubernetes clusters git submodule must be installed:
    git submodule update --init --recursive
  2. Fill at least Openstack, Vault and logs sections in the configuration file (look at configs/config-sample.yaml):
  3. Install go (skip if it's already installed):
    sudo rm -rf /usr/local/go && sudo tar -C /usr/local -xzf go1.18.8.linux-amd64.tar.gz
    echo "export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin:/home/$USER/go/bin" >> ~/.profile
    source ~/.profile
    go version
    rm go1.18.8.linux-amd64.tar.gz
  4. Install system packages:
    sudo apt update && sudo apt install -y \
    apt-transport-https \
    ca-certificates \
    curl \
    git \
    protobuf-compiler \
    python3 \
    python3-pip \
    python3-setuptools \
    python3-venv \
    software-properties-common \
  5. Install go and python packages (virtualenv is highly recommended):
    go install
    go get
    go get
    python3 -m venv ./venv
    source ./venv/bin/activate
    pip install --upgrade pip
    pip install --no-cache-dir -r requirements.txt
  6. Compile and run (make sure virtualenv is activated, if it was configured on a previous step):
    ./ start -c ./configs/config-sample.yaml # Replace with actual path
  7. Check that Michman responds:
    curl localhost:8081/projects

Read [Advanced installation instructions](#Advanced installation instructions) for installation issues.

Note, Michman requires information about images and flavors in Openstack and loaded descriptions of supported service types which are stored in init directory.

Infrastructure requirements

  • Openstack IaaS-provider. Supported versions: Liberty, Stein, Ussuri.
  • Database server:
    • Last tested Couchbase version: 6.0.0 community edition. Couchbase must contain prepared buckets with primary indexes: clusters, projects, templates, service_types, images.Templates bucket is optional and is used if you are going to create templates.
    • Last tested MySQL version: 5.7 and MariaDB 10.3. Database should be created with sql/create_database.sql script.
  • Vault server. Last tested version: 1.2.3

Read more about Michman configuration in corresponding section.




  • Images for virtual machines. LTS Ubuntu versions, CentOS 7,8 and Stream versions are available in Michman
  • Floating ip pool
  • Flavors depends on your proposes
  • Key-pair

Note, images and flavors information should be stored in Michman (check Michman usage section). You should write Openstack credentials and ssh private key corresponding to prepared key pair in Vault. Read Vault configuration section.


Michman uses Vault for security issues. It's required to create the following secrets:

1.ssh_key: it should contain field named key_bgt with private ssh_key corresponds to your Openstack key-pair in value.

2.OpenStack: general credentials are used to manage resources in Openstack. All required values must be in Openstack RC file. Depending on Openstack version this secret should contain the following keys (corresponding to environment variables in Openstack RC):

  • Ussuri:

    • OS_AUTH_URL — keystone address
    • OS_IDENTITY_API_VERSION — identity API version
    • OS_INTERFACE — interface type
    • OS_PASSWORD — authentication password
    • OS_PROJECT_DOMAIN_ID — domain ID containing project
    • OS_PROJECT_ID — OpenStack project-level authentication scope (by ID)
    • OS_PROJECT_NAME — OpenStack project-level authentication scope (by Name)
    • OS_REGION_NAME — authentication region name
    • OS_USERNAME — authentication username
    • OS_USER_DOMAIN_NAME — domain name or ID containing user
  • Stein:

    • OS_AUTH_TYPE — the authentication plugin type to use when connecting to the Identity service.
    • OS_AUTH_URL — usually means keystone address
    • OS_PASSWORD — authentication password
    • OS_PROJECT_DOMAIN_NAME — domain name containing project
    • OS_PROJECT_NAME — OpenStack project-level authentication scope (by Name)
    • OS_REGION_NAME — authentication region name
    • OS_USERNAME — authentication username
    • OS_USER_DOMAIN_NAME — domain name or ID containing user
  • Liberty:

    • OS_AUTH_URL — usually means keystone address
    • OS_PASSWORD — authentication password
    • OS_PROJECT_NAME — OpenStack project-level authentication scope (by Name)
    • OS_REGION_NAME — authentication region name
    • OS_TENANT_ID — authentication tenant ID
    • OS_TENANT_NAME — authentication tenant name
    • OS_SWIFT_PASSWORD (optional) — swift authentication password
    • OS_SWIFT_USERNAME (optional) — swift authentication username

    Depending on Openstack configuration additional parameters are required. Known examples for Stein OpenStack version: COMPUTE_API_VERSION, NOVA_VERSION, OS_CLOUDNAME, OS_IMAGE_API_VERSION, OS_NO_CACHE, OS_VOLUME_API_VERSION, PYTHONWARNINGS, no_proxy. You may contact your cloud admin to match required parameters.

    For now, we use these parameters directly in process environment for ansible, but clouds.yaml processing is coming soon.

3.Database credentials. Depending on database engine the secret should contain the following keys:

  • Couchbase:
    • path — Couchbase server address (ex.
    • password — database user password
    • username — database username
  • MySQL:
    • address — MySQL server address (ex.
    • database — database name
    • password — database user password
    • user — database username

4.Hydra secret (optional, it is used only for oauth2 authorization model) includes the following keys:

  • redirect_uri — OAuth 2.0 redirect URI
  • client_id — OAuth 2.0 client ID
  • client_secret — OAuth 2.0 client secret

5.Docker registry secret (optional) includes the following keys:

  • url — address of your selfsigned registry according to certificate or gitlab registry url

  • user — your selfsigned registry or gitlab registry username

  • password — your selfsigned registry or gitlab registry password


Now Michman may work with Couchbase and MySQL (or MariaDB).

Couchbase is json-based NoSQL DBMS with in-memory storage, horizontal scaling potential SQL-like query engine and other features. Michman needs the following buckets with created primary indexes to work with Couchbase:

  • clusters: clusters created by Michman
  • flavors: available Openstack flavors to run virtual machines
  • images: available Openstack images to run virtual machines
  • projects: Michman projects
  • service_types: services available to deploy Michman
  • templates (optional): templates of combined service types for easier deploy

MySQL and MariaDB are similar traditional relational DBMS. Michman needs prepared database that may be created with sql/create_tables.sql script.

It's necessary to initialize Michman with supported Service Types stored in init directory. Read how to upload them in Usage section.

Configuration file

There is template in configs/config-sample.yaml. You should fill at least the following common parameters:

  • os_key_name — key pair name of your Openstack account
  • virtual_network — OpenStack virtual network name or ID (in Neutron or Nova-networking)
  • floating_ip_pool — Openstack floating IP pool name
  • os_version — OpenStack version code name. For now supported next versions: Ussuri, Stein and Liberty
  • vault_addr — Vault address
  • token — Vault root token
  • os_key — Vault path to Openstack credentials
  • ssh_key — Vault path to secret with ssh private key
  • storage — Type of used database. Acceptable values: mysql or couchbase
  • cb_key — Vault path to Couchbase credentials. Required if couchbase storage is used
  • mysql_key — Vault path to MySQL credentials. Required if mysql storage is used
  • logs_output — type of logging system. Acceptable values: file, logstash
  • logs_file_path — path to directory with logs
  • logstash_addr — logstash address if logstash output is used
  • elastic_addr — elastic address if logstash output is used

These parameters should be filled to configure authorization:

  • use_auth — boolean flag for authentication usage
  • authorization_model — type of authorization model. Acceptable values: none, oauth2 or keystone
  • policy_path — local path to policy configuration file (e.g. configs/policy.csv)
  • admin_group — name of the admin group
  • session_idle_timeout — time limit in minutes of a period, while session can be inactive before it expires
  • session_lifetime — time limit in minutes of a period, while session is valid before it expires
  • hydra_key — Vault path to hydra credentials. Required if oauth2 authorization model is used
  • hydra_admin — address of hydra admin server. Required if oauth2 authorization model is used
  • hydra_client — address of hydra client server. Required if oauth2 authorization model is used
  • keystone_addr — address of keystone service. Required if keystone authorization model is used

These parameters should be filled to configure usage of local repositories and registries:

  • use_package_mirror — boolean flag for system package mirrors usage
  • use_pip_mirror — boolean flag for pip mirror usage
  • apt_mirror_address — address of Debian packages mirror
  • yum_mirror_address — address of Redhat packages mirror
  • pip_mirror_address — address of pip packages mirror
  • pip_trusted_host — IP of used pip packages mirror
  • docker_insecure_registry — boolean flag for local insecure (without certificates and user control) registry usage
  • docker_selfsigned_registry — boolean flag for local self-signed registry usage
  • docker_gitlab_registry — boolean flag for gitlab registry usage
  • docker_insecure_registry_ip — host ip of your insecure registry
  • docker_selfsigned_registry_ip — host ip of your selfsigned registry
  • docker_selfsigned_registry_port — host port of your selfsigned registry
  • docker_selfsigned_registry_url — address of your selfsigned registry according to certificate
  • docker_cert_path — path to your selfsigned certificate
  • registry_key — Vault path to gitlab registry credentials


Michman provides REST API to interact with it (default used port is 8081). OpenStack images and flavors descriptions, Michman project and service types have to be prepared before starting the process of clusters creation. If you have configured Michman using Keystone or OAuth2, you may also have to get authenticated to interact with Michman. Read more in full documentation or in Swagger after starting Michman on localhost:8081/api. There are several basic examples of typical requests to Michman on localhost from curl:

  • Write image information:
    curl -XPOST http://localhost:8081/images \
    --data '{
      "Name": "ubuntu20.04",
      "AnsibleUser": "ubuntu",
      "CloudImageID": "uuid-from-openstack"
  • Write flavor information (for now Name should be corresponding to Openstack flavor name):
    curl -XPOST http:localhost:8081/flavors \
    --data '{
      "Name": "Standard2.medium.s50",
      "VCPUs": 2,
      "RAM": 2048,
      "Disk": 50
  • Write service type from json file:
    curl -XPOST http:localhost:8081/configs \
    --data @init/jupyter.json
  • Create project:
    curl -XPOST http://localhost:8081/projects \
    --data '{
      "DisplayName": "readme-project",
      "DefaultImage": "ubuntu20.04",
      "Description": "Michman demo project",
      "DefaultMasterFlavor": "Standard2.medium.s50",
      "DefaultSlavesFlavor": "Standard2.medium.s50",
      "DefaultMonitoringFlavor": "Standard2.medium.s50"
  • Read project information:
    curl -XGET http://localhost:8081/projects/readme-project
  • List all clusters of the project:
    curl -XGET http://localhost:8081/projects/readme-project/clusters
  • Create new cluster with Jupyterlab service using default image and flavor from project:
    curl -XPOST http://localhost:8081/projects/readme-project/clusters \
      --data '{
        "DisplayName": "jupyter-cluster",
        "Services": [
                "Name": "my-awesome-jupyterlab",
                "Type": "jupyter",
                "Version": "jupyter-lab"

Get info about jupyter-test cluster in Test project (note that cluster Name is constructed as cluster DisplayName-ProjectName):

curl localhost:8081/projects/readme/clusters/jupyter-test-readme

Delete jupyter-test cluster in Test project:

curl localhost:8081/projects/readme/clusters/jupyter-test-readme -XDELETE

Get service API in browser by this URL: localhost:8081/api

Advanced installation instructions

Go version

For now protoc-gen-go package is deprecated since go version 1.19. Moreover, protobuf-compiler apt package wasn't available on Ubuntu versions before 18.04, may have no analogs for others distributions. If you use newer go versions or can't use protobuf-compiler and protoc-gen-go packages for other reason, you may try the following solutions:

  1. The simplest way is to use docker protoc image:

    docker pull znly/protoc
    # run from Michman directory
    ./ -d proto # -d option enables docker image usage 

    (Docker installation instructions are here. It is also recommended to configure rootless mode)

    Note that docker container may generate files with permissions for root user, so check internal/protobuf/launcher.pb.go permissions.

  2. Here is the most stable installation for libprotoc from source code.

  3. You may try to use protoc-gen-go package installed with go 1.18 or older to avoid deprecation alert.

Python packages

Depending on your python version, some packages may be unavailable. For most of them you may just use the nearest to requirements.txt version. Most common issue is related to openstacksdk version. There is mapping of OpenStack versions and corresponding openstacksdk version.

Mitogen can be used for ansible acceleration. Note that it shouldn't be used in production now because the project is unstable. To use Michman with Mitogen clone the instrument and add it to defaults section in ansible/ansible.cfg in source code of the orchestrator. Known issues with Mitogen:

  • Mitogen enforces StrictHostKeyChecking on ssh connection for ansible;
  • async tasks don't work;
  • default ansible interpreter is replaced, so ansible fails when works with some images.

Start up issues script is used to manipulate with Michman. It includes commands to generate protobuf code and testing mocks, run tests and Michman as daemon, stop it, clean up directory and other. Check ./ --help command for more details. Notes:

  1. Script automatically runs protobuf code generation and compilation on start up command if it doesn't exist, so you may just run ./ start.
  2. By default Michman reads settings from configs/config.yaml file. If you want to use configuration file from other place, use flag -c:
./ -c ./my-michman-config.yaml start
  1. There are two commands to clean up working directory:
    • clean: removes all generated files (protobuf, mocks, binary etc.) if they exist
    • reset: runs stop and clean operations

If Michman doesn't start with script, you should check .launch_start.log and .http_start.log files.

Sometimes it's helpful to start Michman without script in development environment:

./ proto # to generate protobuf code 
go run ./cmd/launcher/main.go &
go run ./cmd/rest/main.go &

In the case you should kill processes manually.