What's Changed
- DB Code first by @AleXLaeR in #10
- Mapper and repository by @Tatiana2424 in #11
- Fix styles by @PingvinAustr in #13
- Dto hotfixes & Nuke Intergration by @AleXLaeR in #17
- Dto hotfixes by @dimasster in #27
- Changed Collation option for init DB by @dimaln in #30
- Fix code first by @AleXLaeR in #32
- Nuke improvements by @AleXLaeR in #36
- Changed controllers due to front-end by @EyR1oN in #33
- Add appsettings & environment variables by @grygorenkod in #22
- Feat/mediatr integration by @AleXLaeR in #38
- Enh/mediatr examples by @AleXLaeR in #46
- Fixed all DTO-nullability by @Tatiana2424 in #48
- add ukr collation to db by @EyR1oN in #49
- Edited streetcode and added handlers by @EyR1oN in #51
- Enh/seed m to m tables by @AleXLaeR in #53
- improved streetcodeDTO by @EyR1oN in #54
- Enh/related figure by @dimasster in #55
- Fix/db seeding by @AleXLaeR in #57
- Impr/mediatr improvement by @EyR1oN in #58
- missing local env property in configuration by @dimaln in #59
- Add/sourcelink subcategory model by @AleXLaeR in #61
- fixed GetVideoByStreetcodeIdQueryHandler by @Tatiana2424 in #63
- Ehn/sources api sync by @AleXLaeR in #62
- Enh/sync interesting facts api by @PingvinAustr in #73
- Ticker api sync by @PingvinAustr in #74
- Rebased migration onto new basis and added new StreetcodeArt entity w… by @AleXLaeR in #80
- Added new relationship between StreetcodeContent & Coordinate entities. by @AleXLaeR in #81
- added toponyms & coordinates stuff by @EyR1oN in #82
- created StreetcodeArt repositpry, controller, hendler, profile, dto by @Tatiana2424 in #87
- fixed api audio by @EyR1oN in #88
- Merge/related figures to master by @dimasster in #84
- Feat/zipfile web parse by @EyR1oN in #89
- Feat/sync back with partners by @dimasster in #90
- fix timeline mediatr and dto by @dimasster in #91
- Update ModelBuilderExtensions.cs by @Tatiana2424 in #92
- Update ModelBuilderExtensions.cs by @Tatiana2424 in #94
- fixed bug addhostedservices with migrations by @EyR1oN in #95
- changed way to do background services and added truncation of toponym… by @EyR1oN in #97
- Fix/partners by @dimasster in #100
- added polly to parsing data by @EyR1oN in #99
- additional-content-unittests by @Katerix in #110
- Unit testing: audio/relatedfigure/streeесode by @Tysyatsky in #105
- Street code/fact and video tests by @Kasterov in #103
- Refactored and added all unit tests for Art and Image entities by @Kotusyk in #106
- Streetcode art&text unit tests by @Chynchenko in #112
- Unit tests by @Kasterov in #113
- add new endpoint for checking if streetcode with index exist by @NadiaKishchuk in #129
- Streetcode tag by @NadiaKishchuk in #128
- Related terms crud by @Tysyatsky in #142
- Term crud operations by @Tysyatsky in #130
- GetAllStreetcodes endpoint. Implemented query for selecting all streetcodes. by @Kasterov in #131
- Transliteration urls for streetcodes by @Tysyatsky in #146
- post and delete methods by @Katerix in #132
- endpoints for main card, timelines, tags and partners by @NadiaKishchuk in #143
- Fixing UnitTests GetAllStreetcodesHandler and DeleteStreetcodeHandler by @Kasterov in #153
- unit tests for Transactions and GetByTransliterationUrl by @ormykhalyshyn in #149
- Made tests for sources handlers and withInderexisthandler by @DanyilTerentiev in #155
- SourcesCrud by @Chynchenko in #144
- Admin panel blob storage by @Kasterov in #145
- Authorization, partner fix, database while app execute, streetcode endpoint by @NadiaKishchuk in #164
- Fixed related figures behavior with new Streeetcode link by @Tysyatsky in #165
- Admin panel blob storage UnitTestsFixes by @Kasterov in #168
- Email by @MaksBrat in #157
- The Great Master Merge. Backend. by @Tysyatsky in #167
- Separate migration by @Kasterov in #171
- Fixed nuke by @LanchevychMaxym in #163
- Add tests for Partners by @Lolimkeri in #170
- Blob storage env variables by @Kasterov in #173
- Catalog. Backend pagination. by @Tysyatsky in #175
- Subtitle update by @Dobriyr in #174
- Unit test for related terms getpartnersshort by @ValDekh in #161
- Remove spaces under Id by @Dobriyr in #179
- toponyms and map admin finally finally by @MementoMorj in #172
- Seeding last fixes (Nuke) by @Kasterov in #176
- Monobank_Api_Backend by @MementoMorj in #180
- Blob all endpoints implementation by @Kasterov in #182
- Implement tests to Term and HistoricalContext by @Dobriyr in #156
- [FIX] Fix create terms by @Tysyatsky in #186
- Streetcode create by @MaksBrat in #185
- added create for streetcode coordinates by @MaksBrat in #189
- FixSubtitle by @Dobriyr in #190
- NugetChanges by @Dobriyr in #192
- [Feature] Statistic by QR scan endpoints by @Tysyatsky in #191
- implemented streetcode search by @MaksBrat in #195
- Fix migration db by @NadiaKishchuk in #193
- quickFixForSearch by @NadiaKishchuk in #196
- Migration team news by @ormykhalyshyn in #200
- fixCreateStreetcode by @NadiaKishchuk in #201
- Created for fans admin back. Made new endpoints, Mapper and MediatR methods. by @DanyilTerentiev in #198
- [Features] Analytics qr by @Tysyatsky in #203
- Team crud by @ormykhalyshyn in #208
- fix Bad Request by @Lolimkeri in #204
- add statistic record to streetcode create by @MaksBrat in #205
- fixing photo on related figures and catalog by @Tysyatsky in #210
- deleted table donations by @ormykhalyshyn in #211
- added new end-point for team by @ormykhalyshyn in #212
- mainPage streetcode slider by @MementoMorj in #216
- Developers master by @MementoMorj in #217
- News admin by @DanyilTerentiev in #215
- Fixes master by @ormykhalyshyn in #219
- fix streetcode create for ar effect by @NadiaKishchuk in #213
- Developers master by @ormykhalyshyn in #220
- minimal changes by @ormykhalyshyn in #221
- New dev by @ormykhalyshyn in #222
- Additional text fixed by @ormykhalyshyn in #223
- addNullResultToTextQuery by @NadiaKishchuk in #224
- [Features] Added new endpoints for existing streetcodes by @Tysyatsky in #225
- Added new handler for sorted news by date time and removed unused usings by @DanyilTerentiev in #226
- Developers master by @ormykhalyshyn in #228
- Streetcode update max by @MaksBrat in #230
- Update development by @Dobriyr in #229
- check for image delete by @DanyilTerentiev in #232
- New API for news by @Lolimkeri in #231
- Developers master by @ormykhalyshyn in #233
- Instagram api by @MementoMorj in #234
- Fixed conditions when updating news without image and creating news w… by @DanyilTerentiev in #236
- Instagram api by @Katerix in #237
- Streetcode update max by @MaksBrat in #239
- Streetcode update smile by @Dobriyr in #240
- changed from chanched to isChanged by @MaksBrat in #241
- Streetcode update partners and related figures by @Tysyatsky in #244
- Streetcode update roman by @Dobriyr in #245
- Created data seeding for the empty database by @DanyilTerentiev in #242
- Developers master by @ormykhalyshyn in #247
- Streetcode update max by @MaksBrat in #246
- update arts + transaction by @MaksBrat in #253
- Only published streetcodes display fix by @MementoMorj in #251
- Feature blob storage cleaning by @Katerix in #254
- Developer by @ormykhalyshyn in #257
- StreetcodeTagIndex + Tag update by @Dobriyr in #258
- generic update by @MaksBrat in #255
- fixed toponyms and added unique for index by @ormykhalyshyn in #259
- Added two news articles and changed logic so you don't have to drop d… by @DanyilTerentiev in #252
- added another arg to the blob service constructor by @DanyilTerentiev in #261
- [Update] Streetcode update coordinates and category content by @Tysyatsky in #260
- Update media content by @Dobriyr in #262
- Created news API for newsPage optimization by @Lolimkeri in #250
- Added p tags around news text by @DanyilTerentiev in #274
- Unit tests for team link and positions endpoints by @AndriiS1 in #264
- Added unit tests for Team and News mediatrs by @KateYatsiuk in #267
- UnitTest Fix and create by @FlaxyDev in #270
- Update README.md by @ormykhalyshyn in #280
- Streetcode update max by @MaksBrat in #281
- Develop by @ormykhalyshyn in #284
- Streetcode update max by @MaksBrat in #289
- #272 Tests for news by @MariaPadalka in #273
- Unit tests for "Team" MediatR. by @wehfis in #266
- changed after review by @MaksBrat in #295
- Update build.yml by @IrynaZavushchak in #298
- Streetcode update by @Dobriyr in #286
- Develop by @ormykhalyshyn in #300
- master by @ormykhalyshyn in #302
- Add imagephoto description by @NadiaKishchuk in #285
- Update fix by @MaksBrat in #303
- Develop by @ormykhalyshyn in #304
- 290 cors configuration by @MariaPadalka in #291
- update develop by @NadiaKishchuk in #310
- Integration tests for Blob Service by @KateYatsiuk in #307
- Delete folder "News" and move tests to "Newss" by @maximu211 in #311
- removed image, only send image id by @MaksBrat in #313
- Develop by @ormykhalyshyn in #315
- Develop by @IrynaZavushchak in #320
- updated partner model by @MariaPadalka in #321
- master to dev by @ormykhalyshyn in #324
- Nk fixtest 305 by @NadiaKishchuk in #317
- Develop by @IrynaZavushchak in #326
- Nk 446 streetcode photo by @NadiaKishchuk in #327
- fix publish and draft date by @MaksBrat in #328
- delete text by @MaksBrat in #322
- Fix update by @MaksBrat in #355
- [416] Terms and Text fix on Streetcode Page. by @Tysyatsky in #319
- Added tests for FindStreetcodesWithMatchTitle() FindSortedStreetcodes() FindFilteredStreetcodes() in GetAllStreetcodehandler by @maximu211 in #287
- Fixed CreateRelatedTermHandlerTest, GetTransactLinByStreetcodeIdHandl… by @AlexSkul in #271
- [Functionality/StreetCode#277] Logging by @AndriiS1 in #301
- fix text and audio by @NadiaKishchuk in #378
- fix related figures by @MaksBrat in #440
- 404 update create streetcode nk by @NadiaKishchuk in #453
- Develop by @IrynaZavushchak in #347
- fix streetcode deleting by @MariaPadalka in #498
- Fix catalog streetcodes displaying images by @AndriiS1 in #495
- 478 admintext and video block an error is thrown when previewing the main text by @Tysyatsky in #516
- Fix tags order by @AndriiS1 in #529
- fix text load by @maximu211 in #534
- Develop by @MementoMorj in #537
- 515 Admin AR Editing by @Tysyatsky in #542
- Add jobs to db by @Dobriyr in #561
- Added controller GetJobById by @maximu211 in #562
- Rate limiting middleware by @AndriiS1 in #549
- Fix/Text displaying with related words by @maximu211 in #558
- Develop by @MementoMorj in #563
- Fix bugs #432 for fans valerii by @ValDekh in #560
- Develop by @MementoMorj in #608
- Add Jenkinsfile by @saymolet in #618
- team fix by @maximu211 in #621
- fix related term by @maximu211 in #624
- Revert "fix related term" by @maximu211 in #625
- Revert "team fix" by @maximu211 in #627
- Revert "Revert "team fix"" by @maximu211 in #628
- Export exceptions to the resource file with localization in ukrainian and english by @ValDekh in #524
- random output on main page by @MementoMorj in #630
- Develop by @MementoMorj in #631
- Revert "Develop" by @MementoMorj in #637
- Revert "Revert "Develop"" by @MementoMorj in #638
- added handler for TickerString and fixed team create by @maximu211 in #636
- Fixed displaying positions with no members by @maximu211 in #639
- black and white fix by @MementoMorj in #641
- image on the tag fix by @MementoMorj in #666
- Develop by @MementoMorj in #668
- Response caching by @MementoMorj in #670
- Develop by @MementoMorj in #671
- text by @MementoMorj in #672
- Develop by @MementoMorj in #673
- 1 by @MementoMorj in #674
- Develop by @MementoMorj in #675
- 1 by @MementoMorj in #677
- Develop by @MementoMorj in #678
- Fix email credentials by @AndriiS1 in #669
- Add pagination to street code arts/backend by @Oleh-Kril in #679
- Develop by @MementoMorj in #683
- Cashing for andrii by @MementoMorj in #688
- Develop by @MementoMorj in #689
- add GetPartnersByIsKeyPartner method by @Adeodonne in #686
- About us admin by @Dobriyr in #690
- Update develop by @AndriiS1 in #692
- Temp about us by @Dobriyr in #707
- In-Memory Caching Implementation by @MementoMorj in #709
- Develop by @MementoMorj in #711
- logger by @MementoMorj in #712
- hot-fix by @MementoMorj in #714
- 1 by @MementoMorj in #720
- Develop by @MementoMorj in #721
- Audio fix backend by @KateYatsiuk in #723
- Develop by @MementoMorj in #724
- Revert "1" by @MementoMorj in #725
- Develop by @MementoMorj in #726
- add gitversions to nuke build by @Adeodonne in #713
- Develop by @MementoMorj in #728
- Add recurring job by @Oleh-Kril in #729
- Streetcode tags ordering by index by @mykola-krai in #722
- fix comments all except timezone: by @Oleh-Kril in #731
- Develop by @MementoMorj in #732
- swagger by @MementoMorj in #733
- fix reqiured salary by @Adeodonne in #734
- Revert "fix reqiured salary" by @MementoMorj in #735
- job for deleting unused images by @malyna2 in #739
- Fix searching by @BohdanBybliv in #741
- Develop by @MementoMorj in #749
- Update Jenkinsfile by @MementoMorj in #750
- getting streetcodes on main page with pagination/back by @malyna2 in #743
- move all changes from outdated health check pull request by @Oleh-Kril in #754
- Fix https by @Oleh-Kril in #802
- Fix sonarcloud by @petrobubka in #751
- Develop by @MementoMorj in #806
- Revert "Fix sonarcloud" by @malyna2 in #807
- Revert "Fix https" by @malyna2 in #808
- Revert "move all changes from outdated health check pull request" by @malyna2 in #809
- Develop by @malyna2 in #810
- Getting 404 responce if no news found by @malyna2 in #817
- Develop by @MementoMorj in #846
- remove trailing comma by @Oleh-Kril in #859
- Develop by @MementoMorj in #864
- add swagger for stage and local by @Adeodonne in #887
- extend getCount endpoint to return only published Streetcodes by @Oleh-Kril in #908
- Stage update (#908) by @Adeodonne in #909
- Changed datestring max length to 100 instead of 50 by @KateYatsiuk in #901
- Update master (#901) by @Adeodonne in #933
- merge master into develop by @Oleh-Kril in #974
- Adding unit tests by @mykola-krai in #884
- fix swagger for stage by @Adeodonne in #993
- Fix integrated tests valerii by @ValDekh in #863
- Integration tests for Streetcode Update Controller by @ValDekh in #955
- Revert "Integration tests for Streetcode Update Controller" by @BohdanBybliv in #1019
- merge master to deve;op by @BohdanBybliv in #1020
- Update master by @BohdanBybliv in #1021
- Update 'Setup' section in README.md by @IvannYad in #1002
- Fixed seeding by @malyna2 in #872
- Changed job description length limit by @KateYatsiuk in #1006
- Fix sonarcloud 3 by @petrobubka in #970
- Update master by @Oleh-Kril in #1044
- Update develop by @Oleh-Kril in #1045
- Integration test cases Create Streetcode by @ValDekh in #975
- fix docker file by @Adeodonne in #1072
- test fix swagger by @Adeodonne in #1073
- revert swagger by @Adeodonne in #1074
- revert swagger by @Adeodonne in #1075
- fix swagger by @Adeodonne in #1087
- fix swagger by @Adeodonne in #1088
- trim query before getting from db by @Oleh-Kril in #1052
- Update master 22.01.2024 10 a.m by @Oleh-Kril in #1089
- optimize query by @Oleh-Kril in #1100
- adjust time from every minute from 3 to 4 am -> one time at 3 am by @Oleh-Kril in #1077
- Middleware Implementation by @wehfis in #323
- Update master 23.01.2024 6p.m by @Oleh-Kril in #1110
- Integration tests streetcode update by @ValDekh in #1048
- Hot max length fix by @KateYatsiuk in #1083
- Remove healthcheck urls by @Oleh-Kril in #1111
- Update master 31.01 11AM by @Oleh-Kril in #1131
- Fix flacky integration tests by @IvannYad in #1143
- Include integration tests in coverage by @IvannYad in #1119
- Add rate limit for email by @BohdanBybliv in #1166
- Merge 'develop' to 'master' on 20.02.2024 5.31PM by @IvannYad in #1174
- change gmail on stage by @BohdanBybliv in #1177
- update master '21.02.2024' 'update dockerfile' by @BohdanBybliv in #1179
- Feature/issue 1134/configure cors by @IvannYad in #1255
- Develop by @IvannYad in #1290
- Update appsettings.Production.json by @IvannYad in #1291
- add logger to the Email service by @BohdanBybliv in #1293
- Update appsettings.Production.json by @IvannYad in #1295
- change email by @BohdanBybliv in #1296
- Update appsettings.Production.json by @IvannYad in #1298
- feat: add logging to smtp client by @IvannYad in #1300
- Add: issue template, automation for updating iteration and closing is… by @yaakymiv in #1304
- Merge 'master' into develop by @IvannYad in #1311
- Feature/issue 1127 by @IvannYad in #1158
- Rewrite authorization by @IvannYad in #1063
- Develop by @IvannYad in #1316
- Update update-iteration.yml by @Lazy-Lenny in #1317
- Update README.md by @Lazy-Lenny in #1318
- Update update-iteration.yml by @Lazy-Lenny in #1322
- Feature/issue 977/news pagination back by @IvannYad in #1312
- Feature/issue 1128/nuke target for adding migrations by @IvannYad in #1192
- Revert "Feature/issue 1128/nuke target for adding migrations" by @IvannYad in #1353
- Feature/issue 1128/nuke target for adding migrations by @IvannYad in #1355
- issue 1306 by @NastiaVeret in #1352
- Implement custom gzip compressing by @Oleh-Kril in #1167
- Add new Jenkinsfile with versioning by @MaksymukNatalia in #1349
- Feature/888 remake build steps to jenkins file 2 by @MaksymukNatalia in #1369
- Feature/issue 1345 by @yaakymiv in #1384
- Refactor art gallery create and put by @Adeodonne in #826
- Update master by @Lazy-Lenny in #1366
- Feature/issue 1307 by @vasylashka in #1356
- Add pull new docker-compose file and fix error in Jenkinsfile by @MaksymukNatalia in #1391
- Develop by @vasylashka in #1398
- Change existing DTO in Create Handlers to Create DTO without id. Issue 1343 by @ValDekh in #1397
- Feature/issue 1205 by @vasylashka in #1387
- feature/issue-1364 by @vasylashka in #1380
- Issue 1117 by @NastiaVeret in #1383
- Issue 1123 by @NastiaVeret in #1392
- Feature/issue 1121 by @vasylashka in #1406
- feature/issue-1307 by @vasylashka in #1413
- Added validation to DTO by @Shossy in #1399
- added validation for DTOs by @Shossy in #1396
- Feature/issue 865 by @yaakymiv in #1412
- Feature/issue 1184/login captcha by @IvannYad in #1358
- issue-1149 by @NastiaVeret in #1359
- feat: added missing validation on UpdateNewsDTO by @Shossy in #1425
- Integration test fix by @Lazy-Lenny in #1431
- Fix sources put api issue 1378 valerii by @ValDekh in #1426
- change create dto by @vasylashka in #1423
- issue-1367 by @NastiaVeret in #1419
- Feature/issue 833 timeline context by @BapBap7 in #1394
- url validation by @NastiaVeret in #1438
- unique imageid in news by @NastiaVeret in #1442
- Api Sources method POST possible to create category without title issue 1346 valerii by @ValDekh in #1439
- Feature/issue 1434 by @yaakymiv in #1455
- Feature/issue 1434 by @Shossy in #1480
- 'minor' fix by @Lazy-Lenny in #1474
- sorted 10 last streetcodes in desc order, removed random shuffle by @Lazy-Lenny in #1473
- feat: fixed issue with imageDetails accepting empty data by @Shossy in #1497
- Add audio validation by @vasylashka in #1481
- Feature/issue 833 team position by @BapBap7 in #1451
- Feature/issue 1367 by @yaakymiv in #1484
- shuffle streetcodes by @Lazy-Lenny in #1489
- Feature/issue 1309 by @Lazy-Lenny in #1524
- Fix create update streetcode with unused, non-consecutive arts by @Lazy-Lenny in #1525
- Fix branch name in Jenkinsfile by @LanchevychMaxym in #1700
New Contributors
- @AleXLaeR made their first contribution in #10
- @Tatiana2424 made their first contribution in #11
- @PingvinAustr made their first contribution in #13
- @dimasster made their first contribution in #27
- @dimaln made their first contribution in #30
- @EyR1oN made their first contribution in #33
- @grygorenkod made their first contribution in #22
- @Katerix made their first contribution in #110
- @Tysyatsky made their first contribution in #105
- @Kotusyk made their first contribution in #106
- @Chynchenko made their first contribution in #112
- @NadiaKishchuk made their first contribution in #129
- @DanyilTerentiev made their first contribution in #155
- @MaksBrat made their first contribution in #157
- @LanchevychMaxym made their first contribution in #163
- @Lolimkeri made their first contribution in #170
- @Dobriyr made their first contribution in #174
- @ValDekh made their first contribution in #161
- @AndriiS1 made their first contribution in #264
- @KateYatsiuk made their first contribution in #267
- @FlaxyDev made their first contribution in #270
- @MariaPadalka made their first contribution in #273
- @wehfis made their first contribution in #266
- @IrynaZavushchak made their first contribution in #298
- @maximu211 made their first contribution in #311
- @AlexSkul made their first contribution in #271
- @saymolet made their first contribution in #618
- @Oleh-Kril made their first contribution in #679
- @mykola-krai made their first contribution in #722
- @malyna2 made their first contribution in #739
- @BohdanBybliv made their first contribution in #741
- @petrobubka made their first contribution in #751
- @yaakymiv made their first contribution in #1304
- @Lazy-Lenny made their first contribution in #1317
- @MaksymukNatalia made their first contribution in #1349
- @vasylashka made their first contribution in #1356
- @Shossy made their first contribution in #1399
- @BapBap7 made their first contribution in #1394
Full Changelog: https://github.com/ita-social-projects/StreetCode/commits/v1.0.0