React-Native 调试工具
- Command 自定义上下文
- 复制 cURL 至粘贴板
- 重新请求 URL
- 可视化 Response
- Log 等级分类
- 关键字过滤 Log / Network
- Command 历史记录
- 导出所有 Log / Network (ing...)
Install NodeJS and suggest >= 8.11.0
npm install 'react-native-vdebug'
import VDebug, { initTrace, setExternalContext } from 'react-native-vdebug';
// Before component Render, perform Proxy Console/Network (Optional)
// Context object when the command is executed (Optional)
setExternalContext('your context')
return <VDebug
// Expansion panel (Optional)
title:'your title',
component: your component
// Info panel (Optional)
info={{ obj: 'your object' }}